How do we make Scandinavians pagans again?

How do we make Scandinavians pagans again?

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Polytheism is shit tier theology.

We are already pagans. Promote positive paganism. Be pro pagan rather than anti Christian. Among Christians, promote Catholicism or Orthodoxy since they are paganised and will make for a smoother transition.

LARPagans are fedoras. Sweden is the most atheist country in the West. Behold, the beauty of LARPaganism!

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>Be pro pagan rather than anti Christian
We must kill every christcuck you fucking jew dog

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Yum, yum, hanged man cum.

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not real pagans

Replace the fedora with a viking helmet and science with "muh ancestors," and you have a modern day LARPagan.

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No, nigger. We don't play that game remember? If Christians can't call out fake Christians, LARPagans can't say any are not real LARPagans.

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LARPaganism is so progressive and in style!

No wonder the Left is flocking to it in droves.

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And you get to say cool edgy words like "CHRISTKEK" and say kike on a stick even more than you did when you wore a fedora.

So free-spirited. Truly the hippie movement of the 21st century.

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Scandis are mostly atheist commies, so they already are.

more muslims and less gun control

All of these are the same as those "christians" who choose to import niggers and muslims into their countries.
The may call themselves pagans or christians or whatever, but the fact is, they are just false followers, for their true religion is anti-whiteness.

Paganism is trash and christianity is only mocked because modern Christianity is everything but biblical, jews were punished for race mixing and most of the chapters of the old testament are relevant to that.

Read deutoronomy and leveticus, it's practically Jow Forums in a nutshell.

Yeah, I would rather save my foreskin.

The reason christianity is dying in Europe is because it wasn’t created by Europeans, so they feel no real spiritual connection to it. Only Orthodox and Catholic countries are still heavily christian because both are filled with European traditions.

If you are drawn to christianity it’s likely because you have some sort of non white admixture in your bloodline. The only place in the USA where christianity is still alive and well is the south, and that’s because the population has some negro admixture.

>believing in one god instead of more than one god
Get a load of this NPC


I believe in the God whose name is "I Am"

If you are not drawn to Christianity, you are Leftist.

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And you don't breed

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>Sweden is the most atheist country in the West.
Still majority Christian, just like your shithole and just look at it.

Christianity wasn’t created by northern europeans

The first non-jewish Christians were w*men and poorfags. That should tell you everything about your little religion of the lowest common denominator.

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neither was Norse paganism you dumb cunt.
It was created by brown haired brown eyed Indo-gypsies who are unironically related to Slavs and Asians.
Animism is the Western Man's religion

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I am fairly certain they were kings and nobles

>christianity? hahah that's stupid i'm going to worship this tree

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>jew origins

I would like to do a long form interview with Vary and his wife, but I'm worried I'd end up in a shallow grave.

just once I wish we could have a good and honest debate without shit flinging

Who cares

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What do you want to debate about, Kevin?

You can't. Catholicism is far more realistic.

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Disseminate what we know about the actual stories, practices and metaphysical beliefs of our ancestors (and where and how their beliefs formed) instead of goofy shallow christianized vikang worship.

The Norse had their own version of ki, Odin’s poem of advice is deeply Machiavellian long before Machiavelli and puts him in sharp contrast with his “friend of man” son Thor, they had complex legal and moral codes and their God’s were more like large people rather than being like the monstrous abrahamic deities. It’s all buried by pathetic fool larpers like “Varg” Vikernes who know nothing about their ancestors that aren’t empty stereotypes about Valhalla and blonde hair.

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the superiority of each religion, or whether or not religion is even nessecary or believeable in this day and age.

but I already know where your mind is, Kevin

More propaganda needs to be shown to northern Europeans of how fucked up Christianity will take you as a people by showing degeneracy in the USA.

There actually is stuff like this happening. In Iceland they're about to have built the first new pagan temple in 1000 years.

And I think there is a viking temple thing in Denmark as well, and asatru have part of a cemetery as well

>but I already know where your mind is, Kevin
>n-no u
And where would that be?

>le atheism is christian
Cringed and bluepilled

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Pagans are historically more susceptible to conversion to Islam.

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From your position of sandnigger religion acceptance, what's wrong with Islam?

have you heard their chanting?

Yes, and it's just as revolting as that ave maria and hallelujah shit.

I hope that qt on the left got refugee BBC

Can you find clips of that more annoying than these?


East New York

They do it 5 times per day.
Imagine waking up to this racket every day.

I prefer not being woken up outside of my own time at all, whether it's that shit singing or bells isn't that different in that regard.

I really like how you don't have any proper arguments against Islam besides "waah I don't like it". Should make you think.

Trolls aren't worth proper arguments.

>everyone I disagree with but can't argue against is a troll
How convenient

First we have to cure paganism from New-Age, SJW, liberal hippie ideology. Most modern "pagans" are worse than Christians in that regard.
Proper paganism should inherently tribal (fuck other nations and races, not MY problem), conservative (we have to carry on the heritage of our ancestors) and militant (we have to honour our ancestors with the glory of conquest).
Whether you "believe" any of ancient Nordic gods is completely irrelevant as long as you stand for your tribe, nation and homeland. These gods do not require beliefs or services - they are part of the vast immaterial fabric that binds individuals into society and gives reason to their existence.