Why is the western right anti-education?

It's one of the core tenets of both conservatism and nationalism.

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Education is for liberals.

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Because schools here are terrible, but cons think they will be better if we let (((corporations))) run them. My sister now has to buy my nieces’ text books at a charter school which is just as blacked as the public schools.

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We're pro-education when it isn't left wing indoctrination pretending to be education

>Westerners actually believe this

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Do you want to go to the same school that they teach niggers?

Private education allows for reactive market impact in the standards and decisions a school makes. This leads to innovation and a higher quality of education.

The right is against public education. The idea that, no matter how fucking horrible it is, it will still be funded by the state. We're against the idea that a standard can be so low that you can graduate without learning how to read

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Are you falseflagging, or are you actually this stupid?

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Are western teachers really that stupid, oppa?

Memeflag 1
> education is for liberals
Memeflag 2
>westerners believe this

You shill niggers arent even trying anymore. Fucking kikes are getting lazy, did you get a budget cut or something?

>It's one of the core tenets of both conservatism and nationalism.
This is what autists actually believe.

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Ask your nigga Hitler if he thought education was important.

>nationalists brought education to the commoners
>nationalists are anti-education

Y tho?

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No mention of the Korean War, Vietnam or the cold war, no mention of the great depression, the first or second world war, no mention of the wiemar republic. Its almost if they want them ignorant of historical events.

clearly, you're uneducated

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publishing date of Feminine Mystique will be on the test

we educate ourselves instead of falling prey to weaponized prussian brainwashing

watch John Gatto

It’s not anti-education, it’s a recognition that education needs to be seriously reformed. In part because the one size fits all model doesn’t work, and in part because the way western education works today it’s a glorified commie indoctrination machine

were against being "educated" by retarded feminist niggers that spent 100K to work at a 60K job

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Every fucking time.

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Education stopped being about teaching and started being about rehearsal. It's plain and simply better way to get good marks nowadays, in that case a person who didn't get through let's say university and instead read classics while working part time in macdonalds is probably more adept than majority of top-scoring students of classical literature... if you ask him to analyze it rather than tell him to pass an exam where he has to repeat interpretation this or that famous classical literature professor mafe. Of course higher education sort of works when it's basically job training like STEM or medicine, but humanities, which used to be the most prestigious field of study, believe me or not, are now worthless.

It's not education.

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Because western education was a slacker's joke to begin with (even private school) and has been subverted by fucking Communist faggots to become nothing more a leftwing brainwashing course. You'd a have to be a c.u.c.k. not homeschool your children in a western nation.

this, but unironically


Because commie faggots subverted academia in the West.

Are we talking about education or (((education))), because there is a difference.

This is not education ,this is commie brainwashing.

The anti-education right is a general slander to confuse the resistance against the current version of education in the West with education in general. "It is usually those who can't do that teach", meaning we actually have the least qualified people going into the field of education, the others go into fields of engineering and business. Er don't have a system to take old engineers and scientists into education, quite the opposite, we take the retards to teach the next generation. That's the issue

>What if he failed.

"Education" is mostly left-wing religious indoctrination

We aren't against education. We're against the public education systems we currently have in place

Education is very important. Its the liberal indoctrination we abhor.

Can confirm. School was the shittiest thing I've ever experienced ever in my life. Also I live in LA so I'm sure you can only imagine.


Higher education. University and such.

Why is the global left pro-indoctrination?

I am not sure about the bin Laden part. Surely you don't kill a good asset?

public education fail

>allows pupils
oh yeah there were bans on saying dey-dim-der before?
>some of (the six year olds) can't even use the toilet yet
They're retarded.

>arguing semantics as a correct answer for a math problem
This shit is why I couldn't stand school.