ESP32 (Arduino-like WiFi module)

>ESP32 (Arduino-like WiFi module)
>Powerbank / USB Charger
>Set SSID to "It's Okay to be White"
>Redirect connections to a iotbw.png
>Turn on at Universities, bars, et cetera

I'm willing to write the firmware if enough people are interested...

Actually, I'm gonna do it even if it's just me.

If you are in Sydney, scan for networks near UTS next week (waiting for the modules to arrive).

Attached: untitled.png (1000x1000, 946K)

Other urls found in this thread:

If you pull it off you're a hero

You can use these. They're like $11 wireless sd card readers but you can flash openwrt to them. Plug them into a hidden spot at Starbucks like the back of a POS

Attached: 41vkjQ9v5PL._AC_SY400_.jpg (281x400, 10K)

Even better if you make them into a piratebox with Anti Left wing memes and propaganda

Please explaine for an NPC pleb to whom Computers are to this day highly mysterious!

What an autistic thread.
Carry on.

Interested bump

Attached: 1539572415423.webm (426x240, 2.66M)

its to set up a wifi hotspot so people get triggered when they see its ok to be white

please do user

aw lads imagine doing that in china town and filling it full of White men fucking asian women porn.