Stopping school shootings

We have armed guards outside jewelry stores, but not elementary schools, what's up with that?

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What in the flying fuck is that

it's gay, that's what it is

What the fuck is this gay shit

all they need is pepper spray in a breakable glass box in case there is a shooter

Teachers used to be allowed to protect their students and school shootings were extremely rare. But then Senator Biden introduced the gun free school zones act and turned schools into soft targets.

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The mentally challenged will always make themselves targets

we need to have army recruiters come to high schools and teach kids about shooting and gun safety, have video game makers pay for the program

>Senator Biden
that fucking commie

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pretty sure those armed guards are symbolic, those places probably won't get insurance otherwise

i wouldn't expect one to stop a robbery let alone protect people

wow never thought that I'd ever actually root for the shooter.
Thanks for that OP

Is fortnite the one thing that stops kids from doing school shootings?
>Promotes teamwork and makes kids appreciate their friends
>Extremely addictive, they don't even think about depression
>Gives kids friends
>They're all rat kids, no more of that kid that sits on the back and plays weird games

For anyone asking, it's the end to the first, and hopefully final, season of The OA. And yes, it really is THAT fucking gay.

Is this the netflix adaptation of Naruto?

>don't shoot!
>I'm gay as fucking fuck

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Despite the trite rhetoric, children are not our future.

Because contrary to popular belief America is not a police state or Nazi Germany and many people are uncomfortable with the idea of soldiers patrolling the school halls and kids getting the impression of an authoritarian presence so early on, maybe troublemakers suddenly being hauled out of class by a commando in fatigues with a rifle slung over his shoulder, it might be hard to describe the restrictions to freedom imposed by governments in the past with some officers cold eyes surveying the room

you're joking but thats basically a line in scream 4. Really disappointing list of Halloween movies between nextflix and hulu this year guys

>guards dont protect people
Why hire them?

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What the literal actual literal fuck did I just watch?

People have an incentive to rob jewelry stores and banks, they don’t have an incentive to murder a school.

Yet they do why not protect the children?

>"nah it would be weird.. almost like nazi germany"
>gets shot maybe

It's called the OA which stands for Opened Anus

Lol to be honest if they did that in real life the gunman might just kill themself.

Without an incentive to do something, very few people will do it. While armed guards is certainly a disincentive to shoot up a school, there is an easier solution. Allow teachers to carry.

>guards posted
>ehh...too much like nazi Germany
>kids get massacred
>ahh much better


Teachers have enough to worry about. Hire people whose sole job it is to protect the people inside, why is that a problem?

>stores robbed a day vs schools shot up a day


If we did that then there would be even more school shootings. If I had a gun I'd open fire on all of those little bastards. Children are fucking assholes.

Fucking kek, that webm
You OK there America?

>shiny rocks and metals
>human lives

It costs money. I’m not that opposed to it mind you, but that’s the sole rational argument against it. It costs money, and it prevents (or attempts to prevent) an already incredibly rare occurrence that could just as easily be prevented by allowing teachers to carry (a solution that is substantially cheaper)

So what if it costs money? Everything costs money. Can you put a monetary value on the lives of these children? And if you can what is the cost benefit analysis of having guards vs. Not having guards

Quantify the value of human life. Is it worth so much that we should have around the clock national guard deployments to schools to protect them? Worth more than that, or less? Do we need SAM sites to prevent potential kamikaze plane strikes against our elementary schools? K-9 teams on duty 24/7 to sniff for bombs? Clear backpacks to prevent smuggling of weapons? What measures are reasonable and what are a bridge too far? And why should I, the American taxpayer, foot the bill? Ask yourself these questions, answer them, and then you should have quite a convincing argument for whatever measures you propose rather than an appeal to emotion.

Not much benefit, since school shootings aren’t a regular occurrence. And no, I can’t place a dollar sign on a human life. Can you? Is a billion in defense spending per child too much? Should we have a battalion of APCs stationed at each school to deter threats to them? Or should we just make baseless appeals to emotion and pretend that we are concerned over the safety of kids

Gold is important, kids are not.

A show that went full retard on netflix. "The OA"

I actually watched that show and this scene pissed me off so much because I knew I had wasted all of my time

So in your mind school shootings are as rare as kamikaze attacks on schools? Or is that just some hyperbole?

Losing just 15 lives will cost on average 3 million in future tax revenue. That's the average. With the average security guard rate, you could employ 7 guards for 13 years. Why would you not protect the future tax payers?

I did hereSo why not protect future tax payers? We do with the military? Why not with domestic threats, you could even subsidize it by having a permanent police officer or two on site, why wouldnt you?

New pastor at my church revamped security and there's an armed guard outside of every service.

Is he redpilled?

is he pro-war?

The Deep State doesn't gain anything from jewelry store robberies. They get talking points and less white people (you know the blacks and browns are probably skipping class/being homeschooled) from school shootings.

The hidden Jow Forums discord is NND8DfE we have over 5000 members and are growing.

It has to stay hidden or (((discord))) will shut it down. As far as discord knows its a Minecraft discord.

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Prove school shootings exist

Every single "school shooting" has no existing proof that it happened.

>what's up with that?
Citizens value money and precious gems more then they value children. It really is that simple. My kids are home schooled for this very reason.

>Prove school shootings exist
Tell me about how the security of schools is proper for the type of people who congregate there on a daily basis. Your statement is irrelevant within that context.

How common do you think school shooting are exactly? Now run the numbers on having at least one security guard per public school. How many lives would they have to save to justify their cost? And how can you be sure that they will even prevent school shootings? Be reasonable.

The children become the states property the moment they are on the camp grounds. Security is for the state not for those who unwilling occupy it. Government entities are not responsible for the safety of you or your children it has been written as such

Why get shot and killed in a school shooting when you can get shot and killed doing a gay dance and be remembered as a fucking idiot for all time

Teacher here. There is also this superficial bullying campaign that does nothing. Kids are still assholes to each they are just more secretive and subtle about it. We need to teach kids empathy from an early age. Going in a classroom and telling kids not to bully does nothing.

In fact, it makes kids more narcissistic. Every child today screams bully over anything. Kids are not being prepared for the real world and real life bullies.

You literally have no argument as to why we shouldn’t allow teachers to carry. All you’ve done is say “they have enough to worry about,” which is ridiculous because they would have less to worry about if they knew for certain that the could protect their students from danger instead of sitting their with nothing but their limp dicks in their hands. You would accomplish your goal of saving the average taxpayer and wouldn’t have to spend a dime. Why is that not a desirable solution? Or would you rather us spend 3 million in protection per 15 students domestically? And what’s the average future tax revenue from schools in predominantly African American districts? Really makes me think, so they deserve less protection? They must, since you have gone ahead and quantified the value of life.


You mean the gaps in between them? I agree. If we could pick up the numbers to at least a 10+ body count shooting daily or hourly... we might be doing our part to make violence equality with the 3rd world a reality. #stopprivilege

There are plenty of public schools with armed guards. They're also 99% black.

Guns aren't legally prohibited from jewelery stores.

>Government entities are not responsible for the safety of you or your children it has been written as such
I pay taxes, and the government works for me. They fight the concept of protecting our schools by pretending their hands are tied. I pay taxes. This is what most sheep don't understand, and you sound like one yourself. As I said, I have kids, and they are homeschooled because of this. They outright fight the idea of hardening the school because they are worried about "optics". "kids don't feel comfortable....." bla bla bla bullshit. If we protect our banks and airports better then an elementary school, there is something wrong. That parents fight this concept only tells me that they would rather make sure their money is safer than their own kids. I have no problem calling them out on this.
Really makes you think.

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Do you consider no school shooting in the lifetime as a guard as saving lives? Because I do. Which would mean thousands of lives saved, which would mean millions if not billions in tax revenue.
If you subsidize teachers to carry (cover cost of classes. And maybe half of the cost of the weapon) then sure I'm ok with that. I am ok with teachers carrying, I just feel having an impartial guard (one that there only job is protecting the children) in place would lead to less conflict and budget negotiations down the line. And african american schools already have guards, ever notice it's the white schools that get shot up?

What good are guards if the guards work for the sheriff and they know the sheriff is one doing the shooting since they called the sheriff to say the patsy showed up.

You sound very much like a sheep, you don't "pay" taxes the Government doesn't work for you. The government takes your money with or without your consent and enforces laws with or without your consent, with ordinances that are passes or vetoed without your input. You are a sheep who probably supports going to war for Israel. I hope for the sake of your kids you aren't using the same curriculum and propaganda schools have.

>do you consider no school shootings within the lifetime of a guard as lives saved
No. That would be absurd. Millions of children make it through the public education system with no guard and don’t get shot, so how in the fuck do you justify paying for a guard when you get the same result for free?

I know you are a fucktard now 100% confirmed. Once you fall back into talking about the kikes I know you need to get outside into the real world. You don't have a fucking clue, and I am sorry Interacted with you in the first place. You are confirmed a sheep. Keep being small minded. We need people like you to sew t-shirts together at the factory.

The DNC doesn't want you to protect your kids.
They would rather take away your rights instead.

Fair enough. I guess let's arm the teachers and let god sort it out.

>no mention of Jews in my post simply a nation
>cognitive dissonance activated
>I am sorry I 'interacted' with you

Hello NPC

You've never heard of a student resource officer...? When I was in school there was always like two fully armed officers on campus.

We do have armed guards for schools, they're called School Resource Officers and they are police officers that are assigned to that school.

Of course, sometimes they don't do their job; like the Parkland shooting.

This shit can only succeed in fiction. In a real scenario those 4 would have been gunned down the moment they stood up. Hell even after the steven segal chef tackled the shooter the gun went off and didn't hit anyone? Really?

I don’t care either way honestly. But if you can convince enough tax payers that armed guards ain’t so bad then I’m sure the politicians will follow, so long as it doesn’t hurt the pocketbook too much.

>tfw you have to build bunkers and station armed guards at your school to stop kids from getting shot
This doesn't even happen in 3rd world shitholes.

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It costs nothing to allow teachers to exercise their constitutionally protected right.