Welcome to sexual revolution thread (hopefully soon to be /srg/
Key notes of the thread. -The role of the woman will be replaced, as they are a threat to society and will eventually lose their ability to contribute to society -Artificial wombs will not only be safer for child birth, but you can engineer your children safer from the start too. Artificial wombs wont get drunk or do drugs and risk your children to exposure, nor will they fall victim to car wrecks. It's just safer with artificial wombs -Sex bots will eventually be able to take care of you on top of providing you with hours of sex.
youtube.com/watch?v=kS746z41Mw4 The perfect Jow Forums society. -Women are only used for breeding -generally untrusting of outsiders -pro genetic technology
Their sole "obligation" being competing for the biggest dick and best provider (doesn't have to be the same person). Buuuut, then they find themselves replaced by a 100% risk free option. >only desperate smol dicks to ride >no monies for nothing >ROBOWAIFUS ARE DEGENERATE YOU FUCKING INCELS REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Benjamin Peterson
>jews create sexbots >all your babies come out with nigger DNA You should learn to live independently or the jews will always get you.