>Elizabeth Warren's great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, grandmother was a native american >Elizabeth Warren got her higher education paid for and articles lauding her as a hero because one out of thousands of her ancestors took a hot load from a white man three hundred years ago This is fucking amazing. All of you need to take a moment and realize what the left has unknowingly done. They have claimed that even if someone is 1/1024 native american that makes them UNEQUIVOCALLY native american. In other words:
They have embrace the drop of blood argument. In their stupidity the entire left wing mainstream media and their politicians have embraced white purity and gone full Jow Forums. You are only white if you are 100% white. Have one ancestor before the country was even founded that was black? Not white. Are you hispanic? Nope, not white. It's impossible. Overnight the left has labeled the entirety of the latin american population as not white. Because they are all mixed with natives at least once in the last few centuries.
I made a mashup up of Trump's talk about Grant and Lee with Ken Burn's Civil War documentary to try and give a little context. "Yesterday's news" I know, but how is it? Time is only 2:20 to fit on twitter.