Without boring you with the details, I just found out that my fiancé cheated on me with his ex-girlfriend. We were slated to marry in a couple months. I’m slim, attractive, a good cook, tidy and wholly faithful. I was a good woman to him, and his friends would often tell him how lucky he was and how he didn’t deserve me. Question for all you neo-trad right wing f4ggots: why is it that you all complain that you can’t find a right wing girlfriend, but then when you find one you treat her like dogshit? Honest question.
Without boring you with the details, I just found out that my fiancé cheated on me with his ex-girlfriend...
we are not one in 3D.
Jow Forums basics
>Who we are against.
>What we do. What we want.
White supremacist,Nazi,Alt-right among others are just labels given to those who speaks for white people and to those whites who want to preserve their culture,heritage & identity. So situation is like -Die or be the "bad guy"
Because I don`t think that any of us truly want a girlfriend.
>I have a shit taste in men and cannot tell the difference between them why are you guys wrong?
Great post friend.
There is always desire to be something more within human. Usually it manifest itself through materialistic ways, sexual ways, through drugs or parenthood example. It is endless chasing, rat-race that leads nowhere but keeps you busy through own creation that people calls as life.
We can't remember our time as toddlers because we didn't exist in that time. We had no identity. Only when years has gone while we gathered data from our environment we created identity. When we have our identity, we decide what matters to us. Then we experience impulsive feelings when things didn't go as we wanted.
We are piece of life that creates own image and plays it (Genesis 1:27 So God created man in His own image). We get so tangled to our own creation that it can kill us and bring us into hell. We think that something or someone causes our misery even when we alone create everything within.
We have all this mysterious desire to do something, be something more. It usually manifest itself through sexual ways, materialistic ways, through parenthood, dating, drugs, games, food, alcohol.. you name it. Through that it leads nowhere, it keeps us happy for a moment and then we need more. So where we are now? We are piece of life that want to experience bigger part of it. Through physical ways it finds not that part and when that need to expand finds no expression we create this pain within. So what to do? This is what meditation is all about. We wan't to think nothing, be nothing because that is just the data we gathered from the physical and created self from it. When we learn to be still, just be as piece of life, something start to happen that seems to expand you into everywhere. It seems to that consciousness, awareness is the basic that exist and everything else is manifest of it.
What (((they))) wan't is to bind us more and more into physical, sins, into that rat-race i wrote about above, so that we wouldn't learn or even think about this.
You may not be trash, but your taste in men is...
imagine LARPing as a trad roastie
Based on your post you sound like a retard. You picked your boyfriend, not us, did ya stop to think the problem is you?
Surprise, literally everyone is a hypocrite, everyone lies, everyone cheats. Either accept that everyone around you is exactly as much of a piece of shit as you know you truly are deep down, or commit to your hypocrisy by believing that you are the only decent person around.
Lie to everyone else, by all means, but at least respect yourself enough not to lie to her.
A traditional woman is made for a traditional man. His friends saying “you don’t deserve her” was clearly a red flag since they know what kinda person he is