Fucking savage. Which one of you did this?
Fucking savage. Which one of you did this?
Other urls found in this thread:
Dumb fucking racist. Go back to /b/.
probably you
Geezus, my 100yrs old great gramps looks more girly than that nigger
Why can't niggers swim?
Kek. Don Lemon btfo
lmao nigger btfo
blacks cant swim and dogs hate them
Ancient repost. Prob some faggot on TD that just saw the old post.
Denser bones, and negative buoyancy. This is why there are hardly any Blacks in the Navy Seals.
>kanye is what happens when negros don't read
well, your sister is what happens when negros don't learn to swim
No idea people pretend its because they are poor but that is bullshit. My grandma mother came from the south and was from a dirt poor farming family. Told me she had no problem learning to swim. They had a swimming hole pretty much a ditch they dug that filled with water naturally when it rained. They sealed wooden buckets and strapped one to each arm to use as floats and then just tossed her in while her older siblings watched ready to save her if needed.
Best guess would be culture? People who dont swim dont teach their kids to swim? Do black people in Europe swim?
twisted fucking psychopath
Fucking kek lmfao
Don't comment if you're unaware of the context, retard.
It was funny once. Twice? Fucking idiot. Does he have a whole series of the same damn joke?
It's not culture, it's genetics. Denser bones, more muscle, less buoyancy.
this is what happens when negros can't swim
well she was an idiot because she should of known blacks cant swim. but she was a stupid nigger too so it's not like you can expect her to know that anyways.
>It's not culture, it's genetics. Denser bones, more muscle, less buoyancy.
that's not why. I failed swimming lessons for years because one of the dumbass things was you had to float on your back, and I'd go under. I eventually taught myself the side stroke and elementary back stroke and can swim all day, but still cannot float on my back.
It HELPS tremendously if you float, but it's not required.
This joke isn’t even racist
I usually don't participate in these threads, but this was pretty good.
This is a fucked up joke. Imagine someone else making fun of one of your dead family members that died tragically. I would kill anyone who did that to me
What the fuck are you even doing here!?
Was she queer also?
This is 2018. Reporters posting tweets on Jow Forums expecting a reaction to (((expose))) how racist Jow Forums is. Jow Forums was always racist, if you really want to find some juicy shit go to /b/; bless your heart after a few minutes.
Even white babies know how to swim. How can niggers even compete?
>i would kill someone for saying mean words to me
lol loser
>if you really want to find some juicy shit go to /b/; bless your heart after a few minutes.
a few years ago /b/ changed from being interesting threads and some garbage and some porn to being lots of porn and some garbage. I have not seen an interesting thread there in years, but granted I can't stomach even looking more than once a month or so.
and I didn't "grow up"; I am literally older than your dad, with 99% metaphysical certainty.
Niggers fear water
Why do you think niggers never explored the seas before stealing the technology from whites?
You're in denial. 70% of US Blacks can't swim. There are hardly any Blacks in the Navy Seals.
Because of genetics.
Well, they couldn't invent sea faring ships.
Don Lemon is racist. Reap what you sow
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck hahahahahahahahah pure bantz
>they can't swim
>rising sea levels
Stop repeating retarded shit. Rural niggers know how to swim as well as rural whites. Lack of access to training and lack of funds both to do it and to earn money from it are why.
>Fucking savage. Which one of you did this?
I have lightly touched on that subject on twitter, but this is brutal as fuck, and a good laugh.
Seriously, how is it the West was able to create huge ships to carry hundreds of people across the globe while others were still using canoes or didn't even try.
I mean surely other countries would have liberated others if they had the same resources.
>Lack of access to training and lack of funds
Are you insinuating that rural niggers have better funds and training? What the fuck drugs are you doing too much of?
I hate Don Lemom and Cuomo the most, good banter, fuck him and far left CNN.
Get out of South Africa you cancerous pustule.
>Imagine someone else making fun of one of your dead family members that died tragically.
Like that time Don Lemon suggested that Kanye's mother is "rolling in her grave" over the way he is acting...A day after stating that his problem was his illiteracy?
I will call it fair.
niggers are genetically unable to swim
>Denser bones, and negative buoyancy
Wouldn't their massive obesity rate make up for that? I'm pretty sure most black women can be used as flotation devices in an emergency.
>Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh Facts Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh
The sister is just Don Lemon with a rope on his head
alot of blacks are my patients and I asked a few of them this, the simple answer is they are afraid of drowning. the Irony of course is that if you learn to swim you wont drown. but that is the answer
>rural niggers know how to swim just as much as rural whites
Annnnd they're affraid of drowning, because they're not genetically designed to swim.
There actually are differences among the races.
Why is this concept so hard to come to terms with?
Nigs in the caribbean can swim fine
thank god the best black bois are working together with the white man to eradicate cunts like you.
Make South Africa Great Again
Is racist meant as an insult?
Is that because the ones who cannot didnt survive? Were they filtered?
Didn't know living in concrete jungles with no access to pools or swimming areas counted as genetics. Blacks can't swim because blacks don't learn how to
t. Ocean Rescue here
They are referred to as RockFish for a reason. They get in the water and they sink like rocks.
Ask ANY lifeguard on either coast in America if the RockFish are biting...and you'll have an instant compadre.
Concrete jungles have community pools and rivers.
Blacks dont swim even with access.
No, no they can't.
there is some kind of genetic and scientific studies about it but to be honest, I just think they just don't give a fuck.
Swimming is a skill, and most of the time (if you don't live close to masses of water) you have to pay for it. So, you have to pay for a skill that most of the time you are not going to use, most people don't give a fuck.
Now add to that list being poor, uneducated, lazy and you have your answer. I learned to swim thanks to my uncle and I took classes (only some weeks) and I learned at least to float and very basic swimming.
Blacks along the coast, next to rivers, creeks and streams, magically can't swim either.
Holy shit you guys are stubborn as fuck.
So what the author is saying is none of these black people would have jobs if not for the white """colonialists"""
Same reason they don't play hockey, you need a father to teach you how to do it.
His sister looked like a man
This why does everyone ignore reality. Black dont seem to swim anywhere. Even right next to water.
>the simple answer is they are afraid of drowning.
Blacks are very childlike in many of their fears and superstitions. It's kind of like how they chimp out when they see a magic trick. And let's not forget that classic footage of the leprechaun siting in the hood.
Most Blacks females look like Trannies. My guess is the high testosterone, and lack of sexual dimorphism.
>Paying to learn to swim
Nigger your mom throwing your stupid ass in the water and forcing you to figure it out yourself costs nothing. It takes a kid a whole day or two to learn how to swim without floats. If it took you longer than I'm sorry.
Cringe and evilpilled desu
nah, I don't want to be charged with attempt of murder. I think I will just pay for my kids lessons, I have the money and it will be cheaper.
>they can't steal swimming lessons
good point
>Attempted murder
Get off your lazy ass and take your kid to a swimming pool, it's fucking easy. If your kid sinks you just pull them up out of the water.
I was able to float on my back.
goddamn bait but ill bite,
>what is a beach/pond/creek
but keep claiming you leftkuks aren't racist, next thing you know you guys are freaking out about water,milk, and now bananas around blacks...
Pretty sure anyone that drowns makes a more effective anchor than Don Lemon. . . Eat a dick, you leftist cuck.
>metaphysical certainty
Hey @donlemonparty
Anchors away, amirite?
Hey @donlemonparty
Your sister sank like a fucking anchor. You are an anchor. That means she sank like you.
wtf I love the Navy SEALs now
Special Forces are the domain of the White man.
Good to know right user?
there was no mention of race in his comment
/b/ told us to come here
Didn’t read the thread but can we all agree that niggers need to be killed?
I will say one thing in their favor (remember this day)
It takes fucking balls for someoen who can't swim to get onto that piece of shit and start out across the mediterranean.
>or they're dumb as fuck
>or they have an inside scoop from soros on coastguard whereabouts
Max par user, Is maith lion tú
B-but profesor goldstein told us black dont crack!
Oh yeah because Michael Phelps has brittle bones and lots of body fat to help him swim
drowning is a pretty bad way to go
In your reality, do genetic differences between the races exist?
it's better than being a nigger
Thank God I found you guys I've been looking for you since we were told to get out of /v/
Better die drowning than living as a brownie?
She's prob been on the juice that looks like HGH