Let's face it, the United States needs strict gun control. Every single day people die from gun violence in the U.S. Mass shootings happen all the time but every day there are people who fall victim to gun violence in some way. Simple put, NO ONE should be able to own assault rifles.
When the Second Amendment was written in 1776, all they had were muskets. They did not have AR-15s or anything like that. The few guns that were "advanced" that gun advocates like to point out are irrelevant because they were so rare and obscure the founders would not have had any knowledge of them anyway. On top of that, we no longer have a "militia" in this nation. It has been replaced with the military, so the idea that all of the people are part of a militia is a complete joke. There is simply no way the founding fathers would have been alright with the violence we see in our nation to day.
Let's not forget that our nation's laws constantly evolve. Hell, people used to be able to own slaves and women were not allowed to vote. Both are unfathomable by today's standards and there's no reason the same cannot be true for gun control. You want to see tyranny? Just look at the NRA and gun owners. They enable mass shootings to happen so that they can instill fear in the population in order to protect their mentally ill obsession with guns.
The time has come for something to be done. Ban them. Confiscate them. And get it done NOW. The UK and Australia have led the way, and provided a good example for us. All we need to do is listen.