Monster Energy

Hey Jow Forums,

whats your problem with this drink? (besides the 666 jew conspiracy)

Attached: monster_drinks.0.jpg (1520x1013, 337K)

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i was very addicted to the white one long before it was a meme so i think there is something to the meme, it's not just random


delet this
Mexican flavor Full Throttle is top sip

Attached: full_throttle_blue_agave001.jpg (640x417, 157K)

the diet full throttle actually tastes better but i can't seem to find it anymore

google everything thats inside
nothing really bad
nothing really good

because of the high caffeine plus other stimulant content in the drink, you dense cunt.

I didn't even know it existed, huh.

Too sugary, tastes like shit, makes my heart feel weird

Hello everyone. This is running on empty... foooooood review. I am your host, the report of the week.

Attached: b4xx1hdabvg11.jpg (480x360, 16K)