Left Wing Can’t Meme?


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>Left Wing Can’t Meme

Using wojak is like using the donkey you just can't

>every time its just a No U
>but changed the colour and added a CalArts style angry mouth this time

wow nice touch, I’ll just continue kicking back in my cozy cot in your head, rent-free and 24/7 offourse.


>Jow Forums is one person
the reason the left can't meme is because the left can't into honesty. If they were honest about us they'd probably be us.

>literally just reversing our memes, saying no u, still takes them weeks to figure out how to do it
The Left has no creative spark

Attached: esoterism.png (677x846, 116K)

This proves it, they cannot meme

>the left is getting blown out by leafs


>Not funny
>Piggybacks off a right wing meme

Yup that's about as shit as leftie memes get

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on point

>team godtard getting moist about its honesty
If you were honest you would admit that your magic invisible floating faggot in the sky is fake.

Attached: 91A64DE4-0F13-43F5-AC01-D1520AC39002.png (645x729, 40K)

And good job of posting proof that the left cant meme. This is a great example!

To anyone who was convinced that pol is an echo-chamber before, is probably certain after these posts.

NPC's don't have a soul so I suppose its irrelevant as far as you're concerned

>they didn't agree with me

Yes this describes pol

Here, I'll spell it out: when you can post what you want and nothing gets voted away and mods can't delete anything on topic (for very long) you can't have an echo chamber. Now go back to your echo chamber.

Unfortunately you subjective opinions don't reflect reality.
Go study conformity bias and come back

>look ma I made a "no u" thread again

It's not an echo chamber if we're echoing the facts, Parker.

Using our memes lmao

Sorry npc, you don't understand that this isn't an echo chamber but, that's alright. Nobody expected you to get it.

If you can actually argue your points than do so. I never see lefties here do that, they just cry about how everyone attacks them and ignore the legit arguments that crush their pathetic ones.

Most Canadians hate the left now. Thank Trudeau for it. Leftist have banned my amazing SVD.

WHY? Why do they care?

Attached: BOY.jpg (444x1024, 71K)

What level of irony are on you rn?

Why do they keep taking the meme seriously? The only reason that it's taking off so fast is because people with actual NPC-like qualities get hilariously, viscerally angry at it.


Attached: 0303BDED-B96E-4FC4-BCB7-8578C88A162A.png (800x729, 48K)

this isn't Jow Forumsthe_zionald, either stop typing like a faggot or go back.


As if pol actually cares. It's not reddit.

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this isn't a closed circuit space, commies, nazis, libertarians, and every other person on the political spectrum are completely free to post here and will not have their posts deleted nor will they be banned
the vocal majority of a place having similar opinions does not make it an echo chamber. case and point: you. there are so fucking many like you, many who claim the exact same things you're claiming right now, but I guess since more than one person disagreed with your opinion, we don't allow dissenting opinions here

I disagree with the left being unable to meme
it's just a regional thing
in my country the left is the one capable of making quality memes while the right makes memes even worst than the north american/european left if they make any at all
even with pinochet on the side of the right they are unable to do anything

kys nigger

>every time its just a No U

Yeah, I thought the left was full of artists poets n shiet but they’re boring as fuck and have no creative spirit when in comes to sub internet culture it’s kinda weird desu.

I think some of those stupid counter memes are actually strawmans created by Jow Forumstards but maybe I’m being paranoid and leftists are just niggers.

Weird, pinochet is a good source of inspiration. In France it’s the same than in US only the far right is funny and pertinent on internet, the left is cringy and boring as fuck.

Damn, hope you're right; Every frogbro I see on Jow Forums is miserable and depressed as fuck.

Seeing France go all Napoleon on Europe would be even better than seeing Germany go full 1488.

Attached: French Pep.jpg (620x349, 34K)

Projection, typical NPC response.

Chilean left wing memes are shit and there are no right wing memes

>Damn, hope you're right; Every frogbro I see on Jow Forums is miserable and depressed as fuck.

I feel the same thing about krauts. I don’t think the fire will start from one European country and then spread to the others. I think it will be generalized, there are more brown people everyday in Europe but there are also more pissed off white people everyday.

Your flag is a dyslexic Texas flag, of course you can't meme.

>low energy wojack outsmarting anyone
unrealistic, and then everyone clapped.

Attached: Jebangelion.png (500x729, 166K)

decent meme


I feel bad the left can't use beautiful Polish memes.

Where is the meme in this picture?
Fuck off faggot