I wonder what Stephen King did to Drew Barrymore?

Attached: 96a3865786acd9fe5b2c58ddf813189d.jpg (600x846, 70K)

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And to Heather O'rourke with his buddy Spielberg?

Attached: db245ee3e92e3dfb1de484ee46128c65--poltergeist-steven-spielberg.jpg (236x400, 20K)

Attached: mvqdbm77dae01.jpg (553x558, 47K)

notice it's white people who obsess over pedophile conspiracies? is it projection because white people are the worst sex offenders?

I wonder why he is going full crazy 24/7 against trump on twitter since 2016

nice try we all know blacks are highest percentage in homosexuals pedophilia and zoophilia and they are all related. slippery slope is real my friend

might want to go take a look at those FBI stats kiddo, whites are pedophiles and perverts

worst sex offenders in majority white countries? whoa what a shock

and please don't act like you don't know the % of child marriages in africa or the middle east

raped her with smelly, dry jew fingers