Explain it to me Pol im a New Fag
What the fuck is cultural marxism?
"I don't like books but I can't write books that I would actually like so I'm going to call them all jewish."
It's just leftism applied to the culture sphere instead of the economic sphere
Originally Marxism was focused mainly on economics but some of the left gave up on that. Now they focus on cultural issues and identity politics especially race and gender.
Workers culture, like in the USSR and NK.
What people wrongly call "cultural marxism" is actually cultural liberalism, since that is the ideology that seeks to deconstruct all group identity because only the individual matters.
Google Derrida
this, but replace jewish with problematic and books with civilization
"Cultural Marxism" is what you get when you try to staple Marxism to anti-white bullshit and radfem bullshit. It looks like shit because it is shit.
People on Jow Forums will often claim that cultural Marxism comes from Marx himself. In reality, Karl Marx didn't invent it.
Read the Communist Manifesto if you don't believe me. Karl Marx never said "... oh, and by the way, white men need to hate themselves." Marx was purely an economist. It's not his fault that his modern fanbase is a bunch of anti-white faggots.
Murder. It's murder and they murder their early supporters too.
The SJW types are screeching for their own future enslavement and suffering.
Read The Gulag Archipelago
Book by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
You are only partially right.
There are actual cultural Marxists out there, but they are generally people who have never read anything by Marx, or have butchered Marx's writing by looking too far into it and trying to find hidden meanings and implications.
If you want to find out what Marx actually believed, read the Communist Manifesto literally. It was meant to be read literally. It doesn't contain any coded SJW messages.
The right-wingers who complain about "cultural Marxism" are generally people who have never read Marx and instead judge him based on the actions of his fanbase. I try not to use the term "cultural Marxism" too much because I don't think that SJWs deserve that much credit. I don't want to give the term "cultural Marxism" any legitimacy.