Meditation is nothing more than the intentional silencing of one’s own internal monologue

>meditation is nothing more than the intentional silencing of one’s own internal monologue

Attached: 96F1E302-B19B-4E66-9399-4257DF54781F.jpg (1120x700, 115K)

it's for crazy people that can't live with their own thoughts.

That's the way yuppie leftist """spiritual""" thots do it

Actual meditiation improves your ability to focus and work towards goals, and improves your emotional stability.

You are both right and have incomplete views.

It definitely is exactly as you described. Have you tried it?

For me, its extremely hard to completely silence the inner voice. Nearly impossible. Meditation is a very difficult skill to master

Buddhism is also a lie to sell communism.

>Buddha was all about the middle way you guys
>it’s all about balance!
>that’s why you have to completely get rid of the self/ego and all aspects of it!
>nope there’s no middle ground on this issue, bud, GET RID OF IT!

And that’s how you end up with communal sheep.

This guy gets it, literally hating on the most alpha redpilled thing any human can do ever is fucking 2017 and not 2018

its about controlling your thoughts dumbass. just because you have a constant monologue does not mean you are thinking about anything productive.

Thots and prayers.

Purposefully, by people with an internal monologue in order to being temporary peace of mind that extends through the day

Yea I was always suspicious of people who meditate and silence their inner monologue, it seems like it's some kind of commie strategy to get straight edge people pacified.

There's two types of meditation: Eastern, and western.

Eastern: Empty the mind
Western: Focus the mind on a specific subject

Eastern meditation is dangerous because if done properly it makes the practitioner spiritually vulnerable, whereas western meditation has the opposite affect, depending on what you're meditating on.

Oh look at the disconnected, kike worshiping boomer

There's something very wrong with meditation. I don't feel like it's natural for humans to just sit at one place and disregard their environment for a long period of time.

So how do enlightened yogi masters do it? Does it improve focus by making you bored to death? My emotional stability is perfect and that doesn't interest me.

This is all level 1 basic normie tier meditation. Real meditation puts one into a state of 'hyper -focus.'

I learned to breathe through my belly and consciously relax a lot of muscles in my torso. After that it’s bollocks

Meditation is (temporarily) freeing yourself of the constant assault of impressions of the senses. Allowing your mind to focus (on not focussing) and thereby achieving greater clarity about the Self.

Attached: St.-Jerome-In-His-Study.jpg (483x392, 60K)

You joking or actually retarded? Calming your inner monologue by emptying the mind or focusing intensely on one thing gives prolonged heightened ability throughout the day. What's the point of having a inner monologue if you have as much control over it as an Adhd autist? people need time to relax and you can choose something beneficial like meditation and should if need be, over watching mindless tv

Interesting theory you have there, which completely misses all the usual 'it was the Jooze' drivel that is normal when talking about Communism here.
Here's another theory: Jesus was an educated man, his Eleventh Commandment was stolen from Hillel, he travelled to India and returned with Buddhism re-branded for the illiterate, short attention span crowd of his time. The image of the Christ crucified is the zero-option suffering of the soul crucified on the ego.
TLDR you're an angry dumbo.
Fun Fact: not everybody is troubled by an internal monologue and not everybody thinks in terms of conversations.

meditation is about extreme concentration you fucking retard LOL

this "make your mind blank" bullshit is the product of some retard

I always thought the point of meditation was to block all external forces and only focus on your internal voice, so you can reflect and reason with yourself.
Have I been doing it wrong?

Obviously people think non verbally, I assumed most people think in a variety of different ways, that doesn't change my point

> The Jewish roots of mindfulness

Every. Single. Time.

Attached: Screenshot_2018-10-16 The Jewish Roots of Mindfulness.png (876x4681, 1.1M)

Close, but no cigar. Jesus was indeed a learned man but he didn’t travel to India, he travelled to Egypt, where many Brahmins and Magi were also going at the time to learn from Hermes Trismegistrus (or the hermetic masters carrying on his teachings). Jesus used his newfound of the hermetic principles to bring about a change in his lands, and was crucified for it. The thing is, what Jesus teaches aren’t the Hermetic Principles. They are his own philosophy that utilize the hermetic principles to amplify and manifest themselves. But the problem with Jesus (much like many jews) is that he needed glory and attention. He needed to become a martyr. He also had his apostles codify his words so that he would always be known forever and also had to preach to others. In short, Jesus was an attention whore. And that’s why he ain’t my nigga.

Hermes Trismegistrus on the other hand, he’s cool.

>american education
Mediation is being mindfull of your body's and mind's activities

The main point is heightened awareness. Less distraction from thoughts, noticing more things inside and out. It's not the same thing as being an npc.

The way I do it is by sitting down and focusing on each of my five senses in a circle

1. What do I see? Really LOOK at it, the whole point of each of these steps is absorb yourself in the experience and the sensation to the exclusion of other stimuli

2. What do I smell?
3. What are the sensations in my body?
4. What can I hear?
5. What do I taste in my mouth?

It's literally unimportant WHAT you're focusing on, it's the practice itself. Everytime your mind wanders to something else and you become aware, don't try to follow the thoughts, don't think about how boring it is, whatever. Thise are also just distactory thoughts. Bring your attention back to the subject. Lots of people use the breath.

the only benefit of meditation i've ever noticed is when i'm stressed or overwhelmed on the job, then take 5 minutes and just think about nothing to ground myselves and go back to action. like a musician tuning his mind for performance. above 5 mintutes or once you're focused, meditation is masturbation or self-hypnosis.

if your instrument is tuned, play it.

You know that the Prodigal Son parable is copied from Buddha in a large part, right?

The best, simplest way to put it is that meditation is the practice of becoming aware of, and existing in, the space between input and output. Between experience and thoughts, between sensation and perception.