Being a leftwinger is fucking boring

>always get called sexist or racist by these blue check mark faggots who pretend they are on my side
>right wingers make all the funny memes
>modern tv and movies are such blatant propaganda attempts
>go out to clubs with friends and drink till i black out because of how fucking boring all the clubs my friends take me to are
>drugs are way too expensive and i had to quit weed because it was a wallet drain
>commies keep trying to subvert left wing social media hubs
>all my peers are such fucking snowflakes that controversial jokes have a 50/50 chance of making them laugh or making them upset at me
>only conservatives in my life enjoy my hobbies like fishing and anime and rifling
>none of our candidates are funny like republican candidates
>all my favorite places to go for politics hate me and their opinions bug the shit out of me
>cant stop coming back though
you right wingers dont know how good you have it

Attached: 1c7ld6.jpg (300x168, 10K)

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Never too late to switch sides before the round up begins

>Oh yeah, remember how Jow Forums is my personal Tumblr blog where I get to LARP as a left winger who has found this board, knows how to use it, and hasn’t blown out its brain yet because of the sheer amount of non politically correct shit here

and become a republicunt? no thanks

Right is the new punk, heavy metal, folk, synth etc

who listens to any of those genres anymore?

t. fortnite OST pro

if you look up most right memes you find hundreds of people uploading really cool music.
I spent all last night listening to trump pepe frog peoples chill music.

link me some

so you can take them down? no.