>NGUYEN has overtaken Smith this year as the most popular surname of students sitting the HSC.
>There are 548 Nguyens compared to 494 last year, and 478 Smiths this year, dropping from 505 sitting last year’s exams.
>It is the first time Nguyen has been the most common surname since authorities began publishing the most common names of students sitting the exam in 2010.

Now that the zipperheads are in the majority, the West better learn how to pronounce their gook-talk names correctly:

Attached: nguyen.jpg (1200x770, 112K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: 7870.png (362x364, 324K)

Russell Crowe was right all along.

>ITT westerners having no idea of asian surnames
fuck you whiteys for having inconsistent surnames

I want to visit her downunder.

>UK: Death by Mudslime
>US: Death by nog
>AUS: Death from drowning in yellow poon
I want to switch sides.

Is it bad that a girl I have a crush on has the last name of Nguyen?

She's really cute, and is trad.

I want to put my shrimp on her barbie.

Yeah, they started with little ethnic enclaves in the main cities and spread out from there. Our two largest cities are almost entirely chink and gook, they've managed to force out whites over the last two decades by buying up residential and commercial properties, then they only sell, rent and hire their fellow insectoids. White folk and other non-chinkoids flee to surrounding suburbs and towns looking for work, until the slants arrive and force them out once again. Rinse and repeat.
Related pic : this is a typical Sydney University class. I shit you not.

Attached: Sydney University students.jpg (2048x1322, 597K)


Attached: asau.jpg (480x360, 30K)

Attached: 153965474757571.jpg (98x126, 6K)


Looks like a nigger has sneaked in like a black pair of undies in the white linen wash

>Viet-Cong population grows
>Abos get replaced

It's Nguyen-win

hey, at least it's not nigger or Mohammed.

Attached: whatdoyouwant.jpg (450x337, 28K)

she can viet my dong if you know what I mean

I just can't stand idly by and watch this awful fate befall my brothers alone...

Sounds like Aussies have plenty of spare women for wifing up. Good luck mates.

Attached: 1536015634790.jpg (500x750, 45K)

Filthy god damn chinks I used to get mad when old white people treated chinks in their chink restaurants like shit but now I realize they were based and redpilled I was just a summerfag


there's a few qt's there

Attached: would.jpg (2048x1322, 908K)

Do the right thing and liberate Australia from this invasion by marrying one, and exporting her out of there.

god damn i love asian girls

literally every viet has a Nguyen last name what the fuck lad. That might be the entire viet population.

I had a Vietnamese gf. Great summer.

It's like smith to anglos

Lol this.

They had a Viet version of Ghengis Khan spread his genes everywhere.

>if ru onry knew how good tings leally ale!

Attached: you-ru-onry-knew.jpg (252x288, 13K)

Something like 50% of all gooks have Nguyen as a last name. It either bothers you or it doesn't. Just don't be a faggot and take her last name if you marry her, and problem solved.


She was dating the same guy for 7 years.

But she trusts me, even though I knew her for only a month, sending me messages online, having her cook Vietnamese food for me, and is extremely open about her life, and gave me her password for one of her accounts.

She has done absolutely nothing degenerate. She is the most trad girl ever, but I can't date her since she is already taken.

>She was dating the same guy for 7 years.
not 'traditional'.
you can't throw that word around for any female that isn't a complete whore. if she has sex before marriage she isn't 'trad'.

Vietnamese are disgusting ugly insectoids. Just like Chinese it's all a hive mind.
Look into their dark black eyes - insect eyes. No soul, just sushi

She never talked about her sex life, and I don't want to talk about it with her.

But she is a trad in every sense of the word.

Not our fault you're irrelevant upside down poland.


I was also in love with an Indonesian girl online.

She was also trad, but she got raped by a guy, had a baby, and was forced to marry him. Extremely religious girl too (she was Protestant).

I miss her.

There are hundreds of thousands here also.
I live in the silicon valley, in my $1M house. 2 years ago Nguyen and 3 vietkong families moved into the one single family home next door. They moved the kitchen to the outdoor patio, so another family can live in the old kitchen. They cook something 10 times every day on the patio, every time they put rotten-fish-sauce into it. Half the neighborhood stinks like a skunk when they are cooking. They sound like drunken animals yelling. They steal fruit from my side of the fence, park their 7 dodgy cars in front of my house, their front lawn is full of dry weeds...

Before we can deport them, we have to kill all white leftist race traitors who let them in and who are protecting them and enabling their anti social behavior.


I pronounce it: Nig-goo-yen.

>there's a few qt's there
are those people on the picture British, in your opinion?
I'm just messing with you.

It's like Smith, Jones, and Miller combined in his common it is.


Miss Nguyen in pic can infest me any day.

>trad in every sense of the word

It's not like I am ever going to date her anyway, since her boyfriend is teaching her German, and will be going to Germany next year for a wedding (not her, but someone on her boyfriend's side). He'll probably pop the question to her there as well.

I literally have no choice, and my pain of having a crush on her and being completely unable to go anywhere with it is entirely my fault.

stop with the reddit spacing

The Smiths leave in year 10 to become tradies so they can make a killing making more houses for more Nguyens.

Oh and Banh Mis are god tier food. Very healthy so make you sexy so you fuk.

As someone who used to live in Sydney I confirm everything this man has said
we are very fucked

Attached: 1539437056053.png (807x797, 29K)


i love asian girls, they're less smelly than white women, feminine, petite, nice pussies and bodies. like fuck off nigger. im never going back to mayo women

Most right-ish wing white people don't give a fuck, or like to lord their house price over you. They are literally dog shit.

>Thinking viets are good looking or sane

Dude most of their women are below a 5.

Nguyen here, ama

Are you a girl

There are like, 12 Vietnamese surnames, of course there are more Noo Yens

Look at him attempting to downplay it. The Aussie is humble and modest in victory, truly the noblest of the Anglos.

Attached: adam.jpg (320x202, 30K)

wtf I love losing the Vietnam War now...

Attached: fall of saigon us marines.jpg (1024x681, 173K)


that won't be a problem pretty soon

Aussies, the superior Eurasian master race.


>literally every viet has a Nguyen last name
It's a family name, and there are two versions of it. They are spelled differently there, and sound different, but in English they look the same.
Same thing with Ngo and Tran. Le is also a common name.

So where are the Australians?

They are the Australians

good joke

Attached: anime kek.png (695x402, 127K)

20% of them are born in Australia and all the other slants are FOBs.

asians with an ozzie accent....that's a dream right there.

Wait till you meet one with a Southern accent. Went out with a Viet lady whose parents settled on the Gulf Coast after the war.

Charlie is in the wire, repeat, Charlie is in the wire. Dump everything you got right on us.