What's your excuse?
Brazil is 20% white and is about to elect a far-right white supremacist
Matthew Ward
Tyler Ramirez
Josiah Torres
Can any Brazilians explain how this mad lad is actually pulling this off? I thought it was impossible.
Lucas Martinez
jews aren't white
Colton Howard
Does this mean there's always hope?
Eli King
probably s teve bannon
Nathaniel Barnes
No one else has Bolsonaro's charisma.
Justin Flores
He is not far right or (openly) White Supremacist
Matthew Butler
He's not "far right" he's a Zionist neoliberal who Mossad has been shilling hard lately
Ryan Jenkins
Do you have a source for your 20%? From what I've just read, it's 47.7%, which is sognificant as it is the fabled 'minority status' (below 50%). This gives some indication as to when change is likely to occur in the US.