>Hooker unironically has to pay Trump
I can’t take it anymore
Hooker unironically has to pay Trump
The only thing Trump does is WIN.
Still not tired of winning user...
Praise KeK Tay Tay must pay and T.I must die.
Its okay, she works for him. Her whole job (avenatti as well) is to make make the democrats latch on to petty tabloid bullshit and look immature. I told this to some of my liberal friends and they got really mad at me and accused me of being a republican.
unbelievable. for all you blackpilled fucks, sleep well tonight. victory is near!
how many blow jobs will she have to do to cover his legal fees?
over 9000
>jokes that write themselves but wont be heard anywhere in the media.
Can I get a quick rundown?
stupid whore.
How can one man win so much?
If there was ever a campaign promise that Trump definitely kept it was winning so much you're gonna get sick of winning. I don't know how much more I can take.
Shit that's Chuck Norris Level Winning
>getting a refund
musta not been that good right
not enough
>Hooker Stormy Norman says Trump silenced here with hush money
>Trump LITERALLY calls here a "lying whore"
>Stormy Norman sues him for defemation saying she is not lying nor is she a whore
Judge tells here to get the fuck out cause she cant prove that she is Not a liar or not a whore
>orders her to pay Trumps legal fees
Somewhere between 64 and 1024
legal fees for a team of top tiers, its going to be 7 figures
You need to vote straight ticker 'R' even if you're not this go round. If Dems win there won't be any men left to fuck you, pretty boy.
lol nice cross reference bro!
>Judge tells here to get the fuck out cause she cant prove that she is Not a liar or not a whore
>orders her to pay Trumps legal fees
Based judge
You don't pay a hooker to fuck you, you pay her to leave. The bitch is still here
She said he's a pathetic joke in bed. He ain't winning at that
ive seen her tits, id be amazed if any man was able to even keep it up for her. I dunno wtf Trump was thinking
lol do you care about pleasing a hooker?
you dumb fuck
Based Trump
but Trump will never be able to rid himself of the herpes he contracted
why would a billionaire fuck a porn star?
mushroom penis
• ᠌ ᠌ •
Every other week, when i think this timeline can't get better. We've reached levels of winning never thought possible.
Tried fapping to her videos but I find her videos very asexual. Does she have any good stuff?
>I like to please women!
With go fund me bucks that liberals donated. It can’t get any more salty.
Fucking top Kek on this boomerang
>that pic
get the fuck out
God bless the USA and God bless Donald J Trump
She is going to commit suicide soon.
>pay some roastie for sex
>care if she enjoys herself
for what purpose
Antsey Graham, a literal Graham for ants
I hope Jack Posobiec gets hanged in Guantanamo bay next to steve bannon
TFW Stormy pays off in soggy dollar bills
Posting Trump webms via link since Jow Forums does not allow sound and limits to 2MB
did he ever deny fucking a porn star? the whore she is?
Let that sink in...even Bolso the future president of a third world nation has yet to be implicated in a cheating his wife scandal..
Let that sink in...Trump cucked his own wife...the mother of Barron
Trump fucked a roastie..the roast beef of pussy
I don’t think she’ll make it to the end of his first term. Definitely not the end of the second. I hope Avenatti dies doing something stupid.
This one mocks him but its catchy and speaks truth ironically
this man is a neverending cycle of wew lads
even the presidential candidate of a third world country like Brazil has yet to be implicated with such a rank pussy LOoL
Let that sink in Trumptards
What a fucking degenerate
You mean people are afraid to speak up in third world shitholes with high murder rates? Hold on let me get my shocked reaction
>What a fucking degenerate
does that mean something bad chirstcuck?
Don't let your shitty new right wing leader violate the NAP or we'll remind you of your 3rd world place
t. incel
to give the covenant back their bomb
LOL are you that retarded?
They are literally posting Swastika fake stories at this point because our presidential candidate is not only a real "drain the swamp" candidate as he literally impeached Hillary plus put an ex-president in jail BUT he has not been implicated in fucking roast beef pussy as he has kids from the same wife LOL
Fucking tards...Bolso will show you tards how you can drain the swamp
Watch and learn from a president that doesn't need to fuck whore on the side while his wife is pregnant
A third world country showing you cunts how to drain a swamp...priceless.
The entire platform of the Democratic party
Show us what kind of pussy you creampie, then we will judge you accordingly...not so tough eh?
Let me take a deep breath before I chortle.
Your president won't deny fucking a porn star...has kids from multiple marriages...yet our candidate has kids from a single marriage...respects his family with conviction...has yet to sell his kids to kike marriages and STILL despite all the bullshit has never fucked a porn star.
Really? do you want to compare?
Why does she look like Mary Winchester?