You name the color of this pill #2

Get aquainted with the previous thread I know you are angry, you know you are angry, they know you are angry. Everybody knows
But do know why you are angry? Do you know what will happen to that anger? Do you know where is going to lead you? I don't think you know, but let me tell, curious user.

Wherever on political field you may be, you are angry. Anger, most of the time is a natural human condition, because humans can't be constantly content and way too many things do not go the way humans wish they went, more so, someone out there is making sure that things don't go your way and it doesn't matter who you support. Anger is an indicator for you, that something in this world is fucking with you, be it possible luck or gods or your fucking neighbor, right? Something is fucking with you and you are angry, not because you can't fix the situation, but because you feel poweless against this situation. For instance you may be angry at someone who insults you but you can't kick his ass right away, you are powerless, thus anrgy or may be your child does something fucked up like shits on the floor and then paints all the wallpapers with shit and you are angry because you can't kick it's ass or when you see someone else pushing whichever political agenda and you see how some people follow that agenda but you don't agree with such agenda and you get really fucking anrgy, because once again you can't do shit about it.

So, the anger is the direct result of your lack of power towards the object of your anger. Of course I'm not going to talk about your anger at children or some asshole who called you an asshole.
I'm going to talk about political anger. Since long time ago, people in general had ways to deal with their political anger by developing some kind of skills, powers, knowledge of how to reduce such anger by fixing the political atmosphere around them.

Continued in the commentary section...

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When I say "people had ways to deal with their political anger", of course I don't mean that people had freedom to do whatever they fuck they wanted, but they were allowed to deal with their political anger, basically at their will, how they saw it fit, as long as the didn't interfere with matters of church and their king.

There are different ways to deal with political anger, which usually is anger at how people tell other people they wished the society worked, lived and communitcated.
One of the most common ways to deal with anger is obviously by physical force. You could go and simply kill some faggot who spoke of things you were not fond of and call it a day. Another way to deal with political anger is to get together with your buddies and have a beer with a laugh at those silly faggots who are blabbering some ridiculous bullshit, which is not gonna fly and if it does, they you are just going to kill them anyway, right? Sure thing. Also, you may have had a debate in more civilized circled where you would publicly ridicule those faggots who opposed your political view or in more recent times of mass media, you could have made a movie which would appeal to your taste and on the contrary offend the fuck out of your political aversary. These are the most common and major ways to deal with political anger, to lower the levels of it or even getting rid of that anger for good(since there is no one to be angry at anymore, if you know what I mean)

Let me take a step back and tell you why it's important to lower your anger, to have some way to deal with it or not even be angry at all, due to once again the absense of your agitator.

Continue on reading lower in the comment section...

Anger is like that drug on which you may over-dose and get yourself in deep shit of troubles.
Anger clouds your mind and leads you on some fucked up quest to destroy your life, because while angry you can't make a lot of rational decisions. That's why anger is a very effective medium of controlling your stupid angry ass.

It is paramount for any person to have some kind of a way to deal with anger. That leads to an obvious question.
Well, does everyone have such a way?? Do all of you have some kind of way to deal with your anger? The answer is no. Not all of you have a way to deal with your anger and even more so, the powers that be are intentionally allowing for some people to have a way to lower their anger and specifically forbidding other groups of people to have an access to anything or any way to deal with their anger.

Now as you see, we have two clear defined camps of people. Those who are allowed to deal with their anger, thus becoming more content with life and those who are forbidden to deal with their anger, thus becoming more and more off the chain losing control and about to snap the fuck out at anything.

Do you see where this shit is going, already?? Contrinue reading, faggot.. it gets only more interseting from here

So, as I've said, there are to camps:
Camp UNO - those who are allowed to deal with their anger, these are liberals and all these feel good, democratic faggots who politically believe in all kinds of ridiculous bullshit and they obviously are very angry at those who don't share their beliefs. But, this liberal demo-faggots are allowed to deal with their anger. These commie faggots as you all well know, are generally allowed to do anything to fix their anger and the system will let it slide most of the time. Remember that bike-lock faggot who got of with probation for literally splitting some guy's head open, while consealing his identity, right? Also, liberals have all media and groups at their disposal, where they may assemble and have fun at shitting on their political enemies. They have all kinds of shows like SNL, they have Hollywood, they have mass media who constantly lick liberal ass. All these methods lower the anger of the leftist faggots and generally these faggots stay colm, with a rare exception of some controlled paid protest which would see a bunch of lefty faggots doing some crazy shit on the streets, annoying your general citizen with their retarded behavior, like in Portland or in Berkley recently or Occupy Wallstreet action not too long ago.

In other words the left is allowed to syphon their anger, thus becomming less angry or even feel like they have won here or there, therefore not losing their shit in the end.

The left is generally conformed and are OK with life wherever they may be, China, USA or Africa. These faggots intoxicate themselves by coping with anger and pose literally zero threat to the government but on the contrary, pose threat to their political enemies.

Continue to read moterfucker, why you looking the other way?? What are you angry, you little bitch ass faggot? Cope.

Camp DOS - it's the people who are not allowed to deal with their anger.

This is the most interesting group of people with most interesting ways how this situation will play out for them.
Generally this group is called "the conservative" or "right-wing", which are both wrong labels, but lets just address these labels within this lecture for the sake of avoiding a lot of confusion. The "right-wing" is forbidden to deal with their anger issues. There are basically no groups to join and whatever is available is highly criminal and wouldn't suit 99% of right-wingers, more so, these criminalized groups would literally destroy the right wingers that would join them. Just look at all these Aryan Brotherhood, KKK, Hell's Angels, Proud Boys, Alt-Right and whatever the fuck else. These groups don't fix the anger issues but rather push the acolyte of the right ideas to the brim, eventually causing such person to directly confort the law, the state, some other criminal groups, and all of it done without much preparation. They basically throw young people at the wall of death and watch them get crushed by whatever the fuck they are up against. Right wingers can rarely get away with violence, as we've seen that Proud Boy KO that libshit faggot in self-defence ans still got in a lot of trouble, got arrested and generally got a lot of heat from the state, even though that act alone lowered the anger of the right by considerable amount. But generally the deal is that the right doesn't have a way to lower their anger via violence, with an only violent option of joining some gang and getting killed or end up in jail.

Also, the right doesn't have any real media of their own, accept marginal YouTube channels who create low quality content that probably angers the right-wing even more. Having the opposite effect from what was intended or maybe not intended. Who the fuck knows, but most of right-wing hubs are shilling for CIA niggers with a purpose to get the right wing very angry

There is always desire to be something more within human. Usually it manifest itself through materialistic ways, sexual ways, through drugs or parenthood example. It is endless chasing, rat-race that leads nowhere but keeps you busy through own creation that people calls as life.

We can't remember our time as toddlers because we didn't exist in that time. We had no identity. Only when years has gone while we gathered data from our environment we created identity. When we have our identity, we decide what matters to us. Then we experience impulsive feelings when things didn't go as we wanted.

We are piece of life that creates own image and plays it (Genesis 1:27 So God created man in His own image). We get so tangled to our own creation that it can kill us and bring us into hell. We think that something or someone causes our misery even when we alone create everything within.

We have all this mysterious desire to do something, be something more. It usually manifest itself through sexual ways, materialistic ways, through parenthood, dating, drugs, games, food, alcohol.. you name it. Through that it leads nowhere, it keeps us happy for a moment and then we need more. So where we are now? We are piece of life that want to experience bigger part of it. Through physical ways it finds not that part and when that need to expand finds no expression we create this pain within. So what to do? This is what meditation is all about. We wan't to think nothing, be nothing because that is just the data we gathered from the physical and created self from it. When we learn to be still, just be as piece of life, something start to happen that seems to expand you into everywhere. It seems to that consciousness, awareness is the basic that exist and everything else is manifest of it.

What (((they))) wan't is to bind us more and more into physical, sins, into that rat-race i wrote about above, so that we wouldn't learn or even think about this.

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Continuing with anger issues of Camp DOS

So we've established that the right is forbidden to lower their anger via violence, the right doesn't have media outlets that would really lower their anger, the right doesn't make movies that would appeal to them, thus making them more motivated to stop being angry and become more rational.

So, what are we left with with this right-wing group?? Well, we are left with a group of people who's anger is growing and growing ang growing. The question is when is it going to snap or even IS IT GOING TO SNAP?

Surely, you must understand that any human can take only so much anger before he snaps and goes off the chain, right? But what if that human doesn't go off the chain? What happens then?

People on the right constantly talk about such things as Civil War or RaHoWa or Gassing the kikes.
But so far it has been not much more then "all talk - no walk". The right hasn't stepped up their anger levels and hasn't done anything more then doing these rather meaningless rallies, where they ahieve little, get atacked by some lefty faggots who then get away with splitting their heads open, and if some Proud Boy manages to KO one lefty fag, then that Boy is in trouble and has to prove it was self-def.

So, the logical question here is. Where the right is going to end up with their enger levels at maximum? You can't argue that the levels of anger on the right are breaking all records. I don't even think Germans were that anrgy at kikes between 1914 to 1945.

Let me answer that question lower in the comment section.

seriously faggot? you think i'm bluepilling? stupid finish faggots in the perkele.

So, let me coninue.

The right-wing is being filtered by the state to divide the right into two segments. One segment of the right is going to become demotivated and passive, falling into depression and posing no threat and the other segment of the right will be forced to join government military or police forces.

In other words, the right-wing is being used to create a legionare for the state. And state state ironically, depends on lefty politics because this is most effective politics when dealing with a shit load of slaves, niggers, kikes and other faggots. All these lefty groups by themselves are nurtured and created by the government to serve their purpose.

Well, RaHoWa or Civil War is not gonna heppen motherfuckers. First of all because you all are too retarded to pull either compaign off, secondly you don't have resources and thirdly as I said, the government already planned out your fate and there is no way out of that trap for most of right-wingers.

So, as I said,most of the righwing will get overwhelmed with anger and without a way to lower it or courage to actually chimp the fuck out, they will become passive demotivated depressed faggots who will probably live out their live online having battle wars on Jow Forums, right?? Kek

But the other part of the right-wing will join the fucking military and police and will ironically end up defending the exact faggots they were up against and as a bonus, they will be sent to kill niggers overseas on a world-wide compain to depopulate Earth from niggers, since they consuming way too much resources, while producing almost no productive output.

That's not all faggots.. continue reading below

So, as you can see the situation is most ironic and even comical.

On one hand, we have the left, who are allowed to lower their anger and even more so, constantly fed anger management pills via Media, Entertainmed and other shit, which pampers their dillusional beliefs. The left will obviously never have their miracle "all shit's for free nigga" world, they will remain the docile NPC mass as they are and continue to mindlessly slave produce all kinds of shit, while constantly getting triggered by some right-wing ideas, chimp out, then receive their "come down faggot" pill, in the form of some SJW liberal law allowing for having three dicks in their ass and that sort of shit, some virtue signalling and some bullshit controlled protests and get flooded with a ton of faggot ass TV shows and movies which completely support the left fairy tale concepts. All of that is done with one purpose - to make the left continue being the dumb assed slaves that they are

On the other hand, we have the right, who are virtually forbidden to lower their anger, who are basically being conditioned to become governmental legions of angry ass faggots, who either going to go on nigger depopulation compaign or gonna get hired as police to keep "law and order" at home, subsequently becoming actually the enemies of the right-wing.

So the right-wing basically breeds motherfucking traitors of their own cause. How's that for a twist you dumb fucking faggots? You didn't see that shit coming, right?? LOL KEK.
You don't fuck with this shit.

You read my testimonies very carefully. It's the best shit you ever gonna read in your life, faggot.
Ok. Enough for today.

Now I'm gonna shitpost in the comment section and bumb my post.
Anyone who doesn't bump my post is a fag and a traitor.

Hey faggot, don't ignore my pills!!!!!!!!!!111111

What am I getting ingonred again?? WTF??
This is potent pill. You take this pill and you know whats going on.

Ain't this a proof for you that Jow Forums is being controlled by CIA niggers, you fucking faggots???

Are there even 1 out 100 users on Jow Forums who is not a CIA nigger faggot by proxy, some kike faggot or some other lefty faggot??

Are there any based faggots around this motherfucker??

Anime-kun, get the fuck over here and support this thread, you little weaboo faggot!!!!!111

I have to bump my own thread, what a pity.

Show me the level of your butthurt from reading all of the above

I'm an American, just give me a tldr version

Nice blogpost, faggot.
No, I didn't read it.
>sage goes in options

this pic summarizes your thread perfectly

Attached: kova_meno.jpg (400x600, 58K)

Right wing is being controlled in such a way that it would only produce racial traitors who will join government armies and police and beat the shit out of the rookie right-wingers forcing them either to become traitors and join the army\police or get cucked into depression and larp on Jow Forums forver.

The left wing faggots are also being controlled into remaining nigger faggot slaves who gonna continue working and receive their daily "come down faggot" pills from TV, Media and whateverthefuckelse

oh rly faggot? are you the dead faggot in front of the stage?

Interesting theory, but I dont think there's a pill listed for that.

coz this is my original pill, which are illegal.
i'll be giving you pills occasionally, to maybe produce one adequate individual out of billions.

i know secrets. real ones. the shit they are trying to hide from people by any means possible.

also the government gives everyone pills that would make everyone block out my pills, because the .gov does preemptive measures so people never wake up.

the dreamer must awaken but never will ironically.. may be one.. or two.. not many.

So i read it all OP. I'm interested to know where you fall? Have you fallen into a depressive funk? Or are you a content libfag?

> become content being a lefty piece of shit slave
> become depressed right-winger who can't do anything to better his position
> become the government enforcement arm

I get a feeling there is at least 1 more option you have yet to mention?

Fuck you reply slower than Filipinos on a construction site

>I'm interested to know where you fall?
i don't fall in your regular political shit.
i'm a prophet and i'm simply above all that shit
if i has button that kills all.. i'd press it, coz you all are shit to me.

does that answer your inquiery? i'm here to torture all of you with reality.

But you have to live here on earth with us. So you are subject to all of this as well.

>I get a feeling there is at least 1 more option you have yet to mention?
there are a few more options actually, but this pill was not about those options plus it's unlikely anyone will hit those options at all... but.. if anyone WILL hit those options then you'll know you hit them without me pilling you here.

actually by consuming my pills you may actually have a chance of hitting those few other options. but we don't want to expose the names of the optiotns right, faggot?? coz we don't want the inflow of larping fanboys into our secret society, right??

it's invite only.


>But you have to live here on earth with us
i don't have to do shit. i'm here for completely other reasons then living with you or living at all.
obviously i will be living as far as i'm breathing but it's not that simple.

>So you are subject to all of this as well.
no. i'm not a subject. of course i have to obey the laws where applicable since i'm not stonger then the system, but the system has no direct effect on my mind, only indirect.. by proxy of exposure to system's bullshit i obviously get infected but i have immunity. so.. not a subject

a subject doesn't understand what is going on by default. a subject asks questions and needs answers.

i don't ask question. i give answers.

i'm basically a parallel system within a system only without the infrustructure. i only exist as a sort of a virus in the system. if that could better explain what i am

This isn't a movie faggot. Nobody is gonna read your dramatic monologue. kys

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You were a subject at one point

I call it the SPAM pill.
Also didn't read, lol.

Op actually raised an interesting theory. Maybe learn to read

How to immune to system, system fucking HATES prophets and the the one I know and myself are fucked because of the systems gay shit.

I’ll take the grass pill, user. Smoking weed helps me relax when I’ve had a stressful day mowing Maurice’s lawn. I make about 60k a year with no college degree.

You could say life is pretty good with DJT as President. Here’s hoping for another 1000 years.

You must be a VPN jew because that was the most unfunny Strayan post I have ever read.

Us Aussies don't always take the piss

yes, everyone starts as a seed in the earth.
but what grows out of the earth may be different.. usually it's just a bunch of different but still vegie plants with various purpose, but occasionally something different grows. so i'm that rare occasion.

i assume the system allows me to be, with the purpose of testing it's own structure's resistence to destructive influences.

something like that.

the cool part about this deal is that i have an access to knowledge which you all don't. i can just see things that all of you can't. i can understand them in ways which you will not comprehend. at least most of you.. some of you will most def be able to.

and i will tell you some of these things here and you will be tested.
also i'm kinda telling the trivial stuff at the moment. i'm actually afraid to tell you the real heavy shit, coz i have this feeling that i'm not really allowed to fuck you up too much with information and will be banned from Jow Forums to say the least.

that's how i see it at least.. the system doesn't inform me of my duties.

i don't know everything but i know quite a bit. kind of ironic, since i can't really monetize this shit lol. which would be cool tho if i could.

i can't even go public coz if i dox myself then i assume i break the rules of this game and get wacked or something like that.

This is a good thread. I agree with some parts and disagree with others. Some of it is interesting and some of it is cringe, but it's a good thread and deserves a bump. The main thing I disagree with is your idea that anger cannot culminate in destruction of the system (ZOG). I would say embrace total defiance to any young male today. A defiant and mobile class of young men will completely destabilize the system, and if they manage to organize then they will replace it. This is how history works.

Anger is all Jow Forums really has. Anger and humor. What more is needed?Dive into it. Make America Hate Again. Make the entire West hate again. From Los Angeles to Constantinople.

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>I’ll take the grass pill, user
grass pill is not what you think it's for.
it's for enhancing the already existing will to understand reality. if you don't have such a will.. you'll just get fucked up and fuck up your mind to the point of no return.

every pill has it's exact purpose, you can't just misuse pill.
grass is not for relieving stress. it's actually for causing stress, enhancing it. try smoking hash for three days straight while pushing the limits of your mind on thinking about the structure of reality.. possibly you can break the system's slave conditioning

in any case.. you do what you do coz you can't do otherwise, since there is really no way out for most of you. i know that to most my pills will cause fucked up thoughts and pills, but it's the ultimate pill. the final pill before asscention to another state of understanding things.

btw all presidents are puppets. DJT is not an exception. it's very naive to think that anyone with higher status then yourself within this system is out to better your life. quite the opposite. but whatever though.. make up your own mind. i can't make up yours. only the system has such instruments

if i could brainwash you into reality, i'd do it. but i can't. i can only give you pills and hope they work and allow someone to start on their way to reality

even then it's not a guarantee that you will reach reality without losing your mind or simply dying on the way here.

You're making me hungry OP

If believe that we can change the system, why are u using the nazi flag? Also for u is the solution something about jews?

>The main thing I disagree with is your idea that anger cannot culminate in destruction of the system (ZOG).
well.. ironically to common belief, the system is indestructible, even though there is a possibility of it's fall. it's kind of a catch 22.

it can be destoyed but with all people going down with it. not like as if some group could survive the fall.

we are inside the system. we depend on it with our life. literally. it's a very effective mechanism which protects the system against the ultimate chimp out

regarding you disagreeing that is good. it's good to disagree but it's important to know why you are doing so.. what is the reason for your disagreement

are you just offended at your "larping" bubble integrity?? as in.. someone is attacking your hopes and dreams??

or are you disagreeing actually knowing how shit is really run.. like in what is the ultimate goal and purpose of system's existence??

first there are fundamental questions you have to answers by yourself. then you can legit disagree with something, otherwise you end up contributing to confusion.. as of yourself and others and that's what system wants

as to the philosophical aspect of anger.. well.. it's good. the point is having control over it. anger just like everything are a part of the wing on which you may fly

it's just not many actually fly.. most get their wings clipped and never recover

but hate is not anger. hate is good. it's the ultimate motivator. you hate to not be able to control your anger

in any case.. all this dialogue will only get more deeper into sophistics and other bullshit

i'm just trying to give people the pill.. and the effects it will have i'm not sure of

>why are u using the nazi flag?
coz it looks cool niga

is the system a product of AIs communicating with each other? Like life evolved from molecules aggregating, system evolves from AI aggregating? Are there ppl who further the agenda and enforce the system knowingly? Does it have a center?

the prophets are vaccines against the truth. sort of speak. we infect the sytem with the truth, so it can get it's cells(people) used to fighting the truth inside their minds.

you can't become immune to the system unless you become a prophet and i can't tell you the exact path. it's random. but you'll know if you are one

also you will get rejected and shit upon a lot, so it's not the best of choices from your regular perspective. i don't get rich from it. i don't have any fuckinginfluence. i'm an outcast.

besically it's a shitty deal. buti enjoy the truth tho even tho it's fucking beyond insane. if i told you.. you wouldn't believe

it's like the ultimate sci-fi story in my head.
i'm tempted to tell but will only look like an insane guy. i already tried. that shit doesn't work and only makes shit worse.

i can only pill people on subject that you are able to sort of understand. nothing beyong the limits of general user.

some part of the truth are so fucked up that even i have trouble comprehending it.

also the system doesn't hate me.. you all do. lol

What is the purpose of the system? What is gained?

no. people are AIs. you have this brain which is programmed with artificial behavioral coding. not biological, but mechanical. literally.
there is a way to conform biological form to mechanical state.
it's a lengthy story..maybe i'll make a post about this.

>the system a product of
need to extend life and expand conciousness. the spice must flow

>What is the purpose of the system? What is gained?
i'm trying not to expose you to such information, since previously people didn't understand the depth of ultimate pill.

if i tell you.. it would be really fucking depressing and really give you no way out even if i present the solution.

it's like telling a man without legs that if he could walk then he would run. but he wouldn't coz there is no legs

..i know that all of you are curious.
seriously.. you can find out by yourself if you really think about it. it's quite obvious but too big too see. it's sort of hidden in plain sight but since noone talks about it.. it's just outside of everyone's span of attention

but i tell you... it's horrific. it's really fucked up.

I have been a prophet since 13. Every attack on me has been to isolate me from others so I cannot influence them. I’ve seen it happen to one other. Ever since he went away I’ve known I was targeted too, not consciously but deep down I saw him as the canary in the mine that he was, and that nothing I did would stop me from the same fate. Luckily I’ve been careful. They’re pulling at straws to make me complacent or schizophrenic, or guilty, but I have resources on my side. I don’t think the system is as strong as you do. I think it is still young, brooding, playful. I have a plan, and a gift that makes it impossible to brainwash me. It’s hindered me at times, made me self destructive at times, but it protects me in the long run. I can’t suppress the personality trait, and it is what protects me. Perhaps, even, there are many systems, battling.

Don't limit other's decisions. Try me

It’s gravity. To have all information in one point.

blah blah meme flag Jew tries to blackpill

basically the government is turning right wing retards against their own goals

yeah, some of us know

it's why Soros funds Antifa (to push people right) but also has business dealings with Kushner and now Trump is retweeting Shapiro who now has a show on Fox News to drive home the conservacuck ZOG narrative

Quit teasing the "ultimate pill" faggot and just spit it out

Seems like you are trying to sway our potential energy into something productive for our own benefit, but without releasing the vital implications that are heavily stacked against us so we do not feel too demoralized.


>I don’t think the system is as strong as you do. I think it is still young
it is young. but it's pretty fucking strong. nobody has been able to even shake it so far. so..
>I have a plan
other then to tell your prophecy?? you need a shit load of resources for a plan. everyone has a plan. system has the control over all resources, thus our plans are gonna be plans. i doubt we will ever make any plans happen besides the plans which the system intends to allow to happen

>I have been a prophet since 13. Every attack on me has been to isolate me from others so I cannot influence them
the system actually wants you to try and influence people. that's what prophets are here for. to try and to fail. if any prophet was to succeed then it means the system has faults, which it doesn't, because it always imunizes itself against prophets by creating prophets.. by allowing us to be.

but maybe you are not a prophet, since i haven't seen any prophecies from you. but may be you are. only you know.

there is only one prophecy. that's the ironic thing. only one that is real and many others that are simply larping and fueling hopes of people.

real prophecy cancels all dreams and ends all hope. the real prophecy is a gate to another realm. do you know what that realm is?

>some of us know
that's good. too bad that it's just so few.

I don’t know the other realm. Enlighten me.

>Don't limit other's decisions
i limit myself. i don't really want the ultimate pill get in the way of the pill of this thread. i mean, the ultimate pill will not give you any hope for any solution coz it's beyond our abilities

>Quit teasing the "ultimate pill" faggot and just spit it out
i'll tell you later, after i give you all the pill that will prepare you for the ultimate pill

you all can't have the final pill without first taking other pills and understanding the depth of how the system controls everything, including your hopes for some kind of victory of whatever over whatever.

Doesn't mean that one cannot break that which is within his ability

i don't want to enligten you on this subject at this time. you can look for the answer in your mind, it's there. you'll know when you find it, since there will be nothing to contradict it. you will see it. with your mind

Are we all already dead

Checked and bumped. Post again OP. Have a good night.

i've already told you.. if you could know, you would have already known. if you don't know then it would fuck your perseption up so much that you'll be oblivious to other knowledge

but the worst thing that could happen is if you reject the ultimate truth. how fucked up would that be??

like i'm telling you the ultimate truth and obseving you reject it. i've seen this shit happen coz i've told this truth already to many people. none have accepted it. not because you don't want to. it's just hits too hard and is hard to accept, since as I said it really fucks with people's dreams and hopes.

like what if i told you that you were gonna die tomorrow?? would you believe?? you wouldn't believe this shit. of course you could wait one day and see..

but the ultimate truth doesn't work like that. you will not believe it and you will not live to find out.

so the only way i could even attempt to tell you such a thing is if a drop many pills about the system prior to ultimate truth

coz ultimate truth is very short. it literally takes less then 2000 characters to tell you everything there is to know about the fundamental purpose of this world.

but the rejection probability of this truth is at like 100000000000000000 to 1

but i'll tell you.. soon enough in other posts. you'll see the trivial simplicity of it. and shit bricks even if you are ready for it.

getting exciting op

no we are not dead. at least not in the concept of life and death. death is really metaphorical for limitation of skills. when your skills end, then you are dead. those who have unlimited skills never die.

but the other realm is directly related to this question of death and ultimate skill set.


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all right, faggots..
sleep on it.
my pill is like a virus. if i'm succesful then you'll get sick with truth and then you'll find out

remember.. they are fucking with you on all levels. they even built in a shitter inside each of your homes so you wouldn't go out too much into the woods..

ohh shit.. i think i've told too much. bye

gotta go

Fine. Have it your way. The chance of me seeing your other threads is also low, since it is not stickied to the board

I was thinking about death earlier today, walking in the yard. Suicide, specifically. I postulated that if one were to merely have the thought that they would rather be dead than alive, then, in that moment, they died. Thats the moment that everything is given up, when we stop living and only remain in flesh and blood either because suicide is so pathetic or we would make our mothers cry. I then thought about how there were so many memes about wanting to die and being depressed, and that so many people were already dead, and I was one of them. All of us fucking zombies sticking around for the sole purpose of not bringing more sorrow into the world at the cost of experiencing it ourselves.

don't suicide.
see ya in other threads. think on prophet.. you'll get there.

>The chance of me seeing your other threads is also low
well.. you gonna make me cry now faggot )))) kek

you'll see it. don't worry. bye

I swear if the ultimate pill is shitting in the woods i will find you and take a dump in your fucking backyard

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Then why did you post in this thread?

To let OP, (You), know he's a faggot

But why?

t. Nigger

Stay mad you bluepilled kike nigger

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Like pissing in an ocean of piss

Take off the memeflag.
> Implying redpills don't make people healthy and happy
> Implying rightists aren't liberty-lovers
> Implying the globhomo state won't use china-made killbot police drones instead of white goyim

Have a (you) for effort though I think you're drunk on potato vodka

> Illegal memes
Take off the memeflag you ai

I feel the same as op. Social isolation gave me schizophrenia I guess

> it's very naive to think that anyone with higher status then yourself within this system is out to better your life.


It was painful to read, I wish I had not wasted the time.