>Alan Lawson for Supreme Court
White male, good enough for me
>Eric Eisnaugle for District Court of Appeal
The jews in the Orlando Sentinel are attacking him so he must be good

Constitutional Amendments:
>Amendment No. 1
Less taxes on huwhite landowners, seems good
>Amendment No. 2
Less taxes, roasties oppose it ("League of Women Voters").
>Amendment No. 3
Seems to jewify the casinos, will make them subject to voting???
>Amendment No. 4
Gib nigger felons voting rights, Vote no. (Think this guy was on Tucker's show)
>Amendment No. 5
Makes it harder for democrats to tax you, vote Yes
>Amendment No. 6
Will allow Boomlords to stay on the bench until age 75 and changes court case procedures. SPLC opposes it, so I will vote yes.
>Amendment No. 7
Makes it harder for University jews to raise taxes
>Amendment No. 9
Eco-trash Green party tier shit to ban drilling, vote No.
>Amendment No. 10
Not too sure about this one but the Sheriffs support it and the roasties don't.
>Amendment No. 11
Straight Orwellian shit to remove language about "illegal aliens". Vote No.
>Amendment No. 12
Hurts our based lobbyist bros
>Amendment No. 13
Just vote no faggot.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Is Gillum still pushing for legalizing HIV+ food workers?

-Convenient roastie voting list-

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Fellow Florida Man here.
>Amendment 1
A "yes" vote supports exempting the portion of assessed home values between $100,000 and $125,000 from property taxes other than school taxes, bringing the maximum homestead exemption up to $75,000.

>Amendment 2
A "yes" vote supports this amendment to make permanent the cap of 10 percent on annual nonhomestead parcel assessment increases set to expire on January 1, 2019.

What county you in fampai?

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Seems like some good choices fellow Florida user.


>Amendment 3
A "yes" vote supports this amendment to provide voters, through citizen-initiated ballot measures, with the exclusive right to decide whether to authorize casino gambling in Florida.

>Amendment 4
A "no" vote opposes this amendment to automatically restore the right to vote for people with prior felony convictions, except those convicted of murder or a felony sexual offense, upon completion of their sentences, including prison, parole, and probation.

marion here

Attached: FL_constitution.jpg (1024x820, 153K)


>Amendment 5

A "yes" vote supports requiring a two-thirds vote of each chamber of the Florida State Legislature to enact new taxes or fees or increase existing ones.

guys plz be patient i have autism. i dont want higher taxes. vote Yes

Do your thing.

>Amendment 6
A "no" vote opposes this amendment to:

add specific rights of crime victims, together known as a Marsy's Law, to the Florida Constitution;
increase the judicial retirement age from 70 to 75 years of age; and
prohibit state courts from deferring to an administrative agency’s interpretation of a state statute or rule in lawsuits.

Here me out on this one. Marsy's Law makes sense this is what it would do for victims in Florida of crimes

BUT the sleazy politicians tied it in with allowing old fuckers to stay in office longer and would let the courts get out of making hard decisions

so vote NO

srry Marsy's LAw u got rekt be old fucks

Polk/Osceola County here

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>Amendment 7
A "yes" vote supports this amendment to:

require employers to provide death benefits, as the state legislature defines, to the surviving spouses of first responders while engaged in official duties;
require the state to provide death benefits, as the state legislature defines, to the surviving spouses of active-duty U.S. Armed Forces members who are accidentally killed or unlawfully and intentionally killed;
require a nine-member vote of the board of trustees and 12-member vote of the board of governors to increase a college fee; and
place the current structure of the state's system of higher education in the Florida Constitution.

thnx user


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>Amendment 9

A "no" vote opposes this amendment to:

ban offshore drilling for oil and natural gas on lands beneath all state waters and
ban the use of vapor-generating electronic devices, such as electronic cigarettes, in enclosed indoor workplaces.

here me out here too. The clean air act already makes it illegal for people to smoke or vape indoors where you work so dont fall for this shit Vote No

We need big oil companies coming here and buying permits and shit to drill off shore

>jews are attacking him so he must be good
you have yet to master the ways of judaism young padawan.

Isn't that going to hurt the fish that we eat?

>Amendment 10
A "yes" vote supports this amendment to:

require, rather than authorize, the legislature to provide for a state Department of Veterans Affairs;
create a state Office of Domestic Security and Counter-Terrorism;
require the legislature to convene regular session on the second Tuesday of January of even-numbered years; and
prohibit counties from abolishing certain local offices—sheriff, tax collector, property appraiser, supervisor of elections, and clerk of the circuit court—and requiring elections for these offices.

its a possibility but we dont need how far offshore they will have to be etc

727 master race checking in

Amendment 9 - ban drilling
this is good you fucking retard
if you care about the state you'd support the ban.

fuck you, trump won't allow it, you are fucking shill

>Amendment 11

A "no" vote opposes this amendment to:

repeal constitutional provision prohibiting foreign-born persons ineligible for citizenship from owning, inheriting, disposing, and possession property;
repeal an obsolete constitutional provision stating that a high-speed ground transportation system be developed in Florida; and
delete the constitutional provision that an amendment to a criminal statute does not affect the prosecution of a crime committed before the statute's amendment.

Vote No on this one because we dont need illegal aliens being able to own property and not having to pay taxes etc. fuck the illegals

Rick Scott already btfo Obama's high-speed rail scam

Very cool, thanks florida mans!

t. publix burger

Holy shit! Did I upset a t_D-fag?

>Amendment 12
A "yes" vote supports prohibiting public officials from lobbying for compensation during the official's term in office and for six years after the official leaves office and prohibiting public officials from using the office to obtain a disproportionate benefit.

Vote Yes to stop the revolving door of politicians becoming lobbyists and making bank thats what we also voted to stop when we elected Trump because he promised to ban this

i'm just stating that trump won't allow it
they already did a deep search for oil off shore east coast and didn't find shit.

I got my license a day too late to vote, sucks because I'm 21 and was super excited for this.
Currently I'm having my parents vote:
>Lawson YES
>Eisnaugle YES
>1 YES
>2 YES
not sure yet
>4 NO
>5 YES
not sure yet
>7 YES
>9 NO
not sure yet
not sure yet
>13 NO
only because youtube ads keep telling me to vote yes

>Rick Scott already btfo Obama's high-speed rail scam
How a high-speed rail a scam?

rick scott mentioned it to trump and got it denied for permits a while back.

>Amendment 13
A "yes" vote supports prohibiting wagering on live dog races, including greyhound races, held in Florida and banning dog races in Florida on which there is wagering.

Honestly, this is your personal choice. I Vote Yes because I'm tired of seeing the greyhounds beheaded and left in garbage cans when they're too expensive to care for.

You can vote yes/no doesn't matter really.

only nigs will use it and it will trash up our state and whites will pay for it. look to california's BART and you will see.....

Oh shit! Why they have to ruin it?

Obama told California and Florida that we had to take a federal loan for 600 million dollars to build the high-speed rail and Rick Scott said No and Obama tried turning it into a federal rights issue which he got btfo on

turns out california now owes 600mn in debt to the feds for a rail system never built and theyre defaulting on the loans

hsr is not profitable.

when florida becomes white again, trains will still be unnecessary, we will just drive cars as we do now...

There are only 12 Amendments to vote on Florida bros. Amendment 8 got btfo at the supreme level and wont be appearing on the ballot. It was a 50/50 measure anyways that we would have to vote No on.

Oh. I though hsr will be good until that post I read.

the kikes tried to pass a hsr program back in 2013 as part of a green program agenda 21 and it was shot down. now they are still trying but it is being delayed and protested by many. mostly by whites.

Isn't Pinellas that retard county that freed Casey Anthony? They're also big Gillum supporters.

they are still trying in florida but there is strong opposition. i'm pretty sure trump put a halt to it. Trump is doing good things for the state. I just wish he'd put a stop to the rising population and limit tourism. I want to see Florida succeed without tourism. Tourists are assholes who don't care about the state they are visiting.

Reading ballotpedia is like believing what Wikipedia says. They are telling you what to think.
Read the actual laws yourself from the fucking state dos.myflorida.com/media/699824/constitutional-amendments-2018-general-election-english.pdf

>Eric Eisnaugle
He's a retard but
>Also, as a legislator, Eisnaugle endeared himself to many powerful interests. He sponsored one bill requested by timeshare companies that made it harder for buyers to get out of flawed contracts and co-sponsored the infamous NRA-backed “Pop Tart” bill that guaranteed schoolchildren the right to eat gun-shaped breakfast treats without getting into trouble. (Florida Statute 1006.07 now grants special protections to any child interested in "brandishing a partially consumed pastry.")

there is nobody else to replace him with. so I guess we vote to keep him.

hsr is only good in europe. in florida there are too many crossings. all europe has bridges for the train. florida has some 300 or so crossings up and down the coast where as france has like 4.

Well, our district is Red, but the Liberals are taking over because of all the canadians and yankees retiring down here. I've only seen a handful of Gillum signs up. Everybody here that I know isn't voting for him because of his comments about 2A.


We need dem quick rundowns tho

Okaloosa reporting in.
It's a shame Tyndall got rekt, but fuck PCB.

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>Alan Lawson
We Vote Yes on him because hes a non partison judge and his most famous case is this dissent

>One child but two women with parental rights (2012)

The Fifth District Court of Appeal held that the biological mom, who donated an egg that was fertilized, and the birth mother, who received the fertilized egg in her womb, both have parental rights to the child subsequently born. Judge Lawson disagreed, writing what was called a blazing dissent, stating that only the birth mother had parental rights because donors of reproductive material agree to relinquish all parental rights upon donation.

He has commonsense and advocates for less intervention by the government

god forbid you take 20 minutes to read through it instead of getting false information from random anons, are you a npc?

Palm Beach County

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Actually, Ballotpedia is being censored by Google right now.

Some of these Amendments are being purposefully put down the list because they don't support a liberal agenda. Liberal newspapers are the top 15 results in some cases. I had to go to the bottom of the results just to find info on a few of these amendments.

What's false info that I provided? I cited my sources and told people what to vote for.

Glad to hear. My father is voting Gillum because he promised "free healthcare" to all of the gullible fools.

Amendment 1 yes
Amendment 2 yes
Amendment 3 no
Amendment 4 no
Amendment 5 yes
Amendment 6 no
Amendment 7 no
Amendment 9 yes
Amendment 10 no
Amendment 11 no
Amendment 12 yes
Amendment 13 yes

I miss you guys

Im confident gillum cannot win because old jewish and white retirees aren't going to vote for a black socialist. There is a zero percent chance the dems pull the primary turnout they had for gillum, but a good chance the Rs will turn out like in the primary because support for Trump is monolithic.
Gg boys
Pinellas reporting

What's the issue here?

Come home Florida bro.
I'm also really confident. But we have to show up and vote.

Agreed, South Florida is not Florida anymore, just Cuba now

I haven't done any research yet, I'm just going to vote against all women, minorities, and liberals

Amendment 1 yes increase home value expemted from property tax
Amendment 2 yes cap nonhomestead tax assessments
Amendment 3 no require voter approval on gambling - why?
Amendment 4 no restore rights of felons to vote
Amendment 5 yes 2/3 vote to increase tax
Amendment 6 no stops judges from defering to a higher court
Amendment 7 no establish state college system as constitutional entity swallowing up individual colleges- more gov
Amendment 9 yes ban offshore drilling in STATE property
Amendment 10 no more gov, they will not get rid of VA, this is a two parter
Amendment 11 no repeal illegal aliens owning property here
Amendment 12 yes end lobbying for public officials
Amendment 13 yes end dog racing - I don't care either way on this really

He must vote for every democrat though.

Amendment 1 yes
Amendment 2 yes
>Amendment 3 no -
Why dont you want voters to be able to decide whether a new casino is allowed or not?
Amendment 4 no
Amendment 5 yes
Amendment 6 no
>Amendment 7 no
Why dont you support our troops?
Amendment 9 yes
>Amendment 10 no
you dont think there should be election for clerk of the court...? what, why?
Amendment 11 no
Amendment 12 yes
Amendment 13 yes

Puerto Rican/Jew you mean?

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Increasing the exemption just means local governments are going to raise the millage rates to make up the difference. It's a boomer trick because it shifts the tax burden to renters and will increase home prices.


"Y'all" can go kill yourselves. Yes, I am "tryna flex" on you. Peasant.

No, that was Orange.

I want them gone, but honestly I'll be happier moving back to Lake County. the northern part looks comfy

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Yeah. He's a straight ticket voter. I guess these matters skip a generation, as my grandfather is a conservative as well.

no 3 it'll cost tons to have people vote on it, we already have casino's, nobody really cares do they?
no 7 is a two parter, I'm ok with the death benefits but not the other half of this
no 10 because of the specific Broward and Dade county sections

I doubt it.

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I'd love to move away from Orlando. Pulse transformed Orlando into an extremely pro-gay city.

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St Pete here. Based Sheriff Bob is the best sheriff in the state.

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We don't agree but that's fine. Thanks for explaining what you don't agree with.

>mfw Beach Jews dont like blacks or other minorities being on the beach and are trying to stop public transportation from coming to their oasis and letting off homeless people

pretty funny

Sounds legit.

Saint Petersburg is the gay mecca

Go too far into the liberal shit hole in this pic and you will get chopped up and thrown into lake maggiore by all the black drug dealers

It's cool, none of us are going to agree 100%

St. Pete always seemed like either tourist trap by the beach, or the ghetto.

There was a shit ton of black people in the area around campus when I went to USF. Extremely accurate.


why arent there many florida anons ITT? We're all on /b/ trap posting I guarantee it...

Easy to remember. There's a yes/yes at the beginning and end. The rest alternates between two no's and one yes.

I'm in the liberal shit hole part. It would be really cool if I could walk to Publix and not have AIDS riddled nigger faggots ask me for money.

>tfw marion

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