Question for Zoomers

in my opinion its less gay to make a zoomer cute boi choke on you dick then it is to fuck a trap , why you little twits think traps are hot is beyond me

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Other urls found in this thread:

What percentage of this kid's young male fans are honest with themselves that it's because they have a crush on him

What's a zoomer?

Gen Z

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how many jew penises did that twink take

pic related is a zoomer

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stop smoking weed

I don't understand what you're saying. Zoomer cute boi? So, a trap? What exactly is the difference? Also sage because fuck your stupid thread it's not political or funny. But I'm too curious not to ask


that kid looks like a future school shooter

too gay to sit through. guys brain damaged

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Kid thinks he's a nigger. What a shame.

zoomer here, traps are gay and zoomer cute boi choking on ya dick is also gay

Is it OK for me to feel bad for this kid? I'm sure he's rich but wtf. He'll be irrelevant soon and full of those retarded tattoos on his face.

Idk, but I love Zoomer memes!

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I want

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you need to be 18 to post here.

we're fed up watching you rebels wreck other people's kids with your degenerate influence.

go do your homework and stay off 18+ sites.

not a zoomer

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both are gay you fucking idiot

I'm pretty sure he has Down syndrome. Or maybe it was just all the Xanax he took.

Sad to see a kid at this level of stupidity, knowing he likely won't have enough brain cells left to ever grow out of it.

Lil Xan is overrated twink material. They are way better twinks out there.

I bet his feet taste great.

where do these kids with the face tattoos come from? are they making them in a factory somewhere?

Is that from the times square hilton? I swear I’ve had that exact view.

Im only admitting this because I'm anonymous, but he's cuter than some of my ex-girlfriends. What the fuck man.


womens firstborn kids if male trnd to look female. look it up.

then why does my older brother have a beard and I still look like im 12 at 19?

It's the other way around

This thing needs to OD very soon.

Because you're prime twink material and you should post your boipucci at once.

my brother

You don't have to will it, it is inevitable anyway.
He is probably already smoking oxycontin off of foil. Just play the waiting game or wait for a shocking twist of events in which he becomes a Born again Christian.

That kid needs one free ticket for a Helicopter ride

You're just gay

look at this spoiled motley faggot
kids today need to be sent to war

t. Commie chink

Filthy yellow basterd


Retarded manlets

Insect people

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xanax definitely makes you slow

nah i think overdose w/ this one

Based and redpilled

Gwyndolin is such a cute girl.

All faggots should hang


This is a zoomer in Italy

Wonder why they only gave him a level 2 vest instead of 3.

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