Will Gavin McInnes face any serious consequences for those Proud Boys beating the shit out of those antifa guys?

Will Gavin McInnes face any serious consequences for those Proud Boys beating the shit out of those antifa guys?

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Hopefully he gets indicted for being a foreign agent conducting bullshit on US soil to cause civil unrest. He should get life in prison. Steve Bannon deserves the death penalty.

probably not, video just came out today showing the people getting beat up starting the fight by throwing a glass bottle into the proud boys

Will OP stop reposting this faggotry every time this archives?

He gets to lick the assholes of every one who got a punch in. That’s the the way the Boys roll. Out and Proud!

if you were here irl i would beat your ass half to death

Hopefully Jack Posobiec and Rodger Stone and Alex Jones and George Webb and Gavin and Laura and whoever else all either get hanged for treason or spend the rest of their lives behind bars. They are criminals.


Typical antifa faggots biting off more than they can chew then crying MOMMY!!!!. Video proof that they instigated the whole thing and then getting btfo for attacking. saged

Are you Gavin?