Propaganda is getting downright fucking stupid

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nobody fucking cares about the uk.

>Give us money and we will make the earth's temperature go down

that's what craft beer faggots call it these days in the US.

"Wanna go get a pint and watch the soccer match?"

>increasing temperatures
>more farmable land
>more moisture
>lower crop yields

>craft beer
nobody gives a fuck about the gays.

We will shoot cannons of your cash into the atmosphere and that will solve it

Sounds like British propaganda bots

I don't drink. This does not apply to me.

But I'll happily buy SCOTUS Kavanaugh A beer.

>the right blasts #kegs4kavanaugh, I LIKE BEER, etc memes to the left's chagrin
>days later a new study about global warming affecting beer is hyped on CNN
Really makes you think

be nice. there are some good brit bros here

american education LMAO

>Oy Vey, Global Warming must be stopped!
>No, we won't build nuclear
>No, we won't confront any of the massive supercorps producing the majority of pollution
>No, we won't sanction China for producing massive amounts of emissions vs every other nation on earth
>No, we won't support local production of oil and other goods to stop the huge amount of pollution tankers produce transporting goods
>The only answer is for you to accept a significantly lower quality of life in our new eco-socialist society that coincidentally gives us way more money and power

Earth will cease to exist if we don't tax giant corporations for polluting the air.

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Let me guess, the solution is more tax?

Oh the humanity, no more beer...

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We can make beer out of things that are not barley

well to be fair most bars do use pint glasses, but you're probably right about the terminology mostly being used by hipster fags. I specify pint at my local dive because they also have a big top-heavy 22oz glass that I tend to tip over after I've had a few so I like the pint glass, even though the big one is a better deal.

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Humans will have to submit to population control unless we implement this arbitrary tax that does nothing to solve the root cause.

Read the paper. It's absolutely retarded.
They evaluated the yields of existing crops under various warming scenarios, without taking into account the fact that massive areas in the north will become productive (again).

Very good post. There's a reason that the only problem that gets attention is CO2 and the only proposed large scale solution is carbon taxes/credits which would coincidentally establish a global government with more power than even the international monetary system.

Pints are US measuring units retard.

My ol' paw paw used to have a tub of fermented yak piss out by the shack for when times got hard.

>CNN last week
>CNN this week
>G-guys, care about global warming, you care about beer right?

Good, fuck alcoholics

This is my favorite climate change meme. If you stand in the middle of the road and see a truck coming you'll obviously keep standing there because you're standing there right now. Things do not adapt or change to suit new environments or circumstances, they just stay the same and die when things becomes different, just like evolution predicts, we love science!

hops: unaffected

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Only npc drink alcohol

>smoker's pay 3 dollars + more a pack for cigarettes

Literally this

It was published in Nature Plants, which I assume is a compromised institution, or completely clueless about economics.
I suspect they would not have been able to publish this in any respectable economics journal, for the aforementioned reason.

I'm disappointed every time one of their doomsday memes doesn't happen. If/when one does that's when we'll start developing terraforming technology then after that: Mars is Ours.

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Nature is one of the most prestigious scientific journals on the planet. Nature Plants is a spinoff, but still... the fact that you've never heard of it is a sure sign that you know literally nothing about science. But hey, don't let that stop you from shooting your mouth off.

That's not true. I used to drink heavily to quiet my inner voice.

>literally, LIQUEFIED BACTERIAL FAECES ("fermentation")

the level of n/pol/c degeneration is reaching sub 0' Kelvin levels

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>give us money or your beer will cost more!
>oh by the way your beer will cost more anyway because of tax hikes that get imposed and we just feel like making more shekels anyway, only rich people should have shekels not useless drunken goy louts

The beer industry releases mass quantities of CO2.

We get the propaganda we deserve.

>crops can ONLY be grown on coordinates x and y on the planet

hothouses are still a thing and fields can be moved.

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-t boomers

Drinking alcohol almost turned me into an NPC

>we want the Kavanaugh audience

its downright fucking stupid to even Look at CNN.


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> People who were wrong about the ozone hole making predictions

>falling for the troll

not as stupid as you

I call it a pint because there's a delineation between draught beers and bottled beer at bars. also it specifies the size of the drink
t. Massachusetts

wtf im a global warming denier now???


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I remember arguing with one of these climate change is the religion of everything faggots a few years ago he was clear as day had his mind up that the war in Syria was because of climate change.
Imagine the amount of mind fuckery afoot .

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>geological evidence that the temperature on earth has fluctuated to a massive degree through time
>sea levels too
>freaking out over a couple decades of bad data
ego or ignorance

Less alcohol is good. Whites are already hooked on alcohol and prescription opiates/psychotropics. Just because it isn't fucking crack and we aren't a minority group no one sees it as a problem.

im completely okay with that

Thankfully, I'll be dead at 2100 or the 1st world will be advanced enough to leave New Africa for good.

bullshit barley is tolerant to weather and unless u have shit soil u can get fat yields

Wonder what his problem is

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Kek I make own beer you can suck my pint

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>beer shortages
WTF I'm voting for the greens now

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when americans go to a bar and ask for a glass of beer, what measure do they get? do you use those small american pints or something else?

Nigger Science Guy just claimed that if the poles melt the sea-level will rise to the elbow of the Lady Liberty statue.

No my friend, we FUCKING love science.

old link

Climate Change "scientists" have gone full retard, never go full retard.

I better not catch any of you faggots speaking like this in my country. I don't even care if your a Bong on "holiday", you speak correctly here. In exchange, when/if I ever visit Britain, I'll only speak in my best British accent.

>whats that fusion power, um sorry sweetie but the world isnt sci fi

>I don't even care if your a
American education, ladies and gentlemen.

>all of it
>then we will give it to millions of muslims, chinks and poos flooding your country
>more people = less energy use

This is what based national policy looks like

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Our pints are the same size as yours. A pint is a pint. Its just annoying to say what oz. you want your beer in. We serve drafts in pints, bottles have less.

Have you ever been to a bar with different beer sizes ever?
Fuck are you just a complete fucking retard? They just say "big" or "small" because you cant handle someone saying what a pint glass is? Go fuck yourself

Yeah there would be actually massive increase of crops in the UK for example making it locally cheaper, or in Russia and canada for that matter.
If they haven't taken this into account the study is worthless.

Ohh noo my beer nooo it was the perfect beverage after a long day's work at McShekels !
I might be earning minimum wage in a dead end job but at least I had my 6 pack lights fucking orange man increasing global warming what about the beer drumpft hates beer my beer beer is a man's drink just like beard is a man's hobby you clean shaven people won't understand the power of beer and beard what dude you don't like beer who doesn't like beer bro beer is love just like nutella and pizza is life xDDD

I work at a bar in Texas and we call pints pints, because they are pints and we serve them in pint glasses. Not sure why you would find this odd.

>my best British accent
don't come here before learning that there's no such thing as a generic "British" accent, and that there is more variety in accents within Britain than in every other English-speaking country put together

>spend millions of dollars on refugees and 3rd world countries so they'll keep breeding
>whites you have to stop having children, its bad for the environment
>also gives us more money to give to 3rd worlders
honestly insidious

Oh man, the right is after my ethnic food AND my beer, fucking nazis!

What is Canada but a big potential barley and rye field?

Not only is pint perfectly fine to say in the US, an American Pint is actually a separate measurement than an imperial pint. Just because you're a basedboy who only drinks coke-cola doesn't mean normal people don't say pint

lol fgt

>oh no we won't have broke alcoholics anymore
i cri evritiem

Global warming is caused by one thing, people. There are too many people on the planet. They created this problem with foreign aid, Unicef, and the like, knowing they could manipulate the solution. The solution is the removal of any potential present or future threat to their power system, that obviously means the removal of people who can think logically with future insight. It's fucking easy to rule forever over niggers who can't understand cause and effect over thousands of years, especially when you would have control over their genetic future as well via propaganda and the like. It's downright the evilest the set up. All so they can have a permanent slave race that can never get out from under due to genetic limitations. But you know we're the evil ones for trying to stop it, we're the evil ones for pointing it out, we're the evil ones for trying to not doom humanity from such a future.

this is ultimate normie boomer targeted propaganda.
>muh beers gonna be more expensive cos of global warming! CNN says so!
Even if the earth did get warmer(very doubtful based on the actual properties of the 0.05% CO2 concentration in the atmosphere and not the meme properties of CO2 they used from experiments in the 1800s) then barley production will just move to other areas that become more suitable like large areas of Russia and possibly become even cheaper.

Oh no, how will hipsters make shitty microbrews now?

>Overpopulation in white nations is a serious issue, but we need to bring in brown & black people from the third world to help with population decline.
Kikes have no idea just how little patience is left for them right now...Mexicans and Niggers don’t like them and the only reason they’re accepted by whites is from the Söy-Left for entertainment purposes, and pre-tribulation rapture Christians for eschatological purposes. They have no clue how far into the ground they’ve dug their own graves.

are you kidding?
it's the most fun when you play on the edge

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Loooong ways away.
Very little of our overall landmass is arable.

thats okay. it makes you fat, is addictive as fuck and carries oestrogens. ban that shit

LETS drink a loaf of bread guys!

or just take 4 shots of some spirits/ actual alcohol and not get any man tits, beer gut, or become a estrogen riddled cuck nu male zoomer.

This makes no sense at all

It's true.
There is a drought in main regions where hop and barley comes from. Crop yield was 40% lower. Drought is continuing so next year might be even worse.
On the other hand it was a great year for wine.

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>I'd like a glass of beer

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They're trying to appeal to the normal man.

Yeah but not when talking about glasses.

Urban areas just want carbon credits so they'll derive cash flow from the trading of yet another liquid asset.

Liberals'll NEVER want carbon credits if they don't involve enriching an urban center.

Oh, and 1 other thing: all this global warming shit is just there to make excuses to give big cities more money, wealth, and power relative to everyone else.

Theres a german restaurant I like to go to that serves beer by the liter.
Comes in 1, 2, and 3 liter boots.

What's the American term for "pint of lager" then, a "sturdy pot of piss"?

my fucking sides

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