Ask a Mexican anything

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Why are you guys fucking retarded?

indio blood

Where do prietos live in Mexico

Why is Mexico poor. Your country is next to the best market.

How's your head still on your shoulders?

Why are you so brown?

Makes sense. Who votes more for the socialists, Inner city or rural?

because spanish did not killed them all

mexico is the 11th richest country, but many mexicans are poor

not nice, achmed

half is white

rural indios from south mexico

When will you genocide the indios?

never, the government gives southern indios $2000 pesos for each children they have Lol

No i said where do they live, like I know they are in Mexico city but where else

well, in 1492 they were 100%, now 8%

Similar a lo que sucede con otras etnias en México, la categoría de "indígena" en México se ha definido en base a diferentes criterios a lo largo de la historia, lo que significa que el porcentaje de la población mexicana definida como "indígena" varía según la definición aplicada. Puede definirse de manera restrictiva según criterios lingüísticos, incluyendo sólo a las personas que hablan una lengua indígena, sobre la base de este criterio, aproximadamente el 5,4% de la población es indígena.5

Why are your traps so delicious?

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fuiste a mexicali padre?

no... don't want to end up decapitated

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when's the last time you were in texas?
was it a great shopping experience?

stop posting porn you kike

mexicali is too hot btw.


last week, i live in the border.

greatest? in the 3 floor shopping mall centre at houston, it has an ice skating course

redpill me on american expat living in mexico

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donde estas los burritos de burro

they think that are living in the paradise

What do you think of Mexican-Americans?

based texas economy supporter.
you're welcome back anytime, amigo.

How do I get a cute señorita by offering to marry her so she can come to the US legally?

Do latinas like anal?

gracias, tx is based.


>they think that are living in the paradise
well, are they? Do narcos mess with foreigners?

no, they dont.

narcos only kill other narco rivals.

why do you suck at taking care of dogs
you guys are souless mutts

well, at least we are not blacks.

i love having sex with multiple hookers a night.

I live in san diego and go down there everyweekend to fuck all these whores in tijuana

Yo Quiero Taco Bell?

cool, you should visit rosarito and ensenada once, less fungy vaginas bro.

no, yo quiero matarte hoja malvada.

they got places like adelitas and hong kong there?

Why are you still in Mexico? Thank you by the way

of course no.

yes, but i hate this place

Pls stay

>yes, but i hate this place

Why are you always so cold when you break into our country? Your people walk around in 75f+ weather with fucking hoodies on, sometimes doubled up.

You can move to another country just not mine

>2000 pesos

i live in the texan border, you even have squirrels.


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Will i be kill if i went there with the sole purpose of fucking cheap hookers?
Also whats the best place in mexico to fuck hookers without getting kill/kidnapped

Is it 'safe' to drive my truck with a camper all the way down 1 in Baja to Cabo, sleeping at campsites along the way. Neither the truck or camper are new or expensive.

tijuana, just ask this horny american.

it is, just avoid tamaulipas and mexico state.

¿Que pensas dos españois? Estás enojado por estar blanqueado?

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no estoy enojado, yo onions blanco gracias a ellos. porque me hablas en portugues? de donde eres?

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>yo onions blanco

Ah, te vin antes, por que sempre publicas o teu brazo? Vostede é un indio?

Estou usando galego e eu son de España. Prefiro usar este idioma por razóns ideolóxicas.

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Why are your cartels so fucking barbaric with their victims?
Why not just put a bullet in their head and be done with it?
Is it part of your Aztec cultural heritage?

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Probably yes you can sense deep down their proud of they savagery when they talk about truly nigger tier sense of self

>preefiro usar este idioma por razóns ideolóxicas.

no, onions nieto de abuelos de euskadi.

It’s their attempt to scare others from crossing them. Like how in the old days Europeans would put enemies heads on a spike as an example/warning.

>just avoid tamaulipas and mexico state.
I'm talking about Baja

baja is safe.

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How do I get a chicana gf?

>i live in the texan border
near el paso? Do you know if juarez has places like adelitas and hong kong?

yes, its named amadeus and joker.

>mexico is the 11th richest country
Oh sweetie, everyone knows it's all about per capita. It's how we as a tiny country are a global powerhouse in multiple sectors while you are Mexico.

Of all the people on this board, it's always the mexicunts who are the attention whores, starting worthless threads where others can ama.
Reality check: you and your pathetic people and your shitty country are not that interesting. Just another third world shithole, and even by south american standards your country is comparable to Thailand or some other third world shithole.

Fuck off. Nobody cares about you cunts. Go jack off to your cartel gore already, poofta scum.

I like your food but why the fuck are your people invading the US? You gotta stop that.

A big part of the US used to be Spain and Mexico.

what did you have for breakfast, what will you have for dinner?

why didn't your grandparents help Hitler

What about kidnapping? My understanding is gringos in mexico live under the constant threat of kidnapping

Why ask when you already know its burritos?


wendys burguer at 4 o clock

carls jrs at 11 o clock.

because we are americas slut



dunno, just bored. how many spiders you had to kill today?

I eat too many burguers as an american. im not a typical mexican.

no such thing as too many burgers, your alright

What's the best brand of tequila I can buy outside of mexico?

today I ate 2 burguers, now i feel american. wendys was better than carls jrs

jose cuervo

stob stob, now I must eat the burgers

and how about you? tell me about your breakfast, lunch and dinner.

where? its too late.

Thank you. Also, how do I call someone a "nigger" in spanish?

just got up, had 2 coffees, but now I must find burger

negro, simio, mono, esclavo

where? jack in the box?
