Hostility to men could become hate crime


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ultra based and redpilled 2bh, best fucking news i've heard all week

>Ageism and hatred of certain alternative cultures, such as Goths or punks, could also be included in future.
What ?

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>have some banter with your friends
>local bobbies are around to hear you call him a faggot
>get thrown in jail

You’re not allowed to dislike anything?
I fucking hate that.
Mad bastards though

how about hostility towards Christians?

Punks a fashion

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The girl from Danny Phantom and girls from other cartoons of a the past were Gothic-> Praise HIM

Can I dislike skinny jeans?
Or make my own mind up about anything plz?

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Doesn’t that cover all the bases? Who’s exempt?

jesus christ can you even go outside there anymore?

Oh awesome.
Now they're going to make the men as whiny and impossible to attract as the women.
Jews are clever.

>be bong
>say bad word
>go to prison for 100 years

Does it include A. Wyatt Mann, or are they just suggesting that shitskins can be men?

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>Hostility to men could become hate crime
Finally, men deserve protection too

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>Be british government
>Watch "V for Vendetta"
>Decide you literally want to become the police-state that britain is depicted as in the movie
Britain YES!

like this
>I fucking hate that.
hate crime

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>it wasn't a crime before


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How about outlawing hatred against indigenous people, by the bourgeois traitor Left?

So the elderly and not children...

>spank your kid for being an obnoxious little shit
>go to jail
>kid bites parent for spanking
>kid goes to jail

>Lefties introduce a law to protect hurt feelings for niggers and women
>White man now exploits the law to protect himself

Based and redpilled tbqh with you phamily. You should be supporting this attack against the left wing bubble of protection.

Why are you so cucktastic? What did you mean by this?

Full jihad

When you constantly attack and marginalize an ethnic group don't be surprised when they start acting like other marginalized ethnic groups by voting as a bloc to preserve their self-interests.

>not realizing that governmental protection of men is one of the final steps of permanently weakening men in a society

>make women feel oppressed
>women chimp out and demand protection
>elite give women protection
>men are punished for legitimate acts of violence against women
>women eventually begin to abuse the power of their protection with false accusations so as to subjugate men at will
>men begin to feel powerless because they walk on eggshells every day in an attempt to just live without becoming the target of false accusations
>men become used to this and fight back the only way they know how: use women's tactics against women
>the men have now effectively become women
>the elite grant men the same protections as women have

what remains?

>women get punished for oppressing men
>men get used to having this protection
>men further weaken because they no longer need to protect themselves
>the men and women now are truly equal: equally weak
>nobody can defend anything any more
>nation crumbles and is overrun

this was always the plan. you're all fucked now; and soon us burgers will be, too, because what happens over there comes over here. why do you think a false accusation of rape against kavanaugh was international news? the elite are broadcasting to the public things that will make them think, "you know what? we should protect our men because they cant protect themselves"

the elite are winning so totally its disgusting.

>could become
Why? Because that thumbnail. It’s not up to a ‘committee’, there’s pc committees discussing PC stuff every day all day it’s not news, and why has this Pakistani posted two OPs of it?

It wasn't a crime this whole time. I'm not sure most people know the definition of equality anymore.

Exactly. But this is acceleration at its best. Censor and criminalize everything, everyone, and everythought until the pendulum swings back and causes an earthquake

>his country only now started to jail raging cunts
a few of our vocal feminazis got 5 years for inciting hatred based on sexual(gender?) basis

Hostility to men, that is hostility of white British women towards paki and somali rapists?

>tfw straight white males will get protected status soon
Hope me Jow Forums

It really shows that these retarded ideas are becoming more grounded than ever within that society when they're being applied to the supposed ultimate perpetrators.

It's to create a state of children, it's so easy to rule over children, they need mommy and daddy to survive...

I'm moving to Britain

Fuck no.
Feminists should have a right to hate me as much as I hate them.

God we're all so pathetic.
An entire nation full of victims.

please no also give flag bag to chad, gypo theif

This is it. Men might think this is a good idea cause hey women have that type of protection so should I, where really we are risking taking more rights away. We should resist more laws always.

>Sexual orientation
>Transgender identity
I guess white "British Men" will be safe now.

now that's based

Its because some goth girl was murdered for the way she dressed a couple years ago.

Posting best cartoon goth waifu.

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Whores and niggys get arrested. Good times ahead.

Alternatively we could us this to even the playing field against the rhetoric feminism has been pushing on men for so long. Within the protection of this new idea that we can be hate crimed for being men, we could develop a subculture that embraces being old-school manly, and making men "men" again without people claiming toxic masculinity.
Naturally, women will follow when they realize these men are well-groomed, strong, and resourceful. It would take a lot of memeing but I think it'd be a good counter.

I can't wait until Nazis are protected under hate speech law.

The Law Commission are pretty based so they might take these suggestions on board.

I moved to Britain. Hi

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When will the word "gammon" be recognised as the racial epithet and "hate crime" that it is?

James O'Brien will be livid once he is a certified racist bigot

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'We' can use this. Make the enemy start demanding 'freedom of emotion'. Pic related.

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Those are some broad groups, gonna need an example of application.
Like can this be used for women who bring sexual violence charges against migrant males?

The old part is just pandering to the baby generation. But they just gave voting rights to a block of foreign youths. Boomers won't matter much longer.

Feminists aren't happy:
> Of course, some men are victims and survivors of gender-based violence, and those men absolutely deserve support and justice.
“But they don’t deserve to have the crime committed against them classed as a hate crime. That should only apply to us women… did I mention feminism is about equality? Yeah some men seem to think it’s about discriminating against men. I can’t figure out why…”
> But when you crunch the numbers, it’s impossible to ignore that violence and abuse is gendered. The majority of perpetrators of violent crime against both men and women are male. According to the Office for National Statistics Crime Survey for England and Wales in year ending March 2017, 78 per cent of perpetrators of violent crime are men.
She admits men are victims of violent crime and also admits women are responsible for over 1 in 5 violent crimes committed in England and Wales. However, this too is irrelevant. It doesn’t matter if 1 in a million crimes involve a woman attacking a man because he’s a man, if a law exists that says the reverse is a hate crime, this too should be classed as a hate crime. The percentage of female and male victims and female and male perpetrators is irrelevant.
If hate crimes against men are rare then it won’t be used often. But to attempt exclude men from being covered all together shows feminism as it is not what it claims to be.
> When a woman is violently attacked in our neighbourhoods, warnings appear telling us to get taxis, not to walk home in the dark, not to listen to music on the street.
Oh no how dare people try and keep you safe.
> As Margaret Atwood once observed: “Men are afraid women will laugh at them. Women are afraid men will kill them.”
Tell that to the victims of Joanna Dennehy. I’m sure it’ll satiate their loved ones.
Source (wouldn’t archive):

Don’t be fooled, it’s a Jew trick to let men feel like victims

What on earth is a gammon

This is obviously going to be used for muslim rapists.
>She hit me with a brick after me, and 30 of my friends raped her
>She had no man-hater loicence


Recent British racial slur used to dehumanize white people that was deemed 'not racist' by everybody who used it all over the MSM and social media

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>being a liberal
Finland: Yes

A pathetic retort to "shitskin", not even made up by shitskins, which makes it more pathetic.

COULD become a hate crime
you mean its not already in the defintion of hate crime that being targetted for abuse based on gender is a hate crime

oh right, its only a hate crime if you hate women. when you hate and abuse men its JUSTICE

i like how they had to throw the elderly in there just so people wouldnt automatically fail to have any sympathy because its just men.

remember though, its the establishment and the dumbest of the normies that hate men. most people arent that compeltely far gone yet

and the establishment hates men because they fear men

I love that there's such a thing as black culture and Muslim culture in their minds but mention British culture and they act shocked and declare "that doesn't exist". And as to values: the only reason these morons can’t detect British values is because a significant portion of the world decided they were so good they’d copy them.

Poor Hank Hill. He wouldn’t last five minutes.
>"What the hell kind of country is this where I can only hate a man if he's white?”
>”Oi, oi, mate. Ya can’t hate anybody. That’s a hate crime.”
>”Can I at least hate them if I don’t say anything?”
>”Yes, for now. At least until the telly detection vans get their hate detection upgrades next week.”


Literally mandatory state supervised human interactions.

next up: littering is a hate crime!

servers her right for shitting on unironic white culture, Goths are a real people

>mandatory state supervised human interactions
already happening, everything is recorded in the streets of englel

Oh sweetie...

yeah, they could make privacy illegal

I have a great idea Britain, how about you have laws for assault.
For verbal assault you can have a civil court judge the nature and the damage of said assault and come up with a reasonable compensation.
For physical assault you can have a penal court judge and condemn the perpetrator to social services or prison, depending on the gravity.
And all of this without accounting for gender or whatever.

i know right, im not even on board with hating all jews but i mean come on. the lack of self awareness in that guys statement, wow

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Don't fall for it.
It's another way for the jews to pussyfy men by making them victims.
Don't be a little bitch.

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Soon my friend, soon!

That's all you need to know.