>be me
>go to school
>go to classroom
>sees an Albanian monkey and a nigger
>tries not to be racist
>some jew teacher teach us about the ebils of natzheees
>some albanoid monkey gets mad and tells the holocaust was a inside job
>then some girl gets mad and fight each other who is right
>some nigger was screaming at me and his smell was so strong it smells like monkey feces
>mfw I went to a greek school for a year
Be me
So just your typical Chan user.
Is it me or is Jow Forums full of niggers?
nah, sounds wrong, yankee go home
I had a shitskin (Azerbaijani) friend at school. He was okay, we used to play PS at his place because I only had an old lousy Chinese NES knockoff at home. Later he became a dental technician.
what did you become ?
Sound accurate
Thats why people send their kids to private school instead of public school
Not for better programs or teachers but to avoid all the groids and albanians
Sound like fantasy fueled by Jow Forums memes desu
Except if his school is in patissia or something
orthodox turks are scum
Albanians are disgusting
they broke their own country by charging themselves more interest than even the Jews would