Trump voters will defend this

>Trump voters will defend this
Look at her, she's drenched! DRENCHED

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Based and redpilled. Trump really put that thot in her place.

wew dat ass

Wtf? I hate Trump now!

Melania not looking bad either

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Dat ass doe

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that mom butt.

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She's lucky he doesn't make her walk behind him.

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You just know he told her to strip off those wet clothes for her and get on all fours - like a dog - so he could commence the sexing. Based Trump.

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incels will never understand that women want to be treated like shit, it turns them on or something on a primitive level. It's one of the first greypills you need to take to be successful in life

Bitch should have brought an umbrella that's what's wrong with women they expect men to stand in the rain because they forgot to plan ahead.

She's already drenched walking arm and arm with the most powerful man in the world.

god I want her milf butt to smother my face

t h i c c

this is what feminism looks like

More like her pussy is drenched because she is with an Alpha male like President Trump you inbred liberal cuck.

imagine how that wet ass smells

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I just jerked off to the first lady. Literally a first for me.

Trump cares only for himself

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>Melanoma in yoga pants

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Whenever I try I go too far

They're slacks

Mushroom dick yeti pubes.

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Who cares fag

Any chad man would hold an umbrella for his wife.... I think he does this for the chimp out reaction!

i found a bit of the video of it,

Finally, at least now there's a real man in the oval office. You are so blessed.

And to think Barron gets to tap that every night... what a lucky lad!

Btw, where's the friendly french guy superimposing a red smack on her ass when you need him?

Women knows that rainwater his good for the scalp.

Don’t set out to bully. Just behave like you would around a male friend that’s lower on the social hierarchy. Except, you’re wanting to fuck.






She probably didn't want it on her.

Also -

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>women are strong and independent
>please give me an umbrella big strong man I'm a wittle woman

Because he’s the president, and she is someone the president puts his penis in.

Why are you so mad, cuck?

When you're a chad like Trump you always let a little rain fall on your hot wifes breasts before you go inside. So her titties show through the fabric. It's more comfy to go inside if your wifes titties show through the fabric from the wetness.

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Women have more sin in them, so its natural that they should be treated harsher. I approve.

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Trump can't get organic circuitry tattoos wet or they'll short out and scab over. This is the heavy price of becoming metahuman

Which one is more likely to have time to visit hair & makeup before their next public appearance?

>yoga pants

>zero ass


Why is plebbit so sexist?

>person on reddit uses a small bit of hyperbole
>attack and ridicule him
>trump uses hyperbole for literally everything


trophy wives must know their place at all times.

He's president, you're not.

>Except, you’re wanting to fuck
Saying this to an incel beta will fuck him over. He'll just get desperate and cringy.

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orange man is bad omfg

you can see it is lightly raining when he starts talking to the press then when she joins to leave with him it had stopped


Daamnnn Mami.....

This 75 year old Orange Cheeto fuck is tapping this?!
And he doesn't even have the courtesy to be a basic gent in the rain?

Women wamen really have no self respect

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Doesn't even look like it's raining though, maybe misting.

Yeah I know. He must be working out.

I'm glad they don't do that phony public lovey dovey bullshit. Everyone that's been married for 10 years knows it's an act when the democrats do it.

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lol this is what they post on Jow Forumspolitics


The objective is to make her wonder how much you really give a shit about her. That's it. Put yourself first often and be aloof about her feelings and opinions. If you do it correctly, she will work for your affection and will reward you when you show her the least little bit. She will eventually be trained to understand that you don't need her, she needs you.

You could bounce a penny off that thing, Melania is a lucky woman.

>72 year old man still makes his wife wet

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>white knighting the first lady
Reddit is so pathetic.

How about the front?

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Holy fuck, dat Melania ass

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Innie or outie?

Does anyone else hate that both Melania and Ivanka have fake tits?

Total turnoff for me lads

kek, pretty good.

whats wrong with this?
i thought women were strong and independent

I'd love to see this idiot kill himself, after his career tanks when there's no more Trump to stir up fake outrage for.

underrated. isn't equality beautiful


datass doe. Flotus is more beautiful as a milf than any picture I've seen of her as a younger woman.

Is it even raining?

This man exemplifies the English stereotype most Americans have.

More of that Trump 4D chess?
Na, the man is a moron.

Same. What do you do when she starts crying over some dumb shit? If I ignore she gets mad. If I try to figure out why in the fuck she's crying over a nothing burger she gets upset. Act like an adult FFS.

People who voted for Trump know he's a selfish piece of shit.

That's why they voted for him.

damn i wish i was baron or whateverthefuckwashisname so i could be close to her all day and check out that azz...

Is he English? Looks like a jew to me, or is it "eternal anglo" Mosley type?

The rule of thumb is no attention is better than negative attention

Oh god thats a thong isnt it. My fucking dick

He is a fucking jew, not an Englishman

Trumps a lucky man

I do this to my wife all the time.
If she doesn't want to bring her own umbrella i'm not giving her mine and no i'm not carrying her shit.

I don't give her negative attention. I'm nice about it. It's like "what's wrong? You wanna talk about it?" And she gets all mad Ike I'm supposed to be able to read her mind.

You know, I don't really recall. Starts with an S! Let's see. Swim? Swammi? Slippy? Slappy? Swenson? Swanson? Maybe it's on the briefcase. Oh, yeah! It's right here.
Samsonite! I was way off! I knew it started with an S, though.

Shes only with him because he has money. He could be putting cigarettes out on her and she would stay, because money. We've established shes just a whore already, so who cares if she gets rained on a little.

Nigga, I hope you're trolling and I can respect that.
But if you aint, you dont ask what the fuck is wrong, you dont even acknowledge it. And you dont try to solve it. Resume your life and she'll either tell you or get over it. And if she does tell you, just nod, acknowledge you were listening and move on.

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Nice set of hooters there too. I mean the owls.

big gulps huh? Alright.....well, see ya later!

FUCK. This is the exact opposite of what I've been taught my whole life by women and romcoms.

Unironically because both are produced by ((((Them))))

Not slacks. The sideseam is too thick. Jeans at the very least, non-denim though.

t. tailor.

i prefer to think most brits are like Tommy Robinson

His hyperbole literally builds the nation (and the world thanks to international finance) through mentally conditioning double digit IQ republicans to be happy and willing to spend money on the worlds largest consumer economy, thus keeping dozens of industries (globally) afloat.

What does that redditors (NPCs) hyperbole accomplish?