You hear that white boy?

You hear that white boy?

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lord knows we don't white people to benefit from anything lmfao

America is for everybody that's not white. If you and your children are white, prepare for a genocide in the not too distant future.


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This is probably referring to affirmative action, which changes entrance standards by race. As you might expect, in order to meet diversity goals, groups with higher average IQ need to have better entrance scores. So a lot of Asian-American applicants have been denied with scores that would have been accepted for applicants of other races. Literal racism and class action bait, so here we are, apparently. Naturally, since there are a lot more white Americans than Asian-Americans, most of the applicants who stand to benefit from getting rid of affirmative action are white. I expect that OP is a faggot, but does anyone have any news on this topic?

>all those comments

(((they))) are creating their own undoing... the day of the rope is coming...

It sounds afraid


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can you post some please

Is it me or this shit sounds extremely racist toward white people?

>European Americans 68% of the population

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jews are like 50% of harvard, whites maybe 10%

Isn't that school 90% Jewish staffed?

How easy would it be to make things actually equal under law, like they mostly were for all of my life, instead of couching your commie revolution in anti white racist rhetoric

ACLU was taken over by commies years ago and no one who cares about freedom sends them cash anymore.

remember goy, you cant be racist towards white people

Affirmative Action and Common Core ruined education. Too many niggers and spics getting social work degrees to learn how to game the system for even more gimmedats.


>if harvard admitted people based off merit white people would benefit
>because minorities wouldn't have an easy time taking a spot from a deserving white person just because they're black or brown
Why can't the NPCs just take one more step in their thought process. They're so close to admitting it but they just can't reprogram their thought process.

most of them know its all bullshit, they just hate white people

Can anyone decipher the logic of this spic?

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When will the ACLU be removed from tax exemption, and their leadership arrested for subversion? This charade has gone on far too long.

>fuck wippo
>let more browns in based off skin color not merit
>it's only racist if you use my skin color to be mean not to gib gibs

There is none. They're just NPCs repeating the parameters sent to them by MSM.WashingtonPost.OpEdPiece(18172617).

>Minjeong Kang

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I don't know if this is relevant but back when I attendes Stuyvesant high school, the only qualification for attending the the free public specialized math and science high schools in New York City was getting a high enough score on an exam. Because of that, over 50% of the students were Asian. The cost of Harvard is doesnt even matter, if an Asian kid got accepted into Harvard, the parents would sell their organs to be able to send him there.

Hey, she’s standing up for whites

But seriously, this is fucked. Lmao this kind of shit is only helping that NPC shit going around.

>I'm a spic, give me special privileges because white people are evil.

I know. I agree. I can still take the piss out of the situation, Tina.

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>Make no mistake.
>This will benefit whites.


Well you have the second part right. The one about the genocide.

Almost sounds as if it's NOT ok to be white

It means he hates white people.

>admitting outright that merit based acceptance hurts minorities because they are retarded and that it is actively discriminating against Asians
>defend that and believe you have the moral high ground

This doubling down is just killing them, I love it when they do the job for us

>And that's a good thing

It's the Jews that are benefiting the most now from affirmative action now by taking up the white quotas

Attached: jewivy.jpg (1275x1650, 255K)

If the population is US citizens and excludes green card holders and illegals it’s actually pretty close

Tucker needs to see this.

I'm surprised people have not started going after this terrorist organization desu

It's funny, I used to actually respect the ACLU. But it seems to have been taken over by virtue signalling SJWs who are no longer interested in its core mission. Sad.

They literally fought on the alt-right’s behalf in Charlottesville, looks like they were made to atone

Dont forget this is kikes doing this. Never forget and spread the word to others. This will be paid for eventually

>This is probably referring to affirmative action
It has nothing to do with affirmative action, it's the blatant accepting of Jews over Asians who are better qualified.

I just find it funny that their argument against the lawsuit isn't "No, this is not racism and here's why," it's "This lawsuit will help white people, therefor its bad"

Harvard is over 50% JEWISH. That's the real discrimination if there is any at all. But all NPCs are firmly brainwashed never to mention or even notice Jews. "They who shall not be named". It's the most taboo thing you can do, and that in itself is a big red flag about what Jews are up to.

Worth a read:

It is as if Harvard doesn't want intelligent students anymore. I wonder (((why)))

Sunlight is the best disinfectant.

He just admits that white people are superior to them and that they cant get into Harvard without special privilege programs.

ACLU is a racist organization.

In case anyone feels like commenting:

He's basically saying that it's whites vs everyone else. Its okay if asians are discriminated against as long as non-whites as a group see a net benefit. I think this is fine logic, and I encourage them to continue using it. The sooner the conflict comes to be seen as "humans vs subhumans" by both whites and asians, the better.

This is not going to fly with American East Asians. It's about to be a red tidal wave in November.

Attached: nyt polls converted.png (1000x1294, 192K)

Confirmed: Asians are white.

>my american friends of other races

Americans are white anglo-saxons, lmaoing at all weebs praising asian communist cunts as "based"

harvard should do the sensible thing and EXPAND their business to accommodate more students.

They could even create whole new degree programs specifically for Asian students to accommodate their learning style.

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Because (((someone))) doesn't want competition.

And it's the Rothschilds.

I want to continue affirmative action so pic related happens again.

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They don't even have to add "and here's why that's a bad thing?"
It's just understood that if it benefits white people, it's bad?

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Literally this. I cant think of a better way to pour gas on the fire.

this is such a wonderful tweet
do the blechs even support this kind of shit

This is when I knew they were no longer the ACLU and had been destroyed from within.

Sooner or later it will end with the genocide of one of the parties.

lol ACLU redpilling the Asians.

What's the current status of the trial? Any chance Harvard will get btfo? Will this go to the supreme court?

The ACLU and others like SPLC and media matters need their 501(c)(3) revoked.

No, of course, they literally called for the killing of white people. If whites do not stand up, they will simply be destroyed by genocide.

Decent chance affirmative action will lose. It barely won in 2016 and with Kavanaugh plus the general zeitgeist they'll likely find against it.

go against it, More Chinks, Less Jews and Poos. A Lose for the Democrats.

Asians vote for Democrats

They do, but in 1992 and 1996 they didn't. Essentially if Asians face strong oppositions from Democratic party minorities they end up more amenable to the right. The real issue here though is that white racial interests can only be defended indirectly in America today. While using an Asian plaintiff may work this time, it's still symptomatic of a larger problem.

Tell that to the rooftop Koreans.

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It is.
Kikes are over-represented by a wide margin at Ivy leagues, so if the system changes to reflect the population they lose badly.

These fucking rats are not getting away with it

I don't understand how such overrepresentation is very rarely mentioned in similar debates. Doesn't it prove that (((they))) aren't perceived as white?

There's only been one article in a mainstream publication that referenced Jewish overrepresentation and it was written by a Jew. If other people talk about Jews they're done.

Attached: Joseph Sobran Jewish Power.jpg (600x600, 81K)

>. Thus
This is the type of person who needs affirmative action to get into higher education

To the average Joe kikes are considered white. Jews play white when it is convenient, such as in infiltrating industries or ragging on whites, but whenever it is better to be a merchant they play the heeb card. Also generations of propaganda has led to any mention of Jews or Jewry in any even slightly negative light being viewed as horrible racism and anudda shoah. Most of the population is unconsciously afraid to even mention Jews at all.

Had some cuck from the ACLU going door to door asking for donations. I told that commie faggot to get off my lawn.

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It's funny coz there were Jewish quotas before.

After they were removed you would think Jews would be the better people and not repeat the past mistakes. Instead they act worse than the predecessors.

Fucking scum I tell you. No wonder mainland Chinese hate them. Really takes one to know one.

They need to be mentioned explicitly, since they're over-representation isnt even explained by academic prowess. I think we could keep everybody happy if we kick the shysters out and give their spaces to minorities.

Okay ACLU, you now have two choices:
1) No quotas. Race is not a factor in admission.
2) Quotas, but we get real about Jewish over-representation.

If they really want to argue for option #2, it's going to be anotha shoa, as the kikes lose the ability to LARP as (((whites))) and finally get BTFO out of higher education en masse.

Using the word “purported” is incredibly dishonest. The suit was filed by Asian students in their own interest. “Purported” seems to imply that they’re being used a puppets by a white cabal. It’s racist.

Chinees hate jews too?

Piss off Ahmed


Who doesn't?

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why do you care get out of our country

Chinks are having full on state sponsored think tanks on how to destroy the kikes using their own tactics

>Diversity™ is more important than having competent people have spots (if they're white0
>unironically admitting in a roundabout way that the white applicants are getting screwed over like the Asians are so that Tyrone and Juanita get accepted
top wew

>an organization with fucking Civil Liberties in name
>considers "it would have some benefit to whites" as an argument against a legit lawsuit
it's all so tiresome

>not being intelligent enough to get into Harvard is the same as being discriminated against so that you don't get in
And from there it all makes sense.

>lack of coloreds benefits white people
He's right though

chinas keyboard red army and of course a russian is helping the chink to spread their propaganda

its about SAT score weighting. asians have 50 points removes from their actual score in reviews of applicants and whites have none added or removed. blacks get 200 points added

the thing is the country is 39% non hispanic white so they would benefit the most and blacks get nothing. since equal treatment based on race is assured legally with no exceptions any institution that would do something like SAT score weighting would be in violation of the law

If only whites were Americans with civil liberties

I hope Tucker talks about this