1 more day until Canada becomes more FREE than the Americucks

1 more day until Canada becomes more FREE than the Americucks

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hopefully it helps my insomnia when i try it tomorrow.

just because weed is legal doesnt mean your country becomes any more free
do you guys even have firearm rights

at least our government doesn't claim ownership of your body and tells you what you can and can not put into your own body.

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>just because weed is legal doesnt mean your country becomes any more free
Of course it does lmao

>just because guns are legal doesnt mean your country becomes any more free

Nothing puts me to sleep better than a bowl to the face
Sometimes if I wake up in the middle of the night and I can't fall back asleep, I'll take a few hits and the problems solved

right to bear arms?

We do lol

Get raked leaf

Attached: Leaf makes a post.webm (854x480, 831K)

it's actually not 100% legal, so many restrictions make it very hard to call it FREEDOM.

plus the staged crisis actors school shootings will soon ban their guns.

Well you actually are able to have a gun in Canada, although it is a little harder. We do have easy access to butter knives though

wow it can't wait... insomnia is killing me

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Its going to take a lot of weed to be able to ignore your 245 million somalis


You didnt read that article and just looked at the headline, huh.

butthurt american slave :)

The average mutt is hispanic and the average hispanic education is elementary school. You can't expect them to be able to read.

More likely it'll just cause paranoia and you'll be up all night regretting every action you've ever done and you'll definitely not be falling asleep.

You retarded niggers and your faggot kike president are importing 250 million Somali (((refuges))) into your country. Your nation is disgusting sub human filth, gas yourself nigger.

>our government doesn't claim ownership of your body

open marriage , Free sex all of these dirty bullshit made up by pervert who want sexually abuse women without actual responsibility

Upper Class women prefer marriage than free sex because they don't want to be used as public toilet

Fuck Boomer Trump but kavanaugh are actually decent men who care about public opinion in Younger age

What is So free about All the important decisions decide by literally Hereditary politicians , Faggot ?

What is so free about low life will stay forever as low life in socialistic oligarchy Canada

Fucking hell, current year white people are really dumber than chinese

>let your youth stone itself brain dead
>call it progress

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Read the article next time instead of just misinterpreting the headline

depends on the strain, but what would a bunch of fear-mongered brainwashed slaves know about strains? :)

lol weedhurt :)

I don't smoke because I'm not a jobless degenerate faggot unlike yourself you cucked faggot kike.

Literally kill your children and then yourself.

It's legal in several states already. once again Canada is second best and still fake and gay lmao

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We already legalized it in like 7 states and Oregon/ Cali gold is light years ahead of BC Budd; piss off dog fuckers

Weed is already legal in California. Also didn't your "wise" leader promised this ages ago?

Holy shit why are you crying so hard

post the best prices on munchies

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>"open marriage , Free sex all of these dirty bla bla"

that is exactly what FREEDOM is.
why does your government claim ownership over your body's sexual practices?
why didn't God ban the tree of good and evil?
because it wouldn't be free will, it would be FASCISM and evil.

Now they are giving Canadians drugs to not notice the replacement or Trudeau's antics.
Gooks and Musies don't smoke mate.

>putting his government above personal free will
and that's why you are slaves to the Devil :)

Ironically Canada needs a Hitler to pull you Snow niggers out of Weimar 2.0

Excellent rebuttal you sub human NPC faggot. I'm sure you'll enjoy watching all your women raped by niggers and mud slimes over the next 50 years. You literal cancer.

Drink some bleach you kike mongoloid.

wow lol amazing weedhurt thanks for the laugh :)

in before the OCS online store crashes repeatedly and they ask for more time before people ordee


But those legal states were selling Canadian bud anyway

lol you seriously need some weed to calm that teenage angst :)

Enjoy the complimentary rape gangs the sand niggers and your kike faggot prime minister ship into your country within the next ten years you sub human faggot.

Your entire country will be brown before 2050.

Kill yourself, no one loves you.

bootlicker drone?

You literally embody everything that is an npc.

Literally millions of niggers are going to be shipped into your country and are going to rape your women and children. While your retarded nigger faggot ass is so excited about weed being legalized.

Have some pride in your nationality your spineless faggot.

Slit your fucking wrists now.

haha dude you're funny and you need to chill xD take a hit from my pipe then we become friends

haha lmao keep going dude you made my day

Don't worry be happy
- Bob marley

sexually abusing women
sexually exploiting women

Is Freedom because white men said so

FUCK YOU White Rapist

You are fucking White Rapist who don't respect women

pretty sure you are just making excuse like harvey weinstein

You are the Male Facist because your freedom is more important than women's right

I hope you gonna be in jail very soon or die alone

But in your view everybody who disagree with you are hitler

Its Really funny white men call other people hitler

and the faggot he admits he wants niggers to rape his women and children.

Literally hang yourself you disgusting leaf nigger.

lol HAHA wtf this is gold keep going dude xD

lol brah.... this is funny af but also disturbing af....you need serous psychiatric help....try weed

How hard are your hands shaking faggot? You window licking kike faggot.

Post your address kike, we'll see how funny things really are.

dude....seriously? you need mental help...that psychotic schizophrenic rambling is disturbing af lol

I dont think I can live on this planet anymore after this shame


haha and they say "stoners" are the crazy ones XD

I do not understand why millennials think that libertinism is liberty, at first there was nothing, there was no rules or morals, we lived in the caverns and huts like the nords, but that was thousand of years ago and we shouldn't come back time to that primitive age of human kin, now everything returns to the primitive state and the people tell you that this is "progress" when in truth is that we are coming back to our old and wild state of anarchy, we failed as parents to the millenials and we are going to pay the price, this generation is weak and stupid.

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America did it first.

weed is legal here anyways, banning it would be against Hinduism

brb going to make a weed shake aga bhaang

Literally everything I've said is true you retarded faggot.

Your sub human nigger culture and government is going to import millions of niggers into your country and completely fuck your blood lines.

Good luck.


>but that was thousand of years ago and we...

WRONG, you wretched child of Satan. You will die like a cockroach, but saints shall live for eternity in paradise :)

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seek psych help brah

Yeah but why u a virgin bro lmao

so now one huge part of the world will turn blue


(Blue = Cannibis legal,
Pink = Illegal, not enforced,
Orange = Illegal, Decriminalized,
Red = Illegal, enforced,

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You literally have no retort, all you can think of is "seek psych help" and other non rebuttal tier quips you brainlet sub human intelligence tier nigger.

You'll family with be niggers within a decade.

Literally kill yourself. You degenerate faggot.

Enjoy the heavy taxes, assholes. Someone has to pay for that "free" healthcare.

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Literally you are a typical leftist NPC faggot.

Apparently everything you think of revolves around sex and jewelry. You are literally no better than a 40 IQ Somali nigger and your rebuttals show it.

If you don't kill yourself now you'll be forced to watch the forced race mixing of your entire people over the next 20 years.

You tide pod eating retard.

lol keep going this goes to my cringe screenshots to show my friends and laugh about it xD


Kill yourself kike.

angry virgin confirmed xD

Isaiah 40:22

He sits enthroned above the CIRCLE of the earth, and its people are like grasshoppers. He stretches out the heavens like a canopy, and spreads them out like a tent to live in.

You and I both know that my posts have literally made you sad and have increased the emotional instability within you.

You can literally feel a difference right now, your happiness is slowly draining away.

I have won and there isn't a single thing you can do to bring back that happiness.

Nor will you ever be able to change the fact that your country is a kike infested hell hole which will have muslim no go zones and nigger over ridden ghettos within 20 years.

I feel amazing and your emotions are taking a toll from this.

You're welcome faggot.

lmao you want to know how I know you don't smoke weed

tldr faggot xD

Perfect time to quit.

Do they teach you in that shithole what a CIRCLE is?

ball is not a circle, but a flat plane inside a dome is :)

i see jesuit brainwashing is strong there, catholic church is the anti-christ after all.

Fucking millenials doesnt know about theology, but God will judge you all.

oh yeah i'm very sad :) very very sad tell me more

Enjoy the free niggers your prime minister will be sending your shortly.

I'm oscar mike, see you later kike.

>didn't reply to my argument
tick tock cockroach, your time is almost up :)

oh no don't go yet tell me more about your blacked.com fantasies xD

Canadians will be taking out thousand dollar loans to buy an eighth

except the prices aren't even near that lmao

it is already legal in my state

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Canada has been a bunch of degenerates since day 1, this is nothing new

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Well at least over here I don't have to be worried about being incarcerated for calling a tranny mentally unstable and can keep my child even if I don't irreversibly damaged their bodies with hormone replacement treatment.

But hey you got me canuckle head I can't smoke reefer while fucking my dog.

lol doesn't your government bulldoze your people's dissident corpses into mass graves?

That's what I call efficiency.

enjoy having two loafs of bread now but die in hell later

Says the dog fucker

The socialist government was 45 years ago, get up to date you cucknadian

Dog fucking is illegal in Canada. You would have to go down to the US to engage in that kind of activity.

whatever man yawwwn

Hey aren’t you that “country” with the lady who stole all your water bottles after a hurricane and left them on an airstrip and you guys died of dehydration or someshit?


you're still degenerate heartless inhumans yawwwnn bye trash

But zoophilia is legal, just look at the 250 million Somali immigrants that your women will fuck.

Thanks for the reminder, I still have to pick up a mask.