It's Okay to be WHITE: ORIGINAL - The Million Poster Pin Up

Do Not Alter The Message or Flyers

Anyone Who Tries To Change Things Is A Shill
There Is No Phase 2
It's Okay To Be White. 5 words. Simple, elegant, effective. The plan is working. Stick to the plan. There is no phase 2.

Do not trespass or vandalize.
Do not do anything illegal. Anyone telling you anything in these posters is illegal or will get you into any REAL trouble with actual authorities is a shill. This has been shilled hard and is false. Anons have confirmed with local law enforcement and lawyers that it is perfectly fine.
However leftists are literally raging at this campaign and like typical leftists will likely try to hurt anyone who does not disparage white people: so be safe, DO NOT CONFRONT ANY LEFTIST PSYCHOS. Just walk away and put up posters elsewhere/later.

Do not say anything provocative. Our message of tolerance is enough to further unhinge an already badly unhinged left.

NOTE TO MEDIA/POLICE: communists are lying saying there are blades under the posters. This is untrue unless THEY themselves planted these. What would be the logical point for this campaign to do this? (logic is not a leftist concept as its "white supremacist")

We are giving the left all the rope they want and they are racing to hang themselves. The goal is to expose the media's anti-white bias through their reaction to a harmless flyer. It is working. Stick to the plan. There is no phase 2. Anyone who suggests change is a shill.

On Halloween post the fliers EVERYWHERE legally possible to post stuff. Only universities is not a good idea.
Car windshields, bulletins, posts, walls, ect.

>Wear a costume, it's halloween! Show some spirit and disguise your self ;)
>Make sure it says 'Okay', not 'Ok'
>THIS IS NOT HATE. We are doing this for the pure reaction from the left, to one simple statement. This will reveal them as hypocrites to all normies, in the boldest manner imaginable.

>No wheat paste - we are not commie vandals

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Show some work on public - Bump

what's this leaf shit? it's not okay to go brown in autumn

OH Vey shut it down

I feel like I've been rused

cunt fell off a tree and got pressed down

>A Sri Lankan family has been split up following a negative security assessment by ASIO, despite being granted asylum in Australia.

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the guy is an ex Tamil tiger terrorist . The group who invented suicide bombing

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>it's okay to be wh*toid

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sir, are you an alt right prankster?


Sir, pls respond I'm a journalis.. are you a neo nazi?

are you a member of the KKK, a fan of David Duke and the alt-right?

made me sage the thread because you are fucking useless

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Is there a better resource or copy pasta describing what's legal and illegal in terms of where we can post these?

Quiet down terrorist

its not illegal to post this message. Just make sure you don't vandalize as with any flier

only use the original design in pic related

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just talk about how you illegal came into the country and no one will care. you're a victim
>t. sarcasm

it depends on the local laws, but if you see grannies advertising bake sales and people advertising garage sales on telephone poles and they aren't getting in legal trouble, assume it's safe

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We're really going to need this in Australia

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