Do you ever just get sick of their shit?

>Trump makes great political decision
>Jewish journos say it's "unamerican" to not support open borders and allow herds of third worlders to just march on in

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Literally when in American history have we opened our borders to waves of refugees. A couple thousand educated gooks following Vietnam, maybe?

If you ever heard him speak, he has this squeaky faggot voice.

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The Krassenstein brothers are paid to respond to Trump tweets and you're participating in spreading their message. Please stop.

They need to cross two countries to save their lives?
Why aren't the kikes brother begging Guatemala or Mexico to offer them asylum?

I think the kikes are realizing they overplayed their hand with this mass immigration thing, so now they're going all in.


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Liberal Democrat hero FDR turned away boats full of Jews during WW2 and stuck Japs into internment camps, for fuck's sake. If anything, it would be more American to catapult them back across the border.

after WWII where we gave every jew in the world refugee status and got flooded by all the bolsheviks from eastern europe and russia.

I fucking hate seeing liberals bring up the concept of patriotism to shame the right. Bunch of rats.

The Irish Potato Famine, though not intentionally because our immigration policy at the time pretty much was open-doors because we wanted to settle the West more.

Lol. This stuff makes me sick

actually I get sick of yours.

journalists say that - in fact most of them say that - and they're not all jews

you need to take that into account before you lurch back into the easy racism route.

>Everyone in the world sees anti-Trump propaganda every single day but it's bad when you point this out
Go fuck yourself kike

>we gave every jew in the world refugee status
Biggest mistake. They’re so ungrateful.

Apparently FDR mocked the jewish refugees too

Every national news media in my country and probably yours too is owned by Jews faggot.

ed n brian are fucking salty - read this you fucking manlet faggots

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Why do you keep posting about yourself kikenstein you deranged pedo parasite?

Didn't canada do the same thing to whites from south africa?

Krass just sitting around waiting to be first responder to every tweet? Gotta jew fast.

And no, Ed. Fuck you. It’s not our problem. Call Mexico. Maybe they can crash on their couch.

If they shill hard enough and miraculously fulfill their entire agenda. We would just kill them or die fighting the u.n and whatever commie assholes they would let in to kill us.

Thats different goy, they're white and therefore the oppressors

What are you, a racist?


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Glad to see Trump saying this, only hope he follows through when the Honduran government doesn't act and cuts them off. Also hope he has Nat Guard and ICE ready to intercept this caravan of invaders and take them back to Honduras.

i've been sick of their shit for 9 years. and i never have forgotten, nor will i ever forget, that these kikes want me broke, dead, my kids brainwashed, and they think it's funny.

i will never forget what the kikes have done to me and this country.


>fleeing for their lives
Oh gosh, if the government of Honduras is so bad we probably should cut off all aid to them and probably drone strike random people there just to be safe.

>they're not all jews
they don't all have to be jews you nonce

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This. Also they are the ones creating this thread to get more responses instead of their botnet. Don't talk about them or post in their threads.

Aha! So this is your solution after getting called out for spamming your tweets. Nice try, Ed.

Refugees should be shot dead. I don't feel bad about dead nacho niggers

>our immigration policy at the time pretty much was open-doors
Open doors for white Europeans. Pretty sure non-white migrants were still highly restricted if not outright excluded.

>we probably should cut off all aid to them and probably drone strike random people there just to be safe.
I desire this.

you did it for the irish and it was a mistake

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Well wouldn't that just make Honduras even shittier, making more people take the decision to go out?
Besides, what can the president of Honduras even do if the people aren't even in the country anymore?

Except the "journalist" on the screenshot is a fucking jew you stupid chink. Fuck off back to Asia, you fucking mongoloid.

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>Do you ever just get sick of their shit?
yes, yes i do.
why should we have to put up with this bullshit? our country is being raped left and right by these leeches who come here illegally and consume a fuck ton of welfare, and meanwhile we cant even take care of our own people. whoever thinks that world poverty can be fixed by letting a bunch of migrants into the country is a fucking nigger. good luck fitting the billions of impoverished people into a nation capable of containing 230 million.
>b-b-but thats meannn
fuck you
>b-b-but look at all the dying children
fuck you
how the fuck are we supposed to help the rest of the world if we cant even help ourselves.
how the fuck are we supposed to make a dent in world poverty by importing a million niggers here, when 2 million impoverished niggers are born as soon as we do it?

>tweet is drumpf being a piece of shit


you people are mentally ill
not even mean or edgy,just nutcases

get proffesional help,drumpfkins

ooga booga orange man bad orange man rich. orange man "maga" was never great ooga booga

Implying that democrats are not the ones in need of professional help

Why are they always terrible people? Every liberal I've ever met was a total piece of shit. One I knew kept trying to have sex with another friend's little sister. Another would lie about being a disabled veteran for discounts, and had no problem with stealing other people's ideas. And yet they constantly judge others.