Do you ever just get sick of their shit?

>Trump makes great political decision
>Jewish journos say it's "unamerican" to not support open borders and allow herds of third worlders to just march on in

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Literally when in American history have we opened our borders to waves of refugees. A couple thousand educated gooks following Vietnam, maybe?

If you ever heard him speak, he has this squeaky faggot voice.

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The Krassenstein brothers are paid to respond to Trump tweets and you're participating in spreading their message. Please stop.

They need to cross two countries to save their lives?
Why aren't the kikes brother begging Guatemala or Mexico to offer them asylum?

I think the kikes are realizing they overplayed their hand with this mass immigration thing, so now they're going all in.


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Liberal Democrat hero FDR turned away boats full of Jews during WW2 and stuck Japs into internment camps, for fuck's sake. If anything, it would be more American to catapult them back across the border.

after WWII where we gave every jew in the world refugee status and got flooded by all the bolsheviks from eastern europe and russia.

I fucking hate seeing liberals bring up the concept of patriotism to shame the right. Bunch of rats.

The Irish Potato Famine, though not intentionally because our immigration policy at the time pretty much was open-doors because we wanted to settle the West more.

Lol. This stuff makes me sick