Why has it changed from sjw to NPC, they keep their buzzwords the same but why do we change ours?

Why has it changed from sjw to NPC, they keep their buzzwords the same but why do we change ours?

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for freshness
lib memes get stale fast but they keep using them
we change it up and that means that with every new word or idea the left has to stop and discus the issue anew while we became immune to all their insults years ago

Without constantly adapting and mutating, a species becomes overspecialized. This is a slow death. An adaptive species can take advantage of a change of circumstances that would wipe out any other organisms. The left is stagnant and dying, whereas the right is taking advantage of the changes in the world and thriving. Evolve or die

because we accept new information. we have further defined what it is to be "them" an autonomous soulless cretin, or NPC

it's not a buzzword you stupid NPC it actually has meaning

>they keep their buzzwords the same but why do we change ours?

We changed their buzzwords. Look at us. We are the programmers now.

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Because it's the only way to argue with someone who keeps changing definitions and unironically appropriating insults. In a bizarre way it actually gives us power over the public dialogue, much in the same way that left us will redefine things on an academic level in order to manufacture consent or to ascribe
Composition fallacies. It work out in our favor in that we have them unironically calling themselves and others Cucks and Alphas; we have them doing exactly what we accuse them of doing.

For the most part it will mean that only people on the left will be using the term "sjw" and in the process expose themselves for what they are...A MOB of NPCs repeating what they hear.

At least that's my take on it.

I could be completely off base.

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We evolve. We grow. We advance.

Our enemies are stale unoriginal faggots.

Simply by your questioning I feel that you are a shill for the other side you nigger faggot.

A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag. That's why

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because 80% of "people" conduct no inner speech, can not visualize etc etc. this one is staying, even the jew is an NPC but with two modes; shekels and shilling. only white men are actual real human beings the resy are golems and niggers should be reclassified as dangerous fauna.

NPCs =/= SJWs

NPC are mostly made of normies who parrot the news constantly:
>I think it's gonna rain today.
>Did you hear about what Trump did this time?
>We are a nation of immigrants!
>Did you see the new [superhero] movie? It was awesome!

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>they keep their buzzwords the same
no they don't

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Not all NPC's are SJW but all SJW's are NPC's

Some Japanese seem to have souls, quite a few of them in fact. Most of the souled Japs are otakus.

I still look at them differently. If you’re a SJW you’re also an NPC, but you can be an NPC and not an SJW. For example, any patron of subway sandwich or hometown buffet.

What’s the difference between shekels and schillings?

Based as shit dad.

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gotta meme on em

Based father

>even the jew is an NPC
No, they aren't. They make the NPCs and bombard them with stimuli to get the desired effects.


Get out, you mindless, collectivist NPC faggot.

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>Why has it changed from sjw to NPC
Stop being obtuse. It's not exclusively sjw left. See:
>Israel is our greatest ally!
>Democrats are the real racists!
>Free market is the best!
>We have to spread democracy in [insert country]!
>Hispanics are natural conservatives!
are also oft-repeated NPC opinions from neocon faggots. It's just more important right now to punch left just ahead of the midterms.

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npc cuck

Because reddit autists ruin the previous ones. They're only buzzwords because reddit uses them like buzzwords.

Npc meme is to de-humanize people.

World is overpopulated, too many soulless husks of low-tier quality. Human garbage...

NPC and SJW is not really the same, all SJWs are NPCs.. but not all NPCs are SJWs.

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NPC is not an SJW. NPC is someone who doesn't think about issues, they just repeat the party line. Basically for them it's people who watch CNN, for us it's boomers reading Breitbart.

Because NPC explains the SJW programming but is not exclusive to SJW. There are NPCs on the right as well but most I’ve met are free thinkers.

articulating new regions in the topography of our enemies worthlessness
every time a new way of expressing their disgusting and polluted nature is discovered it has to be named and then propagated. this is the dawah and it is the highest calling


They add new buzzwords at the same rate

The funniest thing is NPC originally had nothing to do with SJWs. They got offended anyway so we just rolled with it.

Fuckin /thread

>they keep their buzzwords the same but why do we change ours?
the right is much more dynamic, the left all they have is : "you are a fascist, you nazi, you racist..." and those words are so overplayed that few people gives a danm about then anymore.

"the left can't meme"... of course not, they are NPC.

anyone that says npc is a synonim for sjw doesn't understand what it means to be an npc. Npcs have no inner speech, no internal monologue to think, only regurgitation of talking points. Its basicly a synonim for sheeple, which is a term beyond political affiliation.

why did I respond to a slide thread?

>Same sex unions
>Gay marriage
>Marriage equality

Marketers change the name all the time. Why would you commit to failure?

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We don\t they are trying to get rid of it

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Those are two different categories. Most NPC are not SJWs, they're just what you would call normies or basic bitches. Basically, all the soulless golem who go along with the status quo, who smugly acquiesce to the Establishment while thinking they hold unique and righteous beliefs.