Is goblin slayer /ouranime/?

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Goblins Fear the Samurai

>1 post by this id
Yep. This one’s going in my slide post compilation

I seriusly love it

>1 post by this ID

ah gotcha

oy vey

Literally who is this tumblr of? Also I dunno why people keep trying so hard to force this. It's like when people tried to force that tolkein orcs were immigrants when he was talking about the industrial revolution.
tl;dr this is tumblr tier shit

Pretty much.
GS is an unimaginably based character. Literally Jow Forums personified in someways. Damn shame they can't stop flipping between. 2d and CG animation...and that they cut some of the best stuff from the source...
Still good though
This whole season is good now that i think about it desu...

Ah mushi mushi, Gahbrinah Srayer.

It's just edgy and gritty as hell (and nothing really wrong with that), but I agree with criticism that having waifus in the party kind of harms the atmosphere as I don't think a man like Goblin Slayer would allow girls join his crusade giving his knowledge and the established fact in universe of what Goblins do to women while men get off easier and are just killed. (Spoiler: torture, rape and breeding slavery)


>medieval europe theme and setting
>blonde hair blue eyed white (asian) women everywhere
>high society
>epitome of white western civilization
>goblins (niggers jews muslims) invade
>steal and destroy everything
>slaughter everyone
>kidnap and rape all the women
>use them as breeding stock
>bunch of independent strong womYn who dont need no man go to fight low level goblin den
>get raped to death immediately
>unknown no name masked user shows up
>holocausts all goblins, goblin lovers, goblin babies, goblin mutts, goblin half breeds, goblina 56%'ers
>everyone is shocked and disgusted
>keeps the goblin holocaust going
>all the women secretly want his cock juice
>declines the pleasures of the flesh
>keeps the goblin holocaust trains running

Its a Jow Forums wet dream reimagined by based japs inspired by modern day europe

I feel like this is a stealth warning to other Japanese not to make the same mistake Europe did.

>goblins are Jewish archetype
What ? Since when do Jews gangrape women and then infest places with thousands of their offsprings?

If they not the savage dumb nigger tier destructive stereotype they are often a low class merchant race that try to cheat and swindle everyone and they horde trinkets and shit. Also a common design is that goblins have pointed hook noses. Not always big, but still pointed and hooked.

Smart goblins who start new dens are literally called "wanderers".

I mean sure, but in this one theyre clearly designed the first, destructive nigger type

*designed to be the first type

There are a few leader types with larger hook noses who are called wanderers that go around leading their orcs places because they have no homeland and keep getting kicked out of places

Forgot to add they enable the others to rape pillage loot kill etc.

Like jews today and nigger culture

Yeah, I also think it's pretty cool

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>goblin slayer
this is racist towards mixed people

Based Abe will literally forcibly march communists into the sea.

I suppose so, but still, I remember reading the manga and I mostly saw the savage, murderous,rapey ones and also those woman shields they used, I don't remember seeing any wanderers

>1 post by this id

Also another thing which begs to be asked, There was never this much buzz around it when it was released as a manga

by buzz I mean "controversy"/triggering

>white (asian) women everywhere

Dumbass yellow fever incel

goblins as the new kike meme
this could work

Why? They draw them clearly as white but ask any asian and they insist they are asian.

It's been quite established for decades that normies don't care about any comics that aren't capeshit. Comics in general, manga included, get away with a lot.

>1 post by this ID

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>1 post by this ID

I'm confused by this. Was the OP supposed to post in their own threads less than 3 minutes after it's been made with only 1 reply?

>lazy cgi garbage

>Orcs are inbred mutants from foreign lands come here to destroy our comfy white shire
>Southrons are evil arab pirates who side with them
>this has nothing to do with Africa and the Mediterranean because my professor assured me it doesn't

They draw most of their characters as huwhite in these things. If you watch Attack On Titan they are always calling out the one asian character for how asian and different she is because all the humans and giants are huwhites.

>goblin are kikes
That's fucking wrong though. Let's look at the traits of goblins:
>violent since birth
>are only driven by instincts, have no higher goals
>have no mercy or empathy towards other races
>primitive and not intelligent, but not completely stupid either
>weak in 1vs1
>strong in packs
>will use surprise attacks without shame
>smell like piss and shit
>rape white women at any chance
>cannot survive without stealing from superior races
Goblins are quite clearly shitskins.

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Doomguy but he speaks.

Literally the sniveling merchant begging the aryan for mercy. Goblin slayer is a redpill factory

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Literally all of those apply to Jews except Jews are better with PR and optics. Plus the "wanderer" goblins are pretty obvious analogues to wandering jews

What do you expect? Normies don't read anything besides social media posts. Remember that one white bitch that went on a feminist rant over that one Dragon Ball Super episode with Master Roshi, Tien and co? She was whining how Roshi is a rapist and his actions promote toxic masculinity and rape culture.


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It’s been well over an hour, OP isn’t coming back. This is a slide thread.

No. The true Jow Forums anime is Anima Yell!

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he predicted that it's a slide thread and it was true brainlet

>Anima Yell!
if there aren't any lolis, and there isn't any killing of jews/shitskins/something that is like a shitskin, then it isn't a true Jow Forums anime.


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Patrician taste. I like both series this season and I recommend everyone to watch both.

Woah, he's saying that jews are goblins?
That's anti-semitic!

This season is pretty good so far. What other anime do you like this season? Of the anime I have tried, the ones that stand out are Anima Yell, Release the Spyce, and Irozuku Sekai no Ashita Kara.

NPCs don’t read.

Big think. Wonder what was the inspiration.

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This.Jews are gold loving Dwarves. Read J. R. R. Tolkien Letters. Goblins are the shitskins invading Europe and USA

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Orcs are literally elves corrupted by evil to signify that it can twist anything and make it it's own. If I remember correctly Southorns have same ethnic origins as Gondorians, as both originate mostly from exiles and refugees from Numenor.

I'm watching those also except for Irozuku. Zombieland Saga is great, Akanesaku Shoujo is still keeping me interested, Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san, Uchi no Maid, ssss gridman, yagate kimi ni naru.

>watching anime
>instead of reading the manga
I fucking hate you faggots. You come to Jow Forums, talk about how GS is "based", and you mention the fucking anime. Fuck you.

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They are an amalgamation of shitskins and Jews

Hey she said it not us. Says a lot when a demographic self-identifies as a horrid race of murdering rapists.

People can do both you know.

>jewish stereotypes
How, outside of the big noses? They're more similar to tribal negros.

This manga has been out for a fucking while. The fact that you fucking faggots are talking about it now makes me hate you and disregard everything you mouth breather say.

WoW goblins are. So are harry potter goblins. Both bankers/merchants with huge noses.

I haven't given all of those a shot yet. I will try them! I really like Irozuku so if you haven't tried it please do.

Why do you think I only started reading the manga and LN right when the anime aired?

Omae wa mo shindeiru

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This is a common shill tactic, implying that if you don't post multiple posts a day that you are a shill.

I remember that. He still stabbed the goblin.

Literally no one in the story has any pity for goblins. They just write them off as not a threat because they're "low level quest mobs". The problem is they are slowly becoming a problem due to the problem being ignored. Also, powerful forces are trying to manipulate and strengthen the gobs so they do their master's bidding.

Goblin Slayer is an altruistic autist who goes around killing as many goblins as possible to save them from the fate he already suffered. He is also the ultimate EDC guy.

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to be fair the reason people are talking about is because it's hit the normie sphere cause normies don't read

Actually take that back some have been tricked by goblins feeling bad for the young or a lone one. Then when they turn around they get smashed in the head (always wear a helmet) and then get gobbed. That's why you kill them all.

>le cute girl
FUCK OFF. When can we ever get something good? I fucking hate seeing the little cunts on screen all the time. It ruins the immersion. Same with fags who post WW2 anime girls instead of men. Men fought in WW2 not some gook whores with axe wounds.

Unfortunately sex sells. The vast majority of people care more about muh dick than immersion and authenticity.

I can put up with some. Having watched 80's anime this past week really makes me hate how shit is portrayed now. The girls just look fucking retarded and the one that got raped was retarded. It was Darwin's award galore.

A bunch of manlet goblins and somehow it's a couple of roasties with squeaky gook voices that are sent in? Get the fuck out of here.

I am watching Gundam now just wanting Zechs to win, but everything is for the fucking (((alliance))).

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what's the name of the anime?

Merchandise is huge part of revenue, and Japanese normies don't really consume their money on anime or other otaku shit. They must pander to people who buy figurines and hug pillows, waifubaiting is a think because it's most profitable.

>is goblin slayer /our anime/
>w-what is the name of the anime u guise

Shame. The older more masculine will always destroy this post 2010 shite. Even that woman in Angel Cop was still strong as well as being a woman. Men are at the top, but SOMETIMES a woman can do okay - if you know what I mean.

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>Goblin Slayer
>the name of an anime
really unoriginal


What do you think it should be called? I was isekai'ed by trusting the jews and reborn as a goblin genocide specialist?

some jap shit. Gobrin ikaratsu mira noku

100% agree. 80's anime had a much darker more masculine vibe that ultimately was more indicative of reality. It is getting a bit annoying how overtly feminised a lot of anime is becoming. They are still generally doing gender roles far better than Western media though. Although in the case of goblin slayer it is incredibly stupid to bring females with you to combat a species that entirely requires females of your species to reproduce. Might as well nip their reproduction in the bud and only send in all male parties.

always fucking burgers ignorant to history. you know japan was axis during ww2 right? fighting communists (jews)? you know axis lost?

japan isn't the utopia you dumb mutts think it is. they've been infiltrated with crypto koreans and chinese, who pose as japanese. they subvert japan just like jews do to the west while disguised as host race.

Its getting a bit annoying how feminised every fucking aspect of society is getting. We live in a gynocentric society to the core

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Tell me about it man. Females in the workplace is among the worst thing to happen to society, entirely changes the natural cooperative male dynamic and adds unnecessary dysfunction into the mix. Don't even get me started on female bosses, i've never had a female boss that i've ever respected.

>Shame they cut so much from the source.
Somehow this implies that I've not read the manga.
You are retarded.

I don't even care about the violent or rape scenes anymore. It does something to my brain that makes me feel how I used to before all the weak animu shit came about.

You notice how quiet and reserved people are now. But think even back to early 00's when our fathers and even us used to shout and not give a fuck. People smoke, drank and did whatever the fuck when it came to fighting. Sometimes we drove fast and it was just a given. Now everything is critiqued like some bitch who is never satisfied.

Fucking this. Whenever I used to work in a warehouse, they were always about and the dynamic is fucked. That edginess in the air is gone now. Before when it was just men, we made each other stronger. Think if Europeans had a medium again to do that. We can be the toughest and most violent cunts on the planet. It will give these invaders something to think about next time they run their fucking mouth when there are 20 of us dragging them into an alleyway beating the fuck out of them.

At least (if it can be called a good thing) the women of Goblin Slayer are there pretty much just to pander to otakus who want waifus to jerk off to, not for "representation".

Meh, I'll cave
Had a friend poking at me to watch it, now I'm interested
Where do I watch it at?

Heres the streaming site I generally use.

Dragon Age Origins was stupid like that too

>Being this new.
Many options user. Find your preference.
Do a search.

don't use any other site.

I don't know what can be done at this point.
Women in the work place + identity politics + cameras being everywhere = existing in society as a male has become a total nightmare. You can get straight up fired and blackballed now just for acting like an actual male and joking around with the lads, slinging insults and banter. Humor is almost completely dead at this point except in dark uncensored corners of the Internet because everyone is so afraid of saying the wrong thing and being ruined for it. This is an entirely unnatural and detrimental way to live.

>cameras everywhere
My brother. I thought it was just me. Having cameras is fucking awful. You can never do what needs to be done.

>you can get fired now
That is why I do trade works now. I make over a grand and take a few weeks off to be a free man. Sounds shit, but society is just like that now. If I had millions I would get a gang together with guys like us. Set up some housing where can make more money and be ourselves. We'll see.

Nothing can be done but collapse. It will take the lights going out to remind females that every single good thing in their lives is because of the charity of men.

The nanosecond things start getting heavy you will see femoids literally on their knees begging with tears in their eyes for protection from the minority of men able to provide it. Even if they utterly shit on these men every second of every day prior.
I really try not to fall into the abyss of being a misogynistic asshole but ffs modern women are nothing but braindead golems propping up this horrific system that is raping us all.

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