because your threads getting deleted and sieg heil.
Fuck niggers.
schadenfreude watching the usa devolve into civil war
how do we end his show?
I'm still enjoying that legacy schadenfreude as Bulgaria remains a shithole.
because i have to live among them and i experience their behaviour every day.
We hate you. You hate him. We like him. He is an idiot. We don't care. You people think women can compete with men in anything and everything. You think transgenders are real. You think Islam is not inherently violent. Your insane.
There is the caveman logic for you. Fuck you and the whores womb which created you.
do we support ?
I-I... don't know user
You're the only ones hating anyone. We just don't want a president who will destroy an entire generation's income and turn America into the butthole of the world while the world turns into Hong Kong. You're dumbasses, and no amount of begging will get us on your side once your entire nation starts slipping into the abyss.
Wait, how will drumph destroy us???? Im worried
He is doing to you what Soviets did to their people - abusing them, working them half into the grave, in order to keep out the entire rest of the world from his sphere of rule. He's the end of the USA, and the coming recession will be go down in history as the Trump crash.
Sucks, you best get ready for global Hong Kong.
Why don't you? Hard mode: You cant use [CURRENT YEAR]
Hillary Clinton killed the ambassador to Yemen.
>He is doing to you what Soviets did to their people
No, you're confusing Trump with European Union and east-German Merkel, whos been in control longer than Putin
I actually can't fucking wait. Chinese are real economists.
shoo! shoo!! slimy limey!!!
We need to #metoo this creepy cunt.
The Chinese also killed like a hundred million of their citizens
Thats more than the whole population of Germany buddy
And miss out on witty npc banter are you crazy?
>how do we end his show?
Make fun about the fact that they seriously think nuclear bombers matter in a modern nuclear conflict
I've always got along better with Chinks than I have with whites. They have higher IQ's and I can have actual interesting conversations with them. Most whites today only want to talk about partying, sports and girls, pretty much the same as blacks now.
I can't wait til the Chinese take over, they're pretty much NatSoc now, not even communist anymore.
It's not as much national socialism as it is simply socialism with balls, masculine socialism of the "fuck you too" kind. Just the kind of answer we need to these misguided burgers.
>the only chinese I have met are the ones with wealthy parents who've sent them study abroad
Sorry, not all of us live in a caffeine addicted frozen shithole that nobody really likes. We actually get to interact with a variety of foreigners.
Hillary wanted war with russia
We're a bit too close to the front to my liking
You think you will be Hong Kong in the future, but really, you will be Kabul. Enjoy!!
go get shot by state security you fucking commie
*laugh track*
Yes,orange man bad.#fuckdrumpf,#orangecrush
He's surname is Trump. Very, very disrespectful.
to watch you cry