Elizabeth Warren should be a cautionary tale for politicians

Politicians should lean from this Liz Warren debacle.

First. Trump has at most 6 years left. Just don’t lock horns with him if you want to be president or something larger down the road. It can only hurt you.

Warrens advancements in her career are over. She will never be president or even Vice President. Trump fucking wrecked her with one word and it drove her fucking crazy.

If she kept her mouth shut and waited 6 years, she could advance. But no. She had to lock hers with Trump.

Cautionary tale. Many such cases!

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Trump will die of natural causes near the end of his third term as president. Screencap this.

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This bitch helped Trump a fucking lot. She literally put the Native Americans on his side which is something no president has ever been able to do. What a dumb cunt, best thing she could do for the Dems now is to retire

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Checked and ratified

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Thanks Pocahantas!

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