/ptg/ PRESIDENT TRUMP GENERAL || Double Standards Edition


>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

ARCHIVE LINKS pastebin.com/ynXV6CHT
DAILY SCHEDULE (WH Press Corps) publicpool.kinja.com/
TrumpTV Weekly Updates: pastebin.com/6HbHjbqF

>Bannon: Trump @War re-up 9/28/18

>My Hero 10/15/18
>America1stAd: A Better Deal 10/15/18
>Pres Trump meets w/GA Red Cross 10/15/18
>Pres Trump/FEMA/others briefing 10/15/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania arrive in GA 10/15/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania Touring FL 10/15/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania arrive in FL 10/15/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania depart JBAndrews 10/15/18
>Pres Trump speaks to press before leaving DC 10/15/18
>AG Sessions/DepAG Rosenstein Press Brief on Intl TaskForce 10/15/18
>HHSSec Azar @NatlAcadMed on drug prices 10/15/18
>HUDSec Sleepy Ben on OAN 10/15/18
>RNCChair McDaniel on FoxNews 10/15/18
>KAC on F&F 10/15/18
>KAC outside WH 10/15/18
>Carl Icahn on CNBC 10/15/18
>Pentagon Press Brief (Gerard Butler(!)) 10/15/18

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

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Other urls found in this thread:


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> Cohn said that they can't reach any Cubans for some reason
poll not conducted in Spanish maybe.

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>Trump attacks only stormy
>He hates women!!!

And that's how the left keeps losing every year

Are we seriously back to Marco Rubio and the "If the hands are small, something else must be small. I guarantee you there's no problem, I guarantee you" issue?

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Women are queen remember?

Jobs not Mobs


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Who is Marco

Hasbros trying to kill you niggers watchout.

Send Tarlov to the rape camps.

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If there is one thing women hate is a sassy mistress, even more than an unfaithful husband

It's better than DitF, desu.

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>Call someone horseface
>checkmate drumphies

>game on
>implying it hasn't been already
>implying the judge said you lost the game yesterday
the absolute state of this turbo roastie

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>Trump will bring back /mlpol/ permanently

>notto disu shitto agen

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>so much salt mining today

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>Ben Sasse
Whelp time to see what else is on

>LMAO you dumb spic, he renegotiated nafta with Canada and Mexico
That's where you are WRONG, Cleetus! See:

>USMCA expected to arrive in Congress by second half of 2019

>The new U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), which will replace the North American Free Trade Agreement, is expected to be introduced in the U.S. Congress during the first or second quarter of 2019.

>Under the Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) law, which requires Congress to approve or reject a trade accord without amendment, President Donald Trump may sign the USMCA after 60 days, or on Nov. 29. Following this, 60 days are provided for legal review and 105 days for the completion of an economic impact study by the U.S. International Trade Commission.

>In Canada, the House of Commons has no legal power over the text, so if Prime Minister Justin Trudeau wants to move forward with the USMCA, he’ll have the authority to do so. Colin Bird, Canada’s minister-counsellor for trade and economic policy, released a statement on the Canadian process, noting: “Our requirement on treaties is that they have to sit before our parliament for 21 days, but the deal’s passage is an executive decision…A government with a majority has the ability to move legislation fairly expeditiously.”

>In Mexico, government officials expect the agreement to come into effect during the second half of 2019. The deal must go to the Mexican Senate for revision and must then be voted on and ratified by two-thirds of the Senate.

>The USMCA can take effect on the first day of the third month following ratification by all three nations.

Drumpf BTFO, he hasn't renegotiated shit. NAFTA is still alive and there's NOTHING the orange turd can ever do to it after the Dems take back the House. GET FUCKED!


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>'Ele soa como nós': David Duke, ex-líder da Ku Klux Klan, elogia Bolsonaro, mas critica proximidade com Israel
>"He sounds like us": David Duke, ex-KKK leader, praise Bolsonaro, but criticize his proximity to Israel
Why are Americans and the BBC trying to influence our elections by having a controlled opposition federal agent trying to destroy the reputation of the candidate who is in the lead, in benefit of a Communist?

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>implying Old Hickory would have anything to do with any of those faggots

Wait what? Which anime you guys talking?

quest item from past thread

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How does he do it Jow Forums? How does he keep getting these people to look more and more ridiculous, as he just racks up win after win?

>Even if you win you still lose because I said so!

This guys has to be a plant. No one can be this stupid, right? I mean, Aventi from NY so he has to get the humor. He's just play acting this whole thing, right?

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The hats are really awesome. That's the secret.

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user, do you even know the meaning of the word "renegotiate"?

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reminder: 02 and hiro die.

DITF a shit and so is it's fanbase.

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The closest thing to a MILF it has is the corpse second from the left.

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Jej, they activating David Duke to try to take down Bolsonaro?

im glad its not a repeat of last year so as to not disrupt the rare hat market

damnit gookmoot

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trump definitely never fucked that fridgebody whorseface
that's whoreshit! you know, like a whore takin' a shit?

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Is this the important stuff you had to do this morning?

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Yep. Do you? (I don't think so)

As of now, US-Mexico trade is UNCHANGED from the Obama admin., therefore, Trump hasn't done SHIT.

>feeling down since yesterday because of [blog]
>Trump tweets immediately bring me back up
thank you Mr. President

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I want to think he’s a plant. But not even a plant would act as retarded as this guy has.

It was a dumb tweet though, really. This bitch was about to be forgotten about.


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They already tried muh tax returns a week ago, the original horseface story is dead, and Muh Russia will be dead after midterms.

> implying the best girl isn't also the one that will never ever die or age over her MILFilicious age

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Why can’t these kikes just use a Jewish surname?

have another

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Anyone else feel the response to the Honduran caravan was, eh, humiliating in some sense? Threatening to cut off welfare really makes we wonder what the fuck 700 billion to the military buys if not any level of national defense.

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All of the feminists will come out raging. It will further divide the moderate and conservative women votes as they rehash metoo and how much they hate men. All of the women who get offended by this already hated Trump. This isn’t for them. This is to wind up the feminists and watch them scare away moderates already uneasy by Kavanaugh.


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Anyone in Brazil even know who DD is?

Will this hurt Trump or the repubs?

>A whores is a whores of course of course

The cartels know your ass and colon like the backs of their hands.

Again: do you know the meaning of the word "renegotiate"? Don't embarrass yourself user, you had something going but you seem to have lost the plot

make one like those desertnigger saudi hats

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Drumpf, you're finished! #basta

As another user said earlier, literal Trail of Tears

They tried this with Trump, it won’t succeed with Bolsonaro either.

Now this really makes me think

Why would AmeriKKKa want strong Brazil?

Yes. Just like Trump’s rhetoric hurt them in 2016

It's okay to call Ann Coulter a horseface. It's NOT okay to call Stormy Daniels it.

Pompeo matching colors with SA. I think some interesting news is coming. Hence the horse face.

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The first user to say it got over a dozen (you)s

>Call MS-13 Animals

we are all gonna make it bro

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Why would he ever want her to be forgotten about? Where have you been the last 2 years nigger.

They've agreed to an extradition of Jim Acosta

>There once was a man who swallowed a whores
>He got AIDS of course


Trump was just erasing Pocahontas from the news cycle. Trump treats it as a sketch and etch

Reminder you only have 6 more years of a straight white male being on your $20

>calls herself a horse
Drumpf BTFO

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only elitist leftists think this is bad optics for Trump
normal people find it hilariously endearing

basically the same thing with the 2016 election



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It's "Etch a Sketch"

They can't threaten us, and our militaries actually get along. We license built some Embraer Super Tucanos for the Afghan air force. Bolsonaro's agenda involves a lot of things that solve problems for us in South America, like putting Venezuela's balls in a vice. Combined with pressure from Colombia (partial NATO member) and we keep Maduro and Hezbollah pinned down far away from our borders. He also wants to lower trade barriers and sell cheap Imbel FALs.

He's the one man willing to tell the truth about shit. Not the corporate PC whitewashed truth but what everyone can plainly see. He's the kid yelling that the emperor had no clothes, elected president.

>He's juvenile.
>He's unpresidential.
>He calls inconsequential whores inconsequential whores.

All true, and yet people are getting to where they will follow him into Hell. Look at Graham.

The left can't be more liberal than that when they are merely repeating their programmed corporate talk strings. It enrages them into unforced errors constantly. It's like Kav getting up there alone with a handwritten calendar from 1982 vs. the DNC machine stroking Ford's hair and whispering in her ear. He may not be 100% correct, he may hyperbolize until we can see the back of our own head but that doesn't matter, what actually matters is he speaks more to the real actual state of things than his opponents do on a regular basis. The NY practicality is unbeatable in that regard.


A couple hundred people, they will just keep calling him a nazi on national television for the next two weeks.
They want to mingle the narratives, some guys were already waving some kekistani flags on Bolsonaro rallies, they want to frame him as "alt-right"/nazi/fascist

He's rolling in his grave because of the fact that he's on a federal reserve note you chink

Warrenposting has crashed through the floor. Sell all assets. Horseface now in.

Because there is a sizable white minority in Brazil, trying to live their lives in white peace.

>we did nothing wrong

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based dennis

rinos like romney will kvetch. bottom line people that hate Trump will hate Trump people that love Trump will love Trump. So essentially no change other than news cycle. Got them to stop blaring about missing "journalist"


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>Again: do you know the meaning of the word "renegotiate"?
Why don't you learn to read, you fucking Portuguese retard? I already answered your fucking question. I KNOW THE MEANING OF RENEGOTIATE. Trump hasn't renegotiated SHIT because his shitty 'new' trade deal still hasn't been signed (nor approved) by anyone, once the new trade deal is signed and approved by the 3 countries, then you can say that he renegotiated NAFTA, until then: NOPE.
>you had something going but you seem to have lost the plot
I don't give a shit about what you think lmao.

this, normies see trump fighting back against two pieces of gutter trash attempting to humiliate and destroy him and they cheer, then they see stone faced pearl clutching infotainment anchors railing on about trump's continued disrespect of women and they laugh.

Come on Midwesterners, the weather is great in California!

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