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yeah well you should have seen the other guy

some negro or spic diversity hire no doubt.

other countries brag about achieving the capability to destroy a US jet
we got shit that does it by accident

This happened in Belgium.

slide thread this happened to the belgians not us. although dont get it twisted class A mishaps happen in every military.

f35 is shit

OP, learn to read. It was Belgian troops who did this and they also injured two of their own men. Europeans lie as much as kikes kek




It was the ghost of John McCain!



So they didn't ask what the red button on the bottom does?

Sides are gone.

he actually didn't do the forrestal. ill get you a pack of smokes if you can name me who actually did, and a carton if you can name who did the uss gw

better, they disabled a safety meant to keep exactly this from happening

Its an F-16

they are both garbage

Poor little Viper. Weren't nuttin but a little young fella. I reckon you aught not to have done that to him. Mmm-hmm. He was just a boy. Twern't harming no one.

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>ill get you a pack of smokes if you can name me who actually did, and a carton if you can name who did the uss gw
gtfo boomer

Everybody wants to do that least once before they die.

How much millions were wasted


b8, it was a belgian plane.

youre aware millenials are old enough to have served in the wars as early as the beginning of the 2003 invasion of iraq right?

Man, have you ever seen a jet explode? Shit is worth every cent.

The USS Forrestal disaster was caused by a Zuni rocket misfiring on the carrier deck due to an electrical malfunction on the F-4 Phantom it was loaded onto.

This, John McCain said it was a blast

How do you explain this on your resume?

Gatling guns are dangerous because they can fire if you manually rotate the barrels. The firing mechanism is simply a spring loaded hammer that rides on a cam that cocks it back as the gun rotates, then it falls off the end of the ramp and slams forward. So if the technician simply rotated the barrel assembly by hand and the gun was loaded it will fire.

I have not read the story to see if that is what happened though.

You realize that isn't an F-35, right?

friendly reminder America could easily win a war against the entire rest of the world even without nukes.

Simply bomb the persian gulf oil fields and wait until everyone's economy grinds down. Meantime we sip on our sweet sweet shale.

Other countries are only allowed to remain 'independent' because we say so.

pick 1, both r the same

Feels good to know that we can blow our own shit up and still have more than enough shit to win a war against the rest of the planet.

Stay mad faggots

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>Happened to yuroshits
Meme flaggot from a shithole country BTFO

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Looks like it's sitting "next to" the runway. Do we even use F16 any more?

your mum's garbage.

This wasn't an accident. It was definitely someone that wanted to fire it for fun, and now it's getting covered up as an accident.

in any case as far as aviation mishaps go this one is fucking awesome and i'd rather be IN the command that it happened at just so i could fucking see it. i've seen an ammo can go through an s-3b engine during high-power turn but i've never seen a maintainer light up a fucking parked jet

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Dumb nigger, this was Belgian.

Shouldnt-uh don that, he just a boi

Do not taunt the Forest Elves.

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I got it


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>Gatling guns are dangerous because they can fire if you manually rotate the barrels. The firing mechanism is simply a spring loaded hammer that rides on a cam that cocks it back as the gun rotates, then it falls off the end of the ramp and slams forward. So if the technician simply rotated the barrel assembly by hand and the gun was loaded it will fire.
wow that's pretty neat and also clearly very dangerous if your technicians are retards

That's OK. That's what, 50 million dollars in damage? The US probably prints that much money in just two seconds.

>F-16 Falcon Kills 76- Losses 1- Lost to Ground-Fire- 5

Well Proper Education .... Proper Results !!!!

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it was a belgian aircraft you fucking moron

ethat's one thing i never got about americans it's not like guns randomly fire themselves, they go over the top on safety. I'm not talking about this incident but jsut in general
never point a gun at anything you don't want to kill, how can you even carry a gun in a holster you will end up shooting peoples toes off.

>F16 Eurofighter

Maintenance man dindu nuffin. Hez a gud boi

One thing I won't get about retarded people, is how they won't read a single comment before they post. Belgian AirForce
>F-16 Falcon 76 A2A kills -1 A2A loss -5 G2A losses

Does this mean Belgium is down to 3 aircraft for their Baltic Air Policing mission based out of Šiauliai, Lithuania since August 31? Don't they just have 4 aircraft in total?

nigger they don't even have an army

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Yeah a gatling gun is different to most guns in that the firing of the bullet is totally independent of the cycling of the action. An electric motor rotates the barrels. It will eject and load another round regardless if it misfired. It won't stall on a misfire like a gun that uses the energy of the firing round to cycle. Turning the barrels by hand is the same as the electric motor turning them for the most part.

A "chaingun" is a single barrel gun that uses an electric motor to cycle. Chainguns also don't stall on a misfire.

>Builds the arial equivalent of a tank that most all peoples in all of history couldn't match.

>Builds a gun that can tear this achievement to shreds in seconds.

America Motherfucker!

You owe me some new sides my good man.

We do, and I believe they hired the most autistic inbred retards aviable in the country.
We wasted millions on buying fancy meme planes that don't even work, and are still developped.

Way to go waffle niggers!

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i've never soldered, but I assume you dont hold the metal part

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Das rait.

Congrats, Hjordis, you're smarter than the average American.

And I'm pretty sure that wasn't an accident. The military has to justify why they're buying those expensive pieces of shitty tech that are F-35. Now we have to replace a F-16.

The best description of shale oil I've heard it's white chicken oil, you just wave a white chicken over it and it becomes gasoline
t.fracking bolt-turner

Dries Van Langenhove heeft dit gedaan.

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you know a plane is good when most of its losses are shot on the runway

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Bravo Nolan

Is this officially the latest accounted aerial kill by cannon?

...or woman.

The M61 is electrically primed, nigger.

Just like your mom.

How fat and dumb you must be to "accidentally" destroy 20 mil $ plane?

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Belgian Health Minister levels of fat, I guess.

our military is full of women and non-whites

this isn't surprising in the least


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Well paint me green and call me a space n i g g e r that's a fine shot mister!

Best scoring by Belgium AF since WW1

Congrats Belgiums Air Force for your first ever kill!

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happened in Belgium

they said "technician" instead of something more descriptive, what would they say?
that 20 mil costs about double to spend, so this just cost everyone 50 cents. well done

Wow, our cannons are fucking awesome!

look how much damage that motherfucker did!

There's a good reason why the heat shield starts to blacken around the tip.

they fell for the meme plane

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It's happened in belgium, you memeflag retard

>haha dude our incompetence is our biggest weapon!

You are so close to the truth my little amerimutt. If only your destination was not so asymptotic.

This was done by Belgians. Those fuckers need to stick to waffles and beer.

>Amerifat jetfighter loss counts
>Killed below stall speed by a prop plane
>Killed when standing still

All the people itt tricked by OPs ruse.

Just asking for it.


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