>g-g-guys....is he okay?
G-g-guys....is he okay?
>gradually lost all his allies
>spent NPI's money on a boy scout retreat for ubermenschen youth
>got run off college campuses by angry mobs
>was caught fucking his right-hand-man's wife, disavowed by everyone
sad way this story ended, the guy just didn't have any character or charisma
And your sources are...
>was caught fucking his right-hand-man's wife, disavowed by everyone
that was matt heimbach, basically the same person but slightly less of a WASP
He got a black gf
Funny how /ourguy/ Spencer never gets banned on social media.
Who gives a shit. He's a fucking nobody and controlled opposition.
Yeah the Jews pay him very well
Yeah because he didn't violate terms of service like RACEWARRIORPEPE1488 did, it's called not being a sperg.
No, Greg Conte who co-hosted Richard Spencer's alt-right podcast, walked in on him engaged in a threesome with his wife and another woman (neither of them Richard Spencer's wife).
Richard Spencer has long been rumored to have affairs with female journalists who cover him, including a jewish leftist journalist journalist. As well as hitting on his follower's wives and girlfriends.
Greg Conte has since left Richard Spencer's organization. Being one of Richard's last-remaining allies, now the man has virtually nobody on his side.