Liberals have ruined video games as a hobby for me. What's the next hobby they will ultimately destroy?

Liberals have ruined video games as a hobby for me. What's the next hobby they will ultimately destroy?

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Outdoor hobbies like hiking/camping/etc. It's already happening.

Okay. We need to talk about how transgressively annoying it is to talk like this.

And that's a good thing!

I'm not sure it was such a bad thing after all. Getting out of video games gave me the motivation and time into working on cars, and now I race go karts and late models instead of bing bing wahoo shit. Honestly, I've never felt better. Was it 4d chess after all?

>video games
>a hobby

t. incel

If they break your hobby then you break liberals. It's simple.

I wonder how they'll do this. It's like saying liberals will take over weightlifting. Those things require alot of effort and you can sync your NPC firmware while exerting yourself away from a screen.

They are trying to ruin the car enthusiast hobby but failing, as engines require men to fix and they cant into cars even when they try. Its an industry that requires wrenchwork and you gotta get dirty and sweat if you want to enjoy it. Clean your car? Go outside and wash it in the heat. Change exhaust? Time to fix it up and take some bolts out. Motorcycles is a mans hobby and always has been since the early 1900s

not seeing it tbqh

'we need to talk about'
'and that's a good thing's

Absolutely disgusting.

The funny thing is most of that tone is talking down. They are children and respond to the authority in the headline.

Anime is next

Is Red Dead Redemption 2 tainted as well? Am planning to buy

reminder that the entire LGBT community prides transgressiveness and cultural subversion above all else. their entire culture and being is a mad dash towards normalizing degeneracy and retarded nonsense.

Hopefully not

nah anime is a japanese owned thing, if they infect it the nips will just destroy crunchy roll and we will be back to pre 2008 anime where its all fan translated and we have no way to pay for it and only illegally watch it on russian owned anime websites that pirate stuff. Anime is nearly untouchable, (((they))) dont call much shots. Instead you have the chinese buying studios instead.

>2018 top ten
Shit I can't even think of ten games total I like

Why is Linus a tranny now?

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Take up hunting. Scares away retards with no stomach, helps preserver nature, and gets you out moving.

Plus the skills you learn hunting are probably applicable one day for other things too.

US nerd culture is inherently degenerate, 1980’s teen movies called this shit out.


LOL, OK that is good

This, I used to spend a large amount of money on video games. Now I haven't bought a new game in years. I'm not planning on buying any games in the foreseeable future. Thanks for helping me save money and get my life back on track.

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Liberals don't participate in any of the hobbies they ruin. They just bitch about them online. They will infiltrate online forums and divide and turn the community against itself. They will get diversity hired into journalist positions so all magazines about your hobby are pozzed. If your community tries to defend themselves from their cancer you are at constant risk of liberals from the wider internet and the Jewish MSM forming a lynch mob against you. The corporations that make your gear will side with the SJWs and not the men who buy their equipment. These hostile NPCs are the perfect destroyers. Shits bleak, breh.

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>implying all nerd cultures aren't degenerate
Oh please, your favorite animated Japanese highschool show is loaded with degenerate propaganda and the people who consume it all become degenerates, including the Japanese themselves.

the japanese president made a deal last year where he is allowing more international collaboration on film and animation. you know exactly what that means

>They are trying to ruin the car enthusiast hobby but failing

Man, now I want to see examples of this hilarity pretty bad.

If those faggots want to jump into my territory, I will fucking destroy them.

>tfw queer deadlifting and the transgression of the ohp becomes a thing

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what is queer

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They do participate, they just don't have any real interest or passion for it, so they water it down and inject their fantasies until it's unrecognizable. For example, the ones that play DnD are more interested in playing out their sick furry lgbt sex fantasies than the actual game.

They're trying to take over that shit too by saying only white people can afford to do it, xit and xer taking their Subaru to a national park and smoking weed in the outdoors while eating pre-packaged foods, leaving the paper where ever, etc. It's fucking disgusting. The white man can't even enjoy the outdoors anymore.

I 100% support video games being ruined. They have destroyed an entire generation of males and turned them into soft soi boys who don't even know how to talk to a female. Maybe this will cause young men to engage with the world again since gaming is being ruined.

I was a gamer 10 years ago. I regret it. All the games become obsolete. The hundreds of hours I wasted grinding some dumb character or achievements are just forgotten or become meaningless when the next expansion/game comes out. I wasted the prime of my youth staring at a screen pressing buttons.

Liberals in gaming is coming to an end. People are starting to use their wallets as weapons. More and more (((progressive))) games are fucking bombing. They will cater to their base soon enough,

It's a word faggots use to describe being a faggot.

Rockstar has always been based and called out SJW's.

Time enjoyed is not time wasted. Only you are to blame for not balancing your life. You could have made the same argument for building ships in a bottle ruining your youth.

>implying anyone but degenerate nerds watch Japanese anime

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Not the same poster but I think you would enjoy this:

Maybe the more accurate definition is RPG’s are degenerate especially the fantasy based one’s, dungeons and dragons tier shit.

I have yet to see a hobby expell these "people" once they've taken root.

all echo chambers do this, it's called a sociolect. We do it too, you know.
>the absolute state
>[insert country] NO!
>[insert country] YES!
>cuck this cuck that cuckcuckcuck
>something something jews something niggers
>also his wife's son kek
>SURELY THEY... [insert anything]
>I wonder who is behind..
>hey rabbi.. wactcha doing?
>like pottery
it's not memes, user. It's beyond memes now, it's a sociolect.

Based and manpilled

This. Almost everything people do for recreation is meaningless and unproductive. Don't blame the games.

Did you miss the news?
It's pozzed. They had a whole announcement about "how women are portayed/treated in the game"

yet to see any in historical fencing
or any non meme martial art

It's not even a matter of people using their wallets as a weapon, it's just basic economics. If a game doesn't look appealing or entertaining people won't buy it, it's that simple. The people who care about this transgressive-queer whatever the fuck nonsense overwhelmingly don't play games, and wouldn't be a large enough slice of the demographic to make a difference even if they did. We live in a world where nearly every entertainment market is vastly oversaturated and people have a virtually unlimited number of options for what they can spend their time and money on. If developers keep pushing boring games their audience will walk away and do something else, and they will lose money, it's as simple as that.

This is just what happens most entertainment. Niche appeal, established fan base, mass appeal, cash grab. I'm actually optimistic that streaming might do some good because if games are not great to play, have longevity, or fill a niche in the market they'll be dropped by streamers and there goes the free advertising. Sadly more people are watching games than playing them but it might be exactly what the industry needs.

play real game "rape a woman without getting caught later" as a new hobby

>Motorcycles is a mans hobby and always has been since the early 1900s

There are countless nu-male motorcycle shops in my city that keep turning every old bike into a generic cafe racer.

oh thanks, I forgot that one:
nice twist, linguistic evolution -right there.

cafe racers are cool

I think any hobby that makes you a social outcast and keeps you indoors for days at a time is bad. Many video games are designed to be addictive and tap into the same psychological tricks as slot machines at a casino. Loot crates that have a chance to drop food stuff, bosses that have a chance to drop good stuff etc. It promotes obsessive long hours of gameplay to achieve a goal or paying to win. Few games are 100% skill based where your ability to do something is the only thing that determines if you get the reward.
I agree all thungs are ok in moderation. Nothing wrong with enjoying casual gaming, casual model building etc. But in hindsight I would do more physical hobbies that involve getting outside and maybe meeting more girls.
When I look back at my late teens and early 20's and see how I missed 90% of my chance to meet late teens and early 20's girls it pisses me off. Now I am in my early 30's and still single. The single women left in my age bracket are single mothers, divorced, or feminist cool wine aunt psychos.
Don't make the mistakes I did...
But hey, I have several awesome World of Warcraft characters saved on a server somewhere if I ever want to reactivate my account. So worth it...

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You don’t have to read Kotaku and you don’t have to play games with themes you dislike.

if you'r a hipster with a trust fund, sure.

The quality ones are cool.

But 90% of them are just numale post-hipster fashion accessory garbage.

They are the new fixed fear bike.

Valkyria Chronicles 4 came out recently, it's a turn based strategy game focused on a fictionalized and fantasy version of warring european nations.
It also got a swimsuit DLC in the first month which adds a side episode where the army takes out soldiers at a summer beach resort, find their swimsuits and then put them on to wear on the battlefield.

SJWs haven't stopped vidya yet.

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Never change Russia.

go find a real hobby, faggot.

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I like all bikes man, I have owned sportbikes to crusiers. Currently riding a 1832cc valkyrie. Used to ride a vulcan s before that a R6S GSXR600 and Ninja 650r. If it has an engine and a clutch Ill find enjoyment in it one way or another. But yeah the hipster riders that barely ride and have shit tattoos and ear gauges that ride those trash heaps piss me off just as much. Glad I never got tattoos, shits bugmen territory these days

You’re underestimating the Jews. They’ll say that “extremist” hiking (outdoors, overnight, solo, or male-only) is dangerous, consumptive of resoirces that could be used on browns, patriarchal, and only exists to prop up fragile male egos. “Real hiking” will ne redefined as short tours of inner city streets to visit community gardens and repaint section 9 housing.

They won't stop until they ruin life as we know it my friend.

It's only a hobby if you engage,not just consume it.Do your own thing,mode,create.

> I wasted the prime of my youth staring at a screen pressing buttons.

Ungratefull faggot,you should have wasted your prime geting harth and mind broken by some cunts.Games saved our sanity and resolve,the people you envy are by large blackpiled as fuck and close to suicide

This is objectively true
>Recent years trails are fucking littered with trash from all the numales throwing shitty water bottles and granola bar wrappers everywhere
>People getting pissed off and starting to deny hikers the right to walk on their property fucking up hundred year old trails
I cant even blame them

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bunch of articles a few months ago about how the great outdoors needs more diversity etc etc

>learn about sociolect
>start parroting it all over whenever the chance

NPC much?

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So(n)y wants you gay

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That's true but it's a shame when a decent gaming franchise gets a huge dose of faggotry for no good reason.

They're currently attacking miniature wargames, 40k as a main course, the other ones less.

It’s already begun. I’ve seen tons of articles about how hiking and backpacking has a white male problem and all the other usual sjw nonsense about privilege and other bullshit.

Create your own, obviously. Once you start learning to create your own, assuming you truly do enjoy video games, you will never be able to play a game that isn't yours ever again. The entire time you sit there playing someone else's you will always be thinking: "Why am I wasting time with this person's game when I can be spending it learning to make my own?"

I’m playing retro.

i would like to know more

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Weightlifting was already targeted a long time ago through all the unhealthy supplements, gear and homosexual fetishation.
However since the sweat of your brow has only one judge that is how true you can stay to the path of fitness, the core of weightlifting will remain uncorrupted.

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it's gay

>if only you knew how bad things really are

Kai's ass also gets slapped in the first few chapters and SJWs heads exploded. The Japanese will never stop making good Vidya stop buying indie garbage from kikes.

someone hasn't seen the new slannesh models

>ever playing western made horseshit
I never heard of this crap

>what will be next
They will go after everything. You'll find out soon enough

I was going to say ‘fuck off’ but it’s a strong reality - a dichotomy between gaming and gaming women which I’d be dishonest to deny. I was only saying fuck off because I like gaming. Been playing Witcher 3 for 24 hrs solid trying to get past the first map. Just had to go back four hours because the first skill I’d picked ‘Trial Of The Grasses’ is gash. So no boobies for me until weekend and that’s if anyone wants to jump a wimp that’s not worked out for weeks. Was retiring BL Handsome collection because I like Jack. He reminds me of me, a true hero.
Vidya is a winter sport here, the 5 raining frozen dark days a week that everywhere fun is shut. It’s an escape from reality without a hangover.

As one brother. As one.

>female solider
>gets sexually assaulted by male soldier
>she fist fights him because she's tsundere
>ends up loving him

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you expect a subsect of a society to not develop its own jargon?

Everyone has them, news at 11.

They already destroyed movies, TV, painting, sculpture and popular music; architecture is probably next.

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They have already destroyed the Movies, the News, litterature, History teaching, relations between the sexes, sciences, computer programming, the Internet, etc. etc.

>architecture is probably next
>he hasnt seen it yet
oh boy

somebody post the blue sea cucumber looking one.

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this is a victim, have some respect

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Jesus christ. Go back to plebbit

>Been playing Witcher 3 for 24 hrs solid trying to get past the first map. Just had to go back four hours because the first skill I’d picked ‘Trial Of The Grasses’ is gash.
Off topic, but there's a vendor selling Potions of Clearance in the shop near the Var Attre's compound in Novigrad, it's by a barber if that helps. The potion does the standard skill-wipe thing.

Sony knows how butthurt Americans get about sexualized video games.

one day the only thing left for them to destroy will be themselves