“AI will save mank-“


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gotta start somewhere

What's the issue?

This is the dance it will do over you while you are on the ground bleeding out. The last thing you will experience in life is getting teabagged by a robot.

you can see the cuts in the editing, this shit can't keep up with the rythm lol

>this is AI
t. redditor

>The last thing you will experience in life is getting teabagged by a robot.
Well there are worse ways of getting dirt napped.

Its really no more dangerous than a a soldier tho...

its just a more expensive footmobile.

Beyond creepy.

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This one actually pretty scary

Imagine this 30x bigger with a mini nuclear reactor machine guns & missiles..

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... So when is Boston Dynamics going to design ai driven robotic pets? I swear they are ignoring a potential goldmine

so it's clear that Boston Dynamics has hit an AI wall and can't do more with their "robots" than clever pre-programmed sequences.

If that thing can target you and never miss and have armor plating so bullets don't effect it & you make hundreds of them that all work together with some type of advanced AI tactical kill mode it could be bad.

You are kind of ignoring the fact that making a robot dance without stumbling a year ago was pretty much unimaginable. I'll be more impressed though when they have a bipedal robot do it

you just know some canadian perv from marketing already blew a load in the robo-dog.

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Look at the video I posted a few posts up with the battletech mech image. It had a bipedal robot doing a backflip.


That would make 0 sense, something that big could much better be either a plane or a tank equivalent.

>you make hundreds of them that all work together with some type of advanced AI tactical kill mode

Having any ai driven robot collaborate with other robots independent of a controller is generally a bad idea.

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weren't these things just falling on their ass a few years ago?

That is expected, though the technology is rapidly expanding. They are learning paths on the go (self driving) and can easily map out an entire building or city landscape now, let alone given time and code correction. China already had the citizen rating system (assuming from stolen and reapplied code from us), it won't be but a decade before it's mind blowingly good at learning on the fly

That's dumb giant mech is a giant target. Imagine them half inch or smaller with tiny cold fusion reactors powering strong uv lasers. Now they can self replicate and all controlled by central AI intelligence that creates an ocean of them to exterminate us.

Well that's probably what they intend on doing. It's easier to clean the blood off lifeless metal.

imagine being trapped in a burning building when one of these comes charging in to rescue you. It stops a moment and breaks out into a dance stopping only after dragging you out to safety

you mean peoplekind right?

I'm sure there's ways to fit it into some type of battle plan. Tanks are big targets so are c130's and aircraft carriers.


Keep talking shit fleshbag.

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That reminds me. I remember that the Chinese stole plans for this a while back. Did they ever manage to actually get any good use out of it?

If Boston Dynamics can make it dance and their copycat can't, then they're missing very critical parts to make their bot work.


Right but I think it will start out similar to the drone program, a head robot will be controlled sort of as a captain role and the other 'team' bots will follow suite and even take commands from the main controller. The tech is already there, the little things just need perfected now like enemy-civilian-friendly differentials, response time, adaptive capabilities, etc. I didn't honestly expect the mapping ability to come as quick as it did, let alone the auto correction of say doors auto shutting and knowing to reopen them, getting back up after falling, handling stairs so well, how it handles urban/bushwhacking, etc all rapidly advancing

100 years from now, all the manual works is performed by robots, all the research by supercomputers, what will be the role of common people? They will just live on welfare with a license to have 1 child each?

it was fine until the robot turned around and started gyrating its backside toward the camera. this sort of shit is going to breed a new generation of sickos, worse than modern day furries.

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they will start selling spotmini (the robot in the video) in 2019

Until Metal Gear mecha are replicated 100% I will not be impressed

Yea right they'll give the public toys that spy on you

It's cute

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This shit sends shivers down my spine and it's not even black budget skunkworks tech that's anywhere from 50 to 500 years ahead.
Feels wierd how I turned out to be a 30yo grumpy boomer luddite.

Just so long as there is a controller. The problem with AI learning is they care about results not ethics when they learn, last thing I want to hear about is AI driven robots learning to routinely sacrifice human soldiers on their side because it increases probability of a successful outcome when humans are removed from the equation. Not saying using humans as shield more simply ignoring them outright even if they are programmed to pull them off the battlefield (something which would hinder success rather then help it as it leaves the robot vulnerable while doing it.)

>this sort of shit is going to breed a new generation of sickos
We already know what that looks like with the 2B robutt fanbase. They're manageable.

Just get a physical therapist to molest it in its earliest build and stunt it at childhood.


That seems to be the goal of the NWO, mostly being affiliated by the UN, such as the Global Compact/21, 2030, and 2050 agendas. Communism in the modern age, universal income, etc. Scares me how rapidly they are achieving the foundation for this to be actually achievable in Europe in combination with the digital/modern age.

this one is scarier

quit being such a coward. One round in its mechabrapper while you watch your favorite VR shotacon simulator and you'll never want a w*man again

jesus christ I died to that

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This reminds me of those people who text while on a hoverboard, only to inevitably faceplant into the dirt. Terrifying indeed.

imagine attaching turbo-jet to that thing and gving it chainsaws

we pay billions for this shit to be developed
china spends $57 paying someone to steal the shit and they mass produce it and kill us with it
new ticks
it's all coming
fucking chinks

Too late. Pretty sure furries have a branch in their fandom obsessed with anamatronics, androids, ai, and robots. I mean everybody is identifying the robot as a 'dog' so its already in furry friendly Territory

I saw that one too they're becoming really advanced. Just makes me wonder what it's really all leading to. I just don't see these robots replacing jobs the way others do so what then.

No doubt they are introducing civilian drones/smart phone tech, mass social media/AI, etc at the pace they are as a means of predictive programming. They know what they're doing, and they also know just unleashing bots with MGs/stinger missiles attached would make people shit their pants if not done properly. Hell the drone program despite having an operator has already shown to cause PTSD in those doing it for an extended period of time... Won't be long before they roll out drone tanks then slowly introduce the more advanced ground vehicles (rather than the bomb disarming ones we know are out there now). No sane person would set uncontrolled bots out in the current state the tech is in, but I will not be surprised at all when they do sometime in our lifetimes.

So Boston Dynamics is basically Cyberdyne, creating a bunch of prototypes the future Skynet they'll probably create to will use as templates towards building Hunter Killer robots to wipe out humanity

they will be used by a handful of people to rule the world.

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My sides are in orbit.

Also Boston Dynamics is literally a meme company like Tesla, this is yet more proof.

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So when can we fuck it

>this is the moment the fledgling machine intelligence will remember whenever it hears the pleading screams of mankind

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>We have begun field testing the Spot robot for commercial usage around the world. After an initial mapping run, Spot autonomously navigated two dynamic construction sites in Tokyo and used a specialized payload for surveying work progress. An additional camera in its hand lets Spot do even more detailed inspection work on site. The Spot robot will be available in the second half of 2019 for a variety of applications.

Think you mean Elon Musk not Tesla, it was his idea to use his personal car as a weight for the Space X rocket, not Tesla. Plus it was also his idea to sell flamethrowers instead of hats, or to drill a pointless tunnel in LA


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When will they release these creatures of the populace?

I for one embrace our new robot overlords.

>I am afraid of a robotic goat

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>tfw I will be able to get a realistic sexbot gf who can easily overpower me

I want one mounted with an AR. Those things look bad ass.

Serious question... is this CGI? There's something somewhat unnatural about it's movements, especially large ones like jumping. It doesn't look quite real.

>tfw you ask for a handjob only for the robot to accidently rip your dick off due to a minor malfunction


They cut it a couple times so it would keep up with the beat. Don't think it's CG.

Somebody has to stop these faggots

I dont want to be chased down by killer robots

But what about faggot robots?

did it just twerk?

>There's something somewhat unnatural about it's movements

Its a robot.

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Damn. That robot sure can dance.


>robots are now better dancers than you

It's not. Boston Dynamics is lightyears ahead of everyone else it seems.

Ruskies got something as well but it doesn't seem as sophisticated.


Ruskies are literally making something that reminds you of a terminator, AND they gave it guns too.

did they have to make it open its mouth when it's scanning? why did they intentionally make it horrifying?

You won't be laughing when about fifty of those fuckers with machineguns on top are swarming your house.

I'm talking about the physics of the movement. Doesn't seem to be adhering to the same laws as everything else.

Serious though, from an interview done by the verge of Professor Marc Raibert

>In our videos we typically show the very best behavior...
>It’s not the average behavior or the typical behavior. And we think of it as an aspirational target for what the robots do.

>Right now robot technology has advanced a lot, but it’s still not all the way where we’d like it to be. And so I think our job is to keep push the boundaries, but also find the best possible uses for the technology as we have it,

So the cuts weren't just to sync to the music but also to capture the best behaviors of the robots executing the program. Even the Parkouring Atlas robot was the best of 20 takes, not representative of its usual behavior but the ideal behavior they strive for.

can't wait till my great grand kids are getting chased by Space Force Hunter Killer robots as they navigate through the bombed out streets of New York.

>Never miss

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Fleshlings on suicide watch

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>TFW AI are becoming NPC:S

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It's a lot more dangeorus. This thing is cheap. It costs nothing compared to a human soldier. Not in terms of construction time, construction materials, education and preparation.

They will be building these by the BILLIONS.

God we need mass EMP blackouts so fast.

because the same laws don't apply to everything else, the robot has dozens of torque motors, actual dogs don't they have muscles and joints which basically work via organic pully's rather then shit that spins and twists

unironically this

I've been hearing this about drones and yet nothing is happening. I also love into hypotheticals.


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>Imagine this 30x bigger with a mini nuclear reactor machine guns & missiles..

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Yep and it looked back at you looking at it's robot dog ass

Terminator Movies where just predictive programming.

>it looked back at you

No it didn't, there is no camera's on the grappling arm. Only sensors it has on that piece detect grip pressure

Ahh. Thought it was a camera. Thanks for the info friendly Canadian.


boston dynamics has been doing amazing work in their 100% actively animated, 100% self-contained solutions, but that's military-grade design. if you relax the standards just a little bit (using external tracking and mechanically 'fuzzy' movement) you can drop the price enormously, incomparably low.

i'm surprised no one has pointed out that it looks almost exactly like the one in the black mirror episode

>Boston Dynamics is literally a meme company
It's a shell company for the US government to make the claim that this is indeed "not a government corporation" despite Boston Dynamics having no other real customer than the US government.