Jews are going to come after Netflix for this Red-Pilled film

Many of you already know that that the whole reason they wanted net-neutrality was to put Netflix out of business so that they can continue to corrupt the minds of goy youths through low-IQ superhero movie productions financed by Jews.

The plot of Apostle is an allegory for the corruption of Christianity through "Judeo-Christianity" by the likes of (((C.I Scofield))) and (((John Hagee))). The end of the movie is a call to action to Christians to reclaim and restore Christianity to its former glory.

Jews will attack Netflix relentlessly for this film.

Attached: Apostle.jpg (1280x720, 88K)

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>1 post by this id

Is it good ?

That film was KINO as fuck. Another good film is Silence, it BTFO's (((Jesuits)))

Asked and answered simultaneously
Must watch

Attached: 1537497205094.gif (268x224, 27K)

Seconding Silence. I'm surprised that one snuck past the Heebs without them requiring sodomy or nude negros.

>Not helmed by jews

Interesting. I'll watch it.

It's well known that Christianity was co-opted and corrupted by Jews because it forever and eternally btfo their religion. More specifically and something that's easy to spot, any time you see heavy gematria influenced stuff and lineage stuff that has zero anything to do with anything in the new testament, that's something the jews of the time inserted into the bible. Start with Matthew 1 to see what I'm talking about.

What movie is this? What's it about?

The owner of Netflix is a non-Jew.

Silence is another Hollywood production, directed by (((Martin Scorsase))). Just promotes more Jewish victimhood culture. Look how the Christians are victims! Just like the Jews. Don't Shoah us ever again!

The more you see the more woke you get about Jewish producers and directors.

Without spoiling too much: priest goes to save sister from failing corrupt allegorical Jewish commune.

I enjoyed this movie but the ending made me mad, he had opportunity to kill the thing without communicating with it and I'm turn becoming it and continuing that shit

Netflix is the most Cultural Marxist Network out there.It blackwashes every big IP it gets.

Its pretty good for Neflix but I dont see in any way it's *red-pilled* It's entertaining, and has no cliche kike smut that Netflix shows usually have.

The thing was being exploited. It was being held captive and shit hence why the land was becoming shit.

isnt it too late , most christians will happily die for "israel" .
you cannot undo all those generations of brainwashing with one netflix movie.

I know and now the cult leader is going to do the same thing to the guy since they both survived and he manifested those powers

Your argument is absolute wrong

(((Soros))) bought huge stocks of Netflix


And suddenly you have manipulative SJW shows like "Dear White people" or "Big Mouth"

Follow the money user

Netflix is more leftwing than CNN and NYT

big mouth

Jews always do stockmarket manipulation to make stocks cheap and then buy the stocks en masse. This says nothing. Almost all big companies have shares held by Jews.

5 cents were deposited into your account, shill

You realize this is just an advertising thread, right?


Barring the occasional conservative voices, Netflix is left leaning as hell.