The most influential tech mogal of our time is an Misatofag. How does this make you feel?

The most influential tech mogal of our time is an Misatofag. How does this make you feel?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>The most influential tech mogal of our time
not even close lol

misato is objectively best girl

Misato is objectively and factually the best option, so it seems perfectly appropriate that this gentleman of refined culture and taste supports that position.

With Steve Jobs dead of aids and Bill Gates busy sucking NWO dick Elon is for better or worse the "face" of tech.

Great taste. If I had money to invest on his company I would do it now.

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>Ebong Musk is now posting weebshits
What timeline is this?

First Kanye, now Elon, what have we done to them?

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Reminder that Asuka-h8rs are just Beta Males.

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true facts

Before I watched Eva, I was pepared for some entitled thot or something, but Asuka was pretty good. Both character and waifu wise. It's just that Shinji was an Omega.

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Weebs are master race confirmed

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I think that the issue here is that his other options in the series are 14-year-old girls. I don't think the media would let him get away with that right now. It was the only answer he could give without getting into another retarded controversy.

All Asuka fags should watch this

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Rei is best mommy.

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Triangle heads are ugly af

All of the female characters are drawn so similarly that I feel like it really loses its impact that they're supposed to be clones of her. I feel like if her hair and eyes were the same color it'd probably be more of a jarring effect.

Oh boy... Meanwhile, being attracted to a walking blowup doll is pure Chad behavior, huh ?

no surprise there

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dont you have some land to give up to kaffers? and put on some shoes, mong

Called it fags, Elon is a man of culture.

Typical slav man, always attracted to anything red like flies to shit, sad!


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>Eva instead of Gundam

What a fucking pleb

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is that why i was all over your sisters virgin pussy last night then


we are getting old meme flag, the shit posting kids we use to be have grown up, and some of them actually got somewhere in life, intact and not just waiting for the latest chance to shitpost our life away on a do nothing board for the smallest chance of human contact that we so desperately crave but were denied all throughout our youth.

>t. starves to death

an alpha here, this retarded bitch is nothing compared to Misato

have a (you) for your relatable post

Objectively the best girl is Mana

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have a (You) for deep feels

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>an alpha here
Sure thing, user... I mean, an alcoholic roastie who's hit the wall sure is a Chad's type !

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Georgians are the true alphas.

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the debate is over
asukafags btfo

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For me, it's Rei.

When I was a teenager, I would constantly masturbate to the thought of a threesome with both of them. I chose both.

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I also liked that blonde scientist lady. She had lots of my fetishes.


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here some (You) back, i must sleep now, back tomorrow for more chance of electronic substitution for human interaction due to stunted emotional growth. goodnight friends

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Why are gingers so fucking great Jow Forumsbros ?!

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They are the purest of white. Goddesses.

I mean, she's the closest thing to a mommy gf anime ever gave us, so I kind of understand him.

goodnight m8
Take care

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>calling a certain kind of inbred halfniggers from the caucasus a name
whatever buddy

thats basically me, but im genuinely happy to live like that and work from home, so basically that pic, except with a feelsgoodman expression

Asuka is an NPC

if anything, she is the only non-npc in that anime

maybe the penguin too

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>muh NPC
It's literally a classic inferiority superiority complex trope. Goddamn you people are insufferable.

Spbp. Misato best girl.

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I wonder if that's original dialog. Seems like something some pseudo wannabe nerd writer would come up with particularly for that show.

>hating Mr. Robot
>not realizing it's a critique of Tumblrinas and Neo-Commies
I'm glad I stuck with S3 while the Normies dropped it.

Misato is /ourroastie/

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S1 was analogous to a ted talk. Effectively someone pretending to know shit about something to wow those who treat the subject as wizardry. It was laughably bad.

No one but a beta would ever put up with her constant SHIT.

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boy that sequence of images sure showed us and completely proved your point!

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And it gets worse by S2. That's the point.
She just wanted an Alpha to put her in her place. Shinji was merely too beta. She wasn't even that annoying, especially considering her positive qualities.

bretty gud

bay dents

>She wasn't even that annoying, especially considering her positive qualities.
Go watch the anime again. She's a little bitch with significant emotional baggage. No one wants to put their dick in that. There are actually stable, good, women that still exist. A girl like Asuka is literally a last resort for someone who can't find anyone else in the world.

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>constant shit
Yea sure, her constant shit like "hey i like you, wanna ogle my boobs? i'll even help" "wanna hang out with me all day? we work together and all so it wont even be weird, and every girl will find you automatically attractive too" "hey since youre too much of a beta i'll even kiss you first, did you like it?"

and the answer to that was basically "no i dont like you" and thats when the shit and constant "nobody likes me" started

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Rewatch that shit. She doesn't behave like a normal person. She's emotionally broken from a fucked up childhood. She's never good.


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I'm ok with him liking anime. He's an awkward man child so he can do whatever he wants. Anime is alright in moderation, anyway.

Muh man. Gundam.


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Actually she does, until the only two people who she cared about tell her to fuck off

she behaves like a normal smug self-entitled kid until then

I've known many families who have raised girls who didn't become terrible little shits like her. If all 14 year old girls you know act like her, that's really too bad. 14 year old girls have the capability to be mature and feminine and well on their way to becoming wonderful women.

Rei is best girl alright

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Checked and kekked my dude
Nice going frogman

>reeeeee i cant like a girl who isnt an autistic biorobot like me!!!! i'd have to interact with her and stuff!!!!

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>not choosing NPC girls to resurrect the reich with

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>You insulted my immature-brat, emotional-baggage-laden waifu!
>You must like Rei! Fuck you!

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nice projections

>what do words mean?

you ok there, npc? youve completely stopped making any sense now

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I don't remember Rei ever having had an inner monologue, unlike Asuka.
You Reifags are really desperate now.

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Of course she has emotional baggage. And she's also a highly skilled and intelligent teenager. And all she does is overplay her good qualities, clumsily, in a way to compensate for her crippling insecurity. But if Shinji was a bit more than a supreme weakling, he'd have put her in her place and given her to understand that there is someone who cares about her. The gal made so many advances and he pickedup on nothing. So again, she felt unwanted.

The man's a meme at this point, so it's only natural that he would assume a meme's way of propagation.

Asuka didn't have a family...

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Maybe if she wasn't such a cunt she'd be a little more approachable, just saying

She's 14 and an ultra-super-duper genius prodigy or whatever. She was just a bit bitchy.Besides, Shinji didn't need to approach her, he just had to be a normal human being. She said "wanna kiss", and not only did he not take initiative, he couldn't even hold her, while she tried to keep the kiss going on for as long as she could.

Anyone else think Elon Musk is just sitting back in his chair, scrolling through the thread and gently chuckling to himself?

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>just a bit


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Nah he only interacts with twatter

>promiscuous psycho with daddy issues
>a slut who lusts after older men
>selfish, rude, abusive and cruel because ''muh tragic past''
Asuka is genuinely worse than 3DPD

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what are those numbers, average meters of cock sucked by clonewaifufags?

She pinned after Shinji first. And she liked Kaji because he was mature. If anything, with all her fucked up childhood, that was a good sign. She didn't go around trying to fuck people in bars.

Shut the fuck up faggot or I'm gonna hit you in the face with a sake bottle.

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This thread seems appropriate to post REDEATH. Enjoy the memories Jow Forums

Asuka all the way.
Rei is a filthy incest feti feti.

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My taste> your taste

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the world is safe

Girly girls are for fags.

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If you're gonna pic someone other than the Trinity, then Ritsuko is the obvious choice. Ranking goes

Ritsuko > Asuka >Misato >>> Rei >>>> Who-gives-a-fuck

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I see Musk is a man of culture

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