Is Trump low test?

>zero facial hair
>non-existent jawline and weak chin
>small hands

And it's not because he's old. His sons are like that too.

Attached: donald-trump-1.png (1000x750, 840K)

He’s 72 you faggot.

Attached: A762F260-3CC8-44A6-A5A3-B3270677D9F7.jpg (886x1024, 77K)

Do low test people constantly need to imply and sometimes outright state how manly they are?

literally a hyper-chad. i've heard rumors only 3 can exist at any one time and the USA was smart enough to make theirs president.

Yeah but these trump niggas shoot up to like 6' before they hit puberty

>beardapp pic

lol nice try. He can't grow facial hair at all and he always had weak soft features.

Attached: young_trump.png (574x423, 320K)

Because when you character assassinate someone, there's a chance of failure.

Would fuck

He's past old age and still has more test than you ever will soiboy cuck zoomer faggot

Perfect genetics.

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Dios mio...

Attached: IMG_2195.jpg (590x350, 29K)

>t. 5'4 Hispanic manlet.

If he had low test he would have low energy. So no. Dudes fucking old af and has more energy than any boomer after 30 sips.

id say low test is a minor detail if it were true. hes a billionaire and the most talked about person on the planet

It's called shaving. People used to do it all the time.

No matter how hard he tries, he's always got that 'If you only knew' face. Sometimes I wonder whether or not he actually does.

He accomplished more in his life that you can dream of in your pathetic existence you schlomo so stop being a faggot and do something productive for once

You mean hes energetically balanced?

Attached: dpjwer8442o11.png (1348x761, 1.34M)

If facial hair was necessary no one would shave it off. So that's out.

Jawline/chin - he has a strong square face either way, so it works.

Hands are average size.

There isn't a single pic of him with a noticeable stubble. He can at best grow a thin mustache.

He had his facial hair lasered off because shaving is a waste of time.

>Orange man bad
>Orange man low test
>Orange man can't grow beard
>hehehe, mushroom pennis

KYS shareblue faggot

Attached: NPC soy.jpg (644x800, 62K)

>Hands are average size.
Yeah for a teenager.