Be me

>be me
>be ugly beta 27 year old nofriends loser autist with no friends or social experiences since school, no attention from women ever, never been to a pub, club, or party, even through university
>walked past a university today and saw literally tens of qts and Staceys in their primes
>felt incredibly demoralised because I'm an eternal loser with no motivation in life and they'll always see me as an ugly loser
>went through university as a loner loser
>lifting did nothing, having a full time job did nothing
>normies are all enjoying themselves and I've missed out on everything

After seeing some pop music videos and Instagram posts today I became even more demoralised. Everyone but me is loving the good life. I have no motivation to do anything in my free time. I just waste it on the internet. I have no passions in life.

I'm such an ugly boring charismaless loser. I become the ugly loner nobody talks to within one day of all my jobs. My level of introversion and lack of normieness makes all professional effort worthless because you need to be a normie networker to get anywhere.

Even junk food barely keeps the pall of ennui and boredom away anymore.

Attached: 3623.jpg (225x225, 9K)

>Be OP
I will just go and kill myself then

Disregard women, acquire currency.

Why bother going to clubs to pay for ridiculously overpriced drinks? Lift, swim, run, read, learn.

If you cant find a mate you're a genetic failure. Sorry user.

Just gotta keep living keep trying and don’t give up man! If you’re still miserable in your 50’s then I guess you can kill yourself but even then I wouldn’t recommend it.

Make yourself more attractive. Stop being ugly. Stop being awkward. Stop being unhealthy.

Not everyone is having fun all the time. You're seeing their best happiest moments displayed in public and on the internet.

Its a cliche, but get in shape and get a personal trainer and you will feel better about yourself.

Attached: search for happiness.jpg (420x400, 65K)

If you're fat then fast for at least 21 days.
Fat has a tendency to mask your true self.
Plus fasting teaches you to control yourself, and how to achieve the unachievable.
What have you got to lose?

Stop looking to people for a purpose. Find an idea or skill.

you didnt miss out on anything
get yourself a woman who is worse-looking than you are and it's paradise
good looking women make for the worst pursuit ever
a solid 7/10 will be loyal and will make food