Microsoft deleting your images on your PC

>The other day, I saw a thread here on Jow Forums about """"""""""unreported"""""""""" rape incidents.
>The thread went on to debunk the statistics. Along the way, some user posted a screencap of a previous thread, which showed how people can manipulate rape statistics into their favor. For example: Want to increase the number of women raped? Create new categories of rape such as "fartrape". You simply ask a test candidate, if she felt uncomfortable when someone farted loudly in public. 99.99999% will say yes. Boom. Statistic boosted.
That was the screencap, it also had an image of this guy in pic related.( if anyone has it please post it)
>So I saved that screencap
>Went to bed
>Went on with life
>A couple days later...
>Want to send that image to a friend of mine who studys political sciences
>Search for that image on my PC for over an hour
>Didn't find it
The only plausible explanation: Microsoft must have deleted it, since if you're a user of Win 10 (which I am) your PC will automatically send data to microsoft, you can't even turn this feature off. It's located in Windows->Settings->Privacy->Diagnostics and Feedback
Wow, not even the data I save on my personal device is safe, what a brave new world...

Attached: 1517422871457.jpg (676x858, 51K)

>if anyone has it please post it
I meant the screencap not the guy in pic related

Attached: 1518846580413.jpg (528x480, 37K)


I mean bump

Is it more likely that microsoft deleted your screencap about fartrape, or that you failed to save the picture?

I remeber saving it, besides, I'd definitely save a thread about manipulating statistics

also, I remeber having another picture of stalin looking funny on my PC and that vanished as well

use linux

and I didn't delete any images in the folders I saved them in

Windows 7 for life. Former IT administrator and everything after 7 was entirely unnecessary.

i wouldnt fucking doubt it

i tried 3 different distros on my laptop, and all 3 failed to install and boot up. I dont know if its my usb drive or my laptop is fucky. If i had ubuntu by now i would have been using that, or manjaro.

Dont you mean vista?

how old is your laptop? use 16.04, its stable.
the newer releases often are buggy

>mircoshit sexretely deletes my 4chinz meme and statistics about fartrape

This is what peak pissbottle outcast looks like
Tommorow you're going to tell us how you totally impregnated your 2d waifu pillow


Attached: 1539475164716.jpg (1024x734, 86K)

google has been caught doing this on google drive.
msoft has been growing their power on windows 10 to collect data, so its not out of the realm of possiblity, even if its probably OP's fault

its from 2015, has an amd A6 cpu and a a4 gpu.

Your hard drive is dying you fucking tech illiterate dumb ass. Backup all your data immediately, or else they'll become unreadable and thus invisible to the OS as well.

my pc is two years old at most, I wouldn't consider that broken

Attached: 1518582644487.gif (226x410, 38K)

Autism based magnetic radiation has damaged your PC.
Knowing this, stop buying electronics.

If you use IE (please don’t use IE)
And you download something instead of hitting save as, it puts it in a temp folder that is eventually deleted

I use firefox and I clicked on the image "save as"

Saved images don't get deleted unless you post the ayyy lmao

Perhaps you got distracted and thought it was just an open image folder.
If you misclicked and just clicked below the save button, you would have seen the screen disappear just like if it had saved.
There are a lot of mundane answers to why this is very likely your failure.
Next time be more careful, and have an offline SSD if you want actual security of files, like me.

Then you really did get remote-jewed.
My condolences, friend.

>better luck next time