AMBER alert

Missing Wisconsin girl whose parents were found dead may have been seen in Florida

Attached: Jayme.jpg (534x534, 68K)

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haha, could you imagine?

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Who the fuck cares. Thousands of children go missing a year. This is only being focused on so that everyone ignores all the others.

lol, imagine you could just live a life with your people without fear

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My implication was that she probably did it.

look at her demonic eyes

The braids look really nice

Found a really weird little girl's spa the other day. Gave me a bad vibe

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This. She looks evil.

shes at epsteins house now

She either did it and ran or is dead in a dumpster covered in jizz.

be an hero and keep an eye on it.
there's a children day care where I live with the pedo symbol as logo.

Jesus Chris that bitch is so ugly she is most likely hooked up with some shitskin

We need a motive or trigger

Haha, no way.

haha, and then... haha, omg.. imagine you could have a sane relation between the sexes

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I looked at her town on a map, and the first thing I noticed was a Jennie-O turkey processing plant, which means one thing - refugees. After the raids in the 90s and early 2000s, the plants dropped their illegal workforce and teamed up with the State Dept to bring in tons of refugees to be a cheap, compliant labor force.
Barron WI went from 97% white in 2000 to 87% white in 2010 from all of the refugees that they've been settling there. It's probably way worse now.
At any rate, Somalis and muslims have been known to traffic young girls all over the US, there have been several large trafficking busts in recent years. Hope that isn't the case for this girl but it wouldn't surprise me. Fuck the refugee resettlement program and the damage it's done to small communities all over the midwest.

Attached: Wind Whispers Wisconsin.png (919x720, 1.06M)

fuck off rabbi

I refuse to believe illegals and refugees are the problem with everything especially missing girls

She's was last spotted in Miami with two Muslims in a black SUV

She's already on a boat to some pedo billionaires' Caribbean retreat or to South America to be whored out for pennies

She's probably dead too

The saddest part of all is just how absolutely emasculated white males and conservatives are to do anything about this.

And then you turn on the TV, to Fox or CSPAN, or whoever and see the Conservatives doing the same "one race one love" bullshit and completely cucking out on any white identity politics at all.

There needs to be a literal boomer genocide in this country.

Ahhh another fine specimen fit for the production line. The breeders are going to have a field day with her. Her offspring will yield tremendous dividends for the elite.

>with the pedo symbol as logo
>muh generic design swirls
>100% proof cause secret world running cabals tag everything associated with them like niggers would

Attached: 024254356424520.gif (277x208, 3.33M)

So the guide to living in America is to not have a cute daughter?

never said anything about 100% proof
just answered to someone that was put in a bad mood by a poster by saying that the same happened to me, when I saw that logo

The sweetest feeling in this world is fragmenting purity, dissolving innocence is such a rush that floods the mind with the most intense high..

You only were put into a bad mood by the sight of it because you bought the larping here.
It's an incredibly generic design element there are hundreds if not thousands of stock cliparts for, so of course it's going to show up frequently.
The FBI gathers anything that MIGHT have a 0.00001% chance of being associated with something they're investigating, just in case it does. The swirl shit means nothing.

What if I told you the FBI investigates those that investigate the pedo rings? Would you believe me?

>be american
>get kidnapped

I wouldn't doubt it. But let's suppose that the swirl thing DID have legitimacy at one point.
Do you think they'd NOT know the second it wound up in an FBI report, and then be stupid enough to keep using it?

Do you know how much of a high it is to use a symbol like that knowing the association it has? It's like a sexual predator visiting the parents of the child he fragmented.

What is your point of authority on the matter? How would you know?

What are you, some fucking Freemason or something?

I've thought exactly the same when I saw JimmyComet, Podesta, etc. openly posting about it.

You fail to grasp how bad the problem is in these meatpacking towns. They have transformed formerly rural, 100% white communities into little Somalia or Burkatown within the last 10-20 years. I don't even recognize some areas anymore. Her town is one of them. And Somalis are notorious for human trafficking, especially of teen girls.
That may not be the case here, but it would not be surprising. Minneapolis isn't that far and the Somali gangs run underage prostitution rings and have been known to kidnap young girls and traffic them all over the country.

Attached: Refugee Resettlement In Wi.jpg (815x191, 51K)

>two well-dressed, bearded men at a gas station

>how much of a high it is
Please enlighten me; you seem to have firsthand experience.
I'd THINK it paled in comparison to the high one got from fucking the kid in the first place, which using the logo everywhere ran the risk of fucking up.
You don't get to run the world from being a complete dumbass.

>be muslim
>be inbred

Attached: inbreeding map 3.png (572x369, 149K)

teenagers in love and on the lam from the law

No way, the biggest high is flaunting your misdeeds in front of their loved ones. It literally fills my balls with sperm when the look of horror is painted on the face of the mother.

You’re retarded

I'm from Philadelphia so I dont see this kind of shit

thats just arab/indian tradition.

Here's to hoping that niggers get to her

That sum coal burner

It could be going on in your state a couple cities away. You'd never know it unless you drove there because this never gets mainstream media attention. There's no vote on if we want refugees, suddenly they're just here.

Attached: TB-somalians.jpg (512x381, 85K)

do you have anything of substance to say or any sort of insight or are you just going to post your faggot debauchery here to "le troll and le trigger" anons?

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who lives in NY and FL???
young girls taken alive to be sacrificed in the (((blood-rite)))
(((they))) need the blood of the innocent for (((their traditional ceremonies)))

It is (((their))) (((blood-rite))... or in your language (((their right to your kids blood)))

makes you noggin joggin!

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Sometimes in life you have to accept you are and what you are. You understand don't you?

I thought she just looks derpy.

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>a world without jews
Honestly, the fact they exist is what makes me believe God and the Devil do too.

I understand you're just a larping faggot that's why you haven't said anything interesting so far.

Might want to go back to /b/ where you can keep larping about being a pedo with connections. You'll fit right in.

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Teenage girls are hot

Yeah, you are ignorant and bluepilled. Get the fuck away from the filth of the city and open your eyes.

But he’s more likely to get enriched in the City

Her town, Barron WI, was only ~3500 people and they've dropped a few hundred Somalis there, plus however many have been resettled elsewhere but have since moved to Barron to be near other Somalis there, plus any who came later through family reunification. So in the last 15 years, the town went from almost 100% white to at least 10% Somali, plus all the other third world trash that follows due to the refugee resettlement program.
It sucks, it is one of the worst things that can happen to a small town. They take it over and bring crime and drugs and gangs into peaceful areas. They drain all of the resources and contribute nothing in return. And they aren't even grateful or humbled to be there. They'll literally spit in your face.
This is Barron, from a few years ago. They have their own Somali center.

Attached: Somalis in Barron.jpg (1348x996, 324K)

Look up the arch I of her Facebook. She’s a coal burner

florida man strikes again

>children day care where I live with the pedo symbol
>children day care where I live
>with the pedo symbol

Are you confessing user first aid kit?

He thinks that the city is the default and every where else is just like it.

sounds good to me

see you around..

Attached: fragmenting purity.jpg (300x300, 21K)

I lived here my whole life and refuse to leave. I see human trafficking all the time but usually the girls want to do it, not all though. Or they force girls to sell drugs as a front and hide behind fake human trafficking to run deals.
Ok, she may actually be fucked or in shit. Even if she was alive and they found them those guys may end up killing her

It makes me sad, there shouldn't be any coal for at least 100 miles in any direction from there. They target these small towns for enrichment for just that reason.
Any user thinking about moving to a rural area should know to avoid anyplace even remotely close to a meatpacking or agribusiness processing plant.

Finders keepers?

post something insightful or interesting or fuck off

She was spotted with 2 muzzies and both her parents were murdered.

Make of that what you will.

>not even time stamped

psst, your faggot is showing

if she was spotted why isnt the police or swat after them?

(((why))) indeed

you know CIA procures these kids for their masters right? the truth is too scary to swallow for most people

>barren county

>Black Ford Explorer
>Simple License Plate
>Options on the model of the car

She gone.


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This. There is nothing the masters love more than desecrating white children. It would be interesting to find out what her parents were up to politically

Sounds fishy, like a groomer den