Mexicans have contributed NOTHING to civilization or mankind in general

Mexicans have contributed NOTHING to civilization or mankind in general.

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but muh food

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aaw little goblina

Umm they had pyramids and maths better then anything your ancestors came up with sweetie. Try reading a book loser



Are you stupid burger?
>what about color tv?
>or the nobel prize about the elucidation of the threat to the ozone layer of earth by chlorofluorocarbon gases emited by burgerland
>Or the World heritage cuisine(better than the american greasy for fat turds like you) and the touristic places. And more.

you fucking twit,

Mexican ditch weed.

>he doesnt know what a taco is

>a gay student at Valley High School in Santa Ana, Calif. asked his friend, the straight captain of the football team, to homecoming on National Coming Out Day. His friend said “yes” in order to “set an example” for the school and the community, according to Instinct.

>Standing behind a banner that read “I know I am gay but can I take you straight to homecoming,” the gay student, Alexander Duarte, watched his friend Erick Pineda walk a gauntlet of cheering students toward him before Pineda agreed to be his date.

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Food is irrelevant. We can survive on tree bark.

>Muh irrelevant and obscure scientific contributions

It's a shame the Spanish didn't finish the job and establish a totally white colony

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They didn't do shit with math

>i dont understand big words to stopping the breakdown of the ozone layer isn't important
american education

Pretty much.

Nigger, Who do think built your stick and foam and drywall house you dumb mutt?

False. They gave us delicious food, ehile white people shoot up schools

Tacos and rape.

i just wanted to congratulate you on your many incoming (yous)

Tacos. Burritos. Nachos. Beer. Fajitas. Colored television. THICC women.

I'd finish in her, if y'know what I mean.

That 56% doesnt make it by itself

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Their women are widely considered the hottest in the world
Robert Rodriguez is a pretty cool director

Good things have come out of Mexico, China, even Africa. Lets not just say the whole thing is worthless just because worthless is their chief export.

I live in an old wooden house from the 50s that is still great. Goes to show you even old shit white people made is better than the new shit spics make.

I liked Kerbal Space Program.


Then why do you get so assmad when niggers imply you can't cook?

Fuck you, Reagan. You gave amnesty to a buncha spicks.

that immune system tho

boomers never get this

Mayans and Aztecs were responsible for that. Mexico since the Spanish conquered it has contributed jack shit scientifically speaking

>invented one type of color TV that ended up being replaced and irrelevant
>Mexico invented color television
you're like the Brazilian retards who think they invented the airplane
all these stupid countries trying to cling to one tiny invention to eek out some sort of recognition to not feel totally worthless in comparison to the creator of the modern world that is America

>reminder that you did not invent anything and only take the success of other whites person

America isn't the inventor of the modern world britain is. 54% of the worlds most important inventions are british. Hell even your country is a british invention.

Uhhhh they created corn by selectively breeding it over hundreds of generations. There contributions to world agriculture are probably the most significant of any group of people. They had pretty good engineers as well.

Mexican immune systems are amazing. White bois be dying from a cold while the only thing that can kill Mexicans are the cartels.

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That applies to every spic below Texas. Speaking of women, dem mulattos are ugly and fat like the goblins from LOTR

America IS the inventor of the modern world. It is God's Country given to the Greatest Minds! Not a British invention but the British just try to steal everything America has!

Manuel Mondragòn would like to disagree with you.

I feel sorry for that little girl. Adorable, she is, but if she only knew...

They created a civilization which got raped by Spaniards. Gotta count for something.


How dare you forget the quesadilla!?

>walking on the moon isn't as impressive as stacking stones...

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