What happened to France?

French women before:

> Catholic af, faithful to the Magisterium
> chaste and marriage-prone
> many children, proving they are in touch with healthy expressions of their sexuality within the confines of the sacrament of matrimony
> patriotic, even nationalistic at times
> eager to assist their countrymen and allies

French women now:

> atheistic or neo-pagan or into comfy newage shit
> the whores of the galaxy
> "childfree", into contraception and abortions
> globalist shills
> pacifist feelgood weaklings

What happened, and how can we get the old France back?

Attached: wtffrance.png (912x624, 841K)

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you must slaughter the nigger

(((((What happened?)))))

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Tell me that Jews were behind women shaving their pubic hair.

French men before:

>didn't marry/support whores

French men now:

>love whores

french girls were always known to be promiscuous

I've never met a french girl who didn't beg me to put my dick in her ass.

the French revolution was a mistake

Smells like weak genetics.

I'd say French culture was always known for being relatively libertarian on sexual matters. There was always "that element", still illicit but not persecuted out of existence as it would have been in England.

that French women had been essentially more promiscuous I take to be a modernist trope to be honest, a kind of "oh well!" cop-out

this. I fear the damage is irreversible.

Just a reminder that after the French revolution France went full new-age cultist.


The same thing that happened to everyone else?

Every western country has its own unique culture and principles, which means every western country was and is being attacked in a different way. The specific narrative that works in Sweden would not work in Britain, the specific way they are destroying Britain would not work in France, etc.

This also means that the damage done is specific to each country as well. For example, Britain has always been famous for its great institutions of justice and moral law. In an ironic twist, our courts and justice system are now utterly corrupt. Perhaps for the French, their women were a particularly wholesome aspect of their society, one which is now being corrupted and destroyed.


so then, essentially, Rousseau happened, and was taken to logical (and necessarily insane) conclusions, like an anthropocentric worldview, and the French people never quite recovered?

> Britain has always been famous for its great institutions of justice and moral law. In an ironic twist, our courts and justice system are now utterly corrupt

I really blame J. S. Mill for this tbqh

Jews were behind women shaving their pubic hair

Best episode

Second World War happened. French men had to accept that 99.999% of females between ages of 12 and 80 were raped. The pragmatic ones got over it, the ones who didn't stayed celibate.
That's what happened in Germany, as well.

I knew it!

Catholicism is and was gay and we are better off without the Holy Roman Gaypire and Christcuck Frankia.

I don't know much about him but I've always blamed the Stephen Lawrence case as well as the police reaction to it. Obviously there's (((((more))))) at play but that was the catalyst.


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You mean happily jumping on aryan cock

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French women before christianity:
>powerful warriors
>obey to their husbands
>fight to death for their race
>respect their ancestors, gods, and traditions
>teach their traditions to their children

French women after christianity:
>dumb peasants
>disobey to their husbands
>worship a middle eastern man instead of their husbands/gods/ancestors
>teach their children to worship sandniggers
>spread their legs for sandniggers and niggers

Attached: La_vengeance_de_Chiomara-c33e6.jpg (236x238, 15K)

this was propaganda to make us men to enlist during ww2
this is why there were more us raping than german in france

>French men had to accept that 99.999% of females between ages of 12 and 80 were raped
Is this actually true? I thought rape was severely frowned upon in the German army and offenders were liable to get hung. The Channel Islands were the only British territory occupied by the Germans during WWII and I've never heard of women having been raped there.

Nice meme

are you serious?
I guess you were taught history in public school....

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Damm that coud be pretty much true, Spain evolved around the idea of catholicism since the beginning and there's nothing more attacked today in Spain than the church.

Germans always had an ethnic sense of themselves more than any european country and it's the thing that they attack the most there.

Interesting indeed never though about it, ty boy.

Hitler wanted to show the Rest of the world an example and still hoped for peace with Britan to focus on Russia/Communism. Therefore there were strict rules for occupied german troops in France.
And yes Rape was in general frowned upon in the Wehrmacht. The atrocities on the eatern front came mostly from the SS/ SF and and " Hilfstruppen ".

There were a lot more than German troops in France in WWII.

she's the same as a second hand car


It's a triple coincidence not a pentuple coincidence

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Literally no children know about Henri IV, Louis IX "Le Pieux", Clovis, Cardinal Richelieu. But these kids can talk about other history all day

You're welcome.

>But these kids can talk about other history all day
Can they ? If you ask german Kid who build the Berlin wall they will tell you it was Hitler. In general History and geography is at an all time low when you ask people of all ages.

hey, Nietzscheans gonna Nietzsche.

>(((What happened)))
>and how can we get the old France back?

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The image on the left is from that Band of Brothers episode about the nurse love affair.

At least it was a white man

That I agree with aswell, but history should be taught to enforce national unity and create a sense of belonging. Once the rebeu and renoi see that literally no-one was black/brown and french before them, is going to make them want to go back.

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Women are followers, when you take back media and education from (((them))), things will change

Hi Varg.

praising your id

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These days they will never show that in school. Because talking about national ( european ) history and showing all the glory would immediately being called racist towards other nations and cultures which lack that.
Or they will use the old trope of : " every culture is worth the same ".
The general problem is that today society praises stupidity and cheers for retarded knowledge.

Based gringa

Revolution and fucking may 68

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don’t blame the jews for your own inability to maintain your dominion upon your own land. YOU WERE WEAK, that’s why you fell to their power.

World war one happened.

Then world war two, bad guys won.

Sorry shlomo, but we will expel you one more time

No it's not true. Most people wo remember the occupation say that germans behaved pretty well. Americans on the other hand...

Attached: Occupied France.jpg (818x922, 138K)

Truth has been spoken.
I'd say that aspects of France that are being attacked are Catholicism (French was the first catholic nation) and its "douceur de vivre" (sweetness of life) through foreign thugs

French cinema happened.. every movie is like a porn movie, pushing depravity.

How the fuck does the world change so fast. How does this video makes you feel, frenchbros?


The French signed a pact with the Devil so they can engage in "pleonexia"

They are Quebecoises, but ofc it make me feel bad

they got the vote

I don't know about you but after a car has had even 5+ owners (let alone 50+) the car is so worthless and run down that you're basically waiting to pay someone else to collect it off your lawn

There werent any french women before christianity ...

French men in 1900 loved whores, 1800 loved whores, 2000 loved whores, 2100 ruled by whores

Americans talking about things they know nothing about for the 198349894th time, how surprising.

Good women still exists, you just have to go out and find them nerds

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>French women welcomed invading German soldiers with open legs, quite literally from some NSFW images taken.
>implying they haven't always been disloyal sluts