Elizabeth Warren is using White Supremacist Propaganda

Warren showed she is a white supremacist by releasing a DNA test proving she is 99.9999% white to signal to the alt-right that she is /our aryan queen/ and she needs our endorsement for the 2020 election. Why else would a democrat start their presidential campaign by releasing DNA results proving they are pure white if not to dogwhistle to Trump voters in the rust belt.

Here is an Ad she released with people praising her white heritage at harvard law, show casing her all white family, and lauding the pure white results of the DNA test.


I endorse Elizabeth Warren as racially pure enough to run for the presidency

Attached: 1 Elizabeth Warren White Supremacist.jpg (1200x900, 129K)

Other urls found in this thread:


please can we meme into reality the alt-right supporting Warren? pretty please guys.

>0.0001 non white

Attached: 1532194047173.png (800x949, 356K)

If that was jewish the Nazis would consider her fit to be a member of the society

Warren: The little injun that wasn’t.


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The fact that she unironically used the 1 drop rule in regards to her ancestry really shows how she views race as such an arbitrary thing.

The irony is that only some shit like t_d would try this faggotry, but only Jow Forums would be able to pull it off

whiter then you gypsy.

Attached: maxresdefault (15).jpg (1280x720, 85K)

Do not trust women in politics.