Loser single mom chooses drugs over her child

>loser single mom chooses drugs over her child
>we’re supposed to feel bad for HER

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Link, you fucking faggot


addiction is no joke. im basically crippled by alcoholism. you dont ever want to know what its like.

Do you have children?


your edge need sharpening its come off as boring and bland

Sack up and stop being such a fucking weak pussy. If drinking is hurting you, stop. Pretty fucking simple


addiction just means that you are weak willed. Sorry that an internet stranger has to be the one to break the news to you that you dad should have.
The good news is that you can overcome your addiction with this understanding! the human mind can survive out to sea without food or water - it will survive without alcohol.
Good luck and i will pray for you to see that today is your first opportunity to improve yourself.